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Segments of the Fist Chute


ID: 010303101

Science Topic

Segments of the Fist Chute

An Introduction to Fisting Anatomy

Education Center | Course ID: 010303101

Publication Details

Author: Finn Vortex

Published: 01 December 2015

Updated: 19 October 2024

Duration: 10 Minutes

Executive Summary

Introduction to the three anatomical segments of the fist chute, including the anus, rectum, and colon. Basic overview of each segment includes applicable fisting jargon, easily identifiable landmarks, myths and misconceptions, and tips for those individuals new to fisting.


Access to the fist chute is through the anus. Most fisters use the term hole to refer to the anus (hole can also refer to the entire fist chute). Frequently used adjectives associated with the anus include tight/loose, open, swollen, sore, and wrecked.

Basic Details

Anus | Reference Notes
Length: 4 - 5 cm (1.5 - 2 inches)
Components: Primary: Orifice/Verge, Sphincter, Anal Canal
Additional: Anal Columns, Anal Glands
Slang: First Ring; First Sphincter, First Hole (Derivatives: Asshole, Fist-hole, Punch-hole); Cunt; Pussy; Clit; Ass Lips


The anus is unique in that it is the only portion of the fist chute that has visible and non-visible landmarks.

Visible Landmarks

Visible landmarks include the lips and occasionally the anal canal when the hole is gaping. When gaping, fisters will see the fleshy walls of the anal canal or a hollow channel that opens to an air-filled rectum.



  1. Noun A state of the anus when fisting where the ass lips independently spread apart to reveal either a hollow cavity or moist red flesh.
  2. Verb The act of voluntarily or involuntarily spreading apart of the ass lips to reveal the fleshy anal canal or a hollow, air-filled rectum.

Ass Lips

  1. Noun Hairless skin that surrounds the anus that swells in size when manipulated by fingers or pummeled by fists.

The appearance of the lips may vary based on genetics, medical conditions, surgeries, and state of relaxation.

Prior to any hole play, the lips are typically flat and pucker tightly so that the anal canal remains closed. During play, they may relax, swell, and grow. Fully engorged lips are often referred to as a wrecked hole.

#0525 - Smooth Hole
@FistingJock - Swollen Ass Lips
@SH - Gaping Hole
Figure 2.1 [ A - C ]: Visible States of the Anus

[ A ] Ass lips that have not been stimulated are usually puckered and flat. [ B ] A wrecked hole immediately after a session usually has engorged, darkened lips. [ C ] A fisted hole may gape and show red tissue or a hollow cavity.

Non-visible Landmarks

Non-visible landmarks are recognizable to the touch and include the anal sphincter (often referred to as the first hole), the bony pelvic outlet, and the tailbone.


The sphincter is an elastic ring that—to the touch—feels about 1 centimeter (1/2 inch) wide. It relaxes and opens with pressure.

Bony Landmarks

There are two bony landmarks that are encountered while in the anus: the tailbone and the pelvic outlet. These two structures may be very prominent or completely inconspicuous based on the bottom's genetics and his history with fists and toys.

The easiest to recognize is the tailbone. If it is prominent, it will feel like a triangle or pyramid that impedes your progression into the rectum. Tailbones can be locked solid into place, or they can move back and forth.

Pelvic outlet is the technical term for the second landmark. It is essentially the ring of bones that encase the anus. Like the tailbone, there is a large variation in size and spacing among individuals. In some men, you will feel these bones as you squeeze through them. In others, they are spaced widely apart and provide little resistance to deeper entry.

Figure 2.2: Prominent Tailbones

The tailbone has a triangular or pyramidal shape and is about the size of an American light switch.

Misconceptions and Myths

The two most common myths associated with the anus include:

No Warm-up Required!

Fisters have trained their holes so well that they can take a fist just as easily as a dick.


Fisting porn cuts out the warm-up sequence because it can often take fifteen minutes stretch the hole wide enough to take a fist, even with advanced fisters.


Always ask your bottom how long their warm-up typically takes.

You'll Shit Your Pants!

Fisting leads to old age incontinence.

Fisters never experience incontinence.


Men in their sixties and seventies who have fisted weekly for twenty years or more do not report any higher level of incontinence than their non-fisting counterparts.

Most fisters have occasionally experienced a specific type of incontinence: Lube Farts.

When excessive lube is coupled with punch or depth fisting, the air that is pushed deep into the colon will eventually work itself down to the rectum as gas. If residual lube has pooled in the rectum, a lube fart may occur resulting in messy briefs.

Tips and Advice

There are dozens of tips for play in and around the anus. Here are the top three for tops and bottoms:

Advice for Tops

  1. Don't skimp out on lube.

    Many novice tops apply a dollop of lube to their palm and rub it in like lotion. With most lubes categories*, your skin will absorb any free moisture within the lube. When you start massaging the hole, the bottom will feel like you haven't applied enough lube.

    After applying lube to your hands, apply additional lube directly to the hole so that it can absorb the moisture and feel lubricated. Alternatively, you can apply enough lube to your hands so that the lube is still dripping off them when you first touch the bottom's hole.

  2. When inserting a hand, follow a progressive strategy.

    At the beginning of a session, a closed fist will not enter a hole without causing damage. Start with a single finger and work up to a full, duck-billed hand based on how loose the hole is:

    • For tight holes, you will need to massage around the entire perimeter with each additional finger inserted.
    • For loose holes, reduce the amount of time before full penetration. Jump quickly from one to three fingers, then four or five.

    Once you have four fingers inserted, rotate slowly around the hole to see if a slack point exists. A slack point is looser and more accommodating than the rest of the perimeter. Insert the full hand in duck-billed position at this slack point.

  3. Take advantage of this highly sensitive area.

    The lips and taint are extremely sensitive to light touch, dry touch, and wet touch. Tickling the area, rimming, and soft strokes from the bottom of the balls to the far side of the hole will cause your bottom to relax.


Tips for Bottoms

  1. Hold off on the poppers until your top advises a hit.

    Poppers affect not only your mind, but also your hole. Using them too frequently in a session decreases their efficiency. Once your body begins making changes to counteract the effects of poppers, the muscles in the sphincter will stop responding to hits.

    Postponing use until just before the top pops your hole will allow him to take full advantage of their ability to loosen you up.

    Excessive Hit
  2. Stretch and condition your hole by yourself on a regular basis.

    Virgin or novice fisters should stretch their holes multiple times a week in order to expect results. A play session once a week or every other week is ineffective and is analogous to going to the gym once a month.

    You can use toys to expand your first hole, or you can do conditioning exercises during your daily shower. The former may be impractical, as a full clean out may be impossible. The latter can be done in a matter of minutes every day without the need to clean out.

    Some tops or versatile men find requests to train your hole off-putting. A high frequency of play is a necessary and is a large time commitment. It can be frustrating to play with a guy for months and never get into his hole. Still, others may find both the journey (and the taking of your cherry) rewarding.

    Self Fingering
  3. Coordinate breathing with your top.

    A skilled top knows several secrets to trigger the relaxation of your sphincter—controlled breathing is one such secret.

    Holding one's breath and releasing at a key point of insertion can trigger deep relaxation of the sphincter. If you aren't coordinating breathing with your top, he won't be able to pinpoint the exact time for that final push.



The word hole is also used to reference the next segment of the fist chute: the rectum. Frequently used adjectives associated with the rectum include shallow/deep and spacious/tight. Hungry is often used to describe a rectum that easily swallows a hand.

Basic Details

Rectum | Reference Notes
Length: 10 - 30 cm (5 - 12 inches)*
Components: Primary: Prostate, Second Hole, Ampulla
Additional: Houston Folds, Levator Ani Muscles, Prolapse (Descended Ampulla)
Related Slang: Rectum: Second Hole (Derivatives: Second Ring, Second Sphincter, Upper Hole); Hole (Derivatives: Fist-hole, Fagpit); Cunt (Female Anatomical Appropriation: Pussy; Vadge); Pitstop (Derivatives: Garage, Lobby, Welcome Center); Prolapse (Prolapse/Ampulla Derivatives: Meat Sack, Rosebud, Rose Garden); G/P spot

*Most texts estimate the rectum as between 10 - 20 centimeters (4 - 8 inches); however, most fisters have elongated rectums that stretch up to 30 centimeters (12 inches).


Anatomical differences and experience levels among fisters affect the position and prominence of landmarks in the deeper portions of the fist chute.

Non-visible Landmarks

All landmarks of the rectum are recognizable only to the touch.

First and Second Holes

The inner side of the first hole (anorectal junction) marks the beginning of the rectum and the taut second hole (rectosigmoid junction) marks the rectum's end. These holes flank the rectal ampulla and upper rectal chambers to create a soft meaty sack that is full of various types of nerves that contribute to anal orgasm.

In novice fisters, the rectosigmoid junction is easily identified and feels like the cartilage of the ear. In advanced fisters, this hole may be more difficult to identify.


The prostate is a firm bulge located just past the first ring on the navel (anterior) side of the body.

Composition of the Second Hole
Figure 3.1: Firmness of Second Hole

The border of the second hole feels like the cartilage of the outer ear.

Bony Landmarks

Resting on the Sacrum
Figure 3.2: Cradling the Sacral Promontory

A hand can rest on the sacrum like it does on a stick shift.

Opposite the prostate and just below the second hole is a bone with a concave surface called the sacrum.

In novice bottoms, the rectum spans about 3/5ths of the sacrum. When the rectum stretches in more experienced fisters, the second hole shifts past the upper ridge of the sacrum in an elongated rectum. The hand can cradle this ridge, which is comparable to how a hand grasps the stick shift in a manual transmission vehicle.

This landmark may not be accessible in the shorter rectums of novice fisters, or it may feel like a dead-end wall that prevents deeper progression.

Visible Landmarks

In certain individuals, the rectum and upper fist chute may slip out of the body and become visible. An exposed rectum is known as a prolapse and provides no navigational aid for fisters.



  1. Noun A condition where a portion of the rectum (or sometimes the entire rectum along with a part of the sigmoid colon) protrudes through the first hole, resulting in a visible fleshy mass.
  2. Verb The act of pushing a portion of the fist chute outside the body.

Synonyms: Meat Sack, Rosebud


  1. Noun An opened, gaping state of the anus where the red flesh of the rectum is exposed to plain sight. Danishes are usually encircled by engorged ass lips.

When the rectum descends out of the body through the first hole, a flower like prolapse appears. As more of the colon descends, a prolapse may resemble a yam, or even a blood red wasp nest.

Danish #0563
Rosebud #0567
Prolapse #0223
Figure 3-2 [ A - C ]: Various External Presentations of the Rectum

[ A ] Raspberry Danish. Bright red, visible tissue that does not protrude past the anal lips; [ B ] Rosebud. Expulsion of the ampulla, creating a rose-like presentation; [ C ] Full Prolapse or 🍠. Expulsion of entire rectum.

Like the anus, the rectum has stretch receptors that send pleasure signals to the brain when stimulated. Various other nerves in the rectal walls, in the sacrum, and in the prostate also provide pleasure when stimulated.

Misconceptions and Myths

The two very common myths or misconceptions associated with the rectum include:

Fisting Inevitably Results in Prolapse

Due to the stress and trauma on the hole, eventually anyone who fists will prolapse.

By following specific routines, any fister can develop a prolapse.


Several prolapsing fisters indicate there is a genetic component to prolapsing. Some men work diligently to weaken the muscles and ligaments to no avail. Others prolapse without any type of body modification training.

At Mid-forearm, I'm Past the 2nd Hole

Any skilled top can work open the second hole during a session if given enough time.

The second hole works just like the first and can be opened with ease.


The first hole is composed of muscle that stretches with ease to complete its biological function.

The second hole is composed of ligaments that are attached to muscles. These ligaments and muscles straighten the hole but do not expand and contract nor open and close with stimulation.

It takes dozens, if not hundreds, of sessions to loosen the ligaments. Many mid-forearm sessions are often stretched rectums where the second hole has not been fully breeched by the meaty part of the hand.

Tips and Advice

There are a few of tips for play inside the rectum. Here are the top three for tops and bottoms:

Advice for Tops

  1. Use extreme caution with long, firm toys.

    Many perforation injuries on the rectal side of the second hole are due to the head of the toy missing the target of the second hole.

    While under lubricating increases the likelihood of this type of tearing, any long, firm toy (that has no give) can catch below the hole and tear, especially when rapidly pistoning.

    Toy Play with Tops
  2. Monitor for grimacing when twisting inside the rectum.

    A bottom will typically furrow his brow or grimace when you pass the wrist for the first time during a session. After a warm-up, there should be no grimacing while twisting and moving inside the rectum.

    If you observe unexpected jerks, extreme movement, furrowed brows and grimaces, it indicates pain. Touch base with the bottom to review what activity is making him uncomfortable.

  3. Get feedback regarding prostate stimulation.

    When using the Butter Churn, the Urinator, the P-Spot, or the Thumbs Up techniques (all of which stimulate the prostate), take a break and validate that the bottom finds it stimulating instead of agitating.


Tips for Bottoms

  1. Never piston with firm toys larger than 25 centimeters (10 inches).

    Poppers affect not only your mind, but also your hole. Using them too frequently in a session decreases their efficiency. Once your body begins making changes to counteract the effects of poppers, the muscles in the sphincter will stop responding to hits.

    Postponing use until just before the top pops your hole will allow him to take full advantage of their ability to loosen you up.

    Pistoning Rambone Avoid
  2. Limit extended plugging and extreme toy play activities.

    Day and night plugging involve wearing a plug for extended periods of time. The constant pressure on the rectal walls can damage the mucosal tissue's ability to regenerate. In extreme cases, defecation may become painful when mucosal tissue fails to lubricate the rectum.

    Extreme toy play involves insertion of large circumference toys inside the rectum. These toys can pinch, damage, and kill nerves that pass through the sacrum. If you feel a tingling sensation or numbness during or after, you are causing irreparable harm.

    There are many variables that determine the maximum recommended circumference, including rectal wall thickness, bone alignment, body structure, etc. Generally, those items correlate with build (small, medium, or large) which can generally be calculated based on height. Use caution and common sense.

    Two Racoons
    Maximum Suggested Circumference - Metric
    Build* < 168 cm 168 - 190 cm > 190 cm
    Max Circ. 33 cm 37 cm 42 cm
    Display Imperial Units

    *Typical heights for SM, MD, and LG builds. Other factors may also apply.

  3. Do not insert multiple toys together or toys with hands simultaneously.

    Doubling up toys or coupling toys with hands increases the likelihood of perforation below the second hole. When the rectum is stretched to full capacity, even the blunt edge of a toy can puncture a taut wall.

    While taking doubles or triples carries little risk to the rectum* because the anus prevents deep doubles and triples. A hand and toy can prove more dangerous. They stretch the rectum tight and displace one another as they compete to breech the second hole. A taut rectum is prone to tearing.

    *While risk to the rectum is limited, doubles and triples can rip and tear the anus.

    Doubling Up Avoid


The final segment of the fist chute is the colon. Most fisters with basic anatomical knowledge will subdivide the colon into four sections: sigmoid, descending, transverse, and ascending. Deep is the primary adjective used when describing the colon, and wow is the most common interjection used when the colon is penetrated by the hand and arm.

Basic Details

Colon | Reference Notes
Length: Sigmoid: 40 - 50 cm (16 - 20 inches)
Descending: 10 - 25 cm (4 - 10 inches)
Transverse: 40 - 50 cm (16 - 20 inches)
Ascending: 8 - 10 cm (3 - 4 inches)
Components: Primary: Sigmoid Colon, Descending Colon, Splenic Flexure, Transverse Colon
Additional: Haustra
Slang: Colon | Sigmoid | Descending: Hole (Various Derivatives); Deep Hole; Talented Hole; Upper Fist Chute; S Curve
Transverse: Grand Ballroom; Heaven
Splenic Flexure: Third Ring, Third Hole


Identifiable landmarks in colon (the upper fist chute) include the second and third holes. These holes mark the beginning and end of the accessible fist chute. Between the holes, the colon is segmented into small segments called haustra. Each segment (or pouch) has a band that opens and closes to help move fecal material through the colon. These bands may be mistaken for the third hole.

A top may cross a bony ridge that is part of the pelvis; however, with many depth bottoms, the rectum will stretch enough that this landmark is experienced while the hand is still in the rectum rather than the sigmoid colon. The second hole may appear before or after this ridge.

Some controversy exists regarding the make-up of the upper fist chute. Some believe that the third ring is easily accessed, and that play occurs in the transverse colon. Others believe that only the sigmoid and descending colon are accessible, but the transverse is not due to its firm attachments to the back of the body. It is very unlikely and extremely rare that the transverse colon is fully penetrated by a hand.



  1. Noun A bend or fold in something such as a part of the body.

There are multiple flexures inside the colon, which are often used as demarcation points for the differing sections. The splenic flexure (or the third hole) is near the spleen.

While not necessarily a landmark, a major difference between the sigmoid colon and the remaining upper fist chute (transverse colon, third hole, and descending colon) is attachment. The sigmoid floats freely while the other segments are firmly anchored to the body and do not move.

Sigmoid Mobility
Figure 4-2: Sigmoid Colon Mobility

The sigmoid can be dragged from one side of the body to the other because it floats freely within the abdomen. Image courtesy of @cavernouscuntFF.

Misconceptions and Myths

The two most common myths associated with the colon include:

I've Reached the 3rd Ring

When a top is elbow deep, he's passed the third ring and is in the transverse colon.


Both the rectum and sigmoid have a high stretch capacity and can accept over 45 centimeters (18 inches) with ease. These sections of the colon float and can be moved from side to side across the abdomen.

The descending and transverse colons are fixed to the body and do not have any leeway in movement. Furthermore, at the third hole, the bend in the colon is greater that 270˚. It is almost impossible to pass through this bend with the limitations of the hand. Fingers may cross, but the hand will not.

In most cases, if a top feels a ring, it is a rarely accessed haustra segment with extremely tight bands.

All Punching Carries the Same Risk

The second hole responds to punching the same way the first hole does.

The colon has the same resiliency and strength as the rectum and anus.


The second hole is mostly ligament with attached muscle while the first hole is all muscle. Muscle tissue can relax to prevent trauma and allow punching. Ligaments do not relax and contract. They open only through regular stretching. When a finger catches the side of the first hole, the hole gives and the hand passes through. When a finger catches the second hole, it can pull and tear the colon on either side of the hole.

The tissue strength and thickness of the colon decreases significantly with depth. The walls of the sigmoid are easier to rip than the walls of the rectum.


Piston instead of punch. If punching is desired, ask for consent prior to the first depth punch. At the same time, ask if the bottom has experience with depth punching. He may not be aware of the risk or limitations of his system and may consent to please the top.

Tips and Advice

There are several tips for play inside the colon. Here are the top three for tops and bottoms:

Advice for Tops

  1. Align your arm with his hole.

    Pressure on the bones near the first and second holes is overwhelming. Ensure that you are keeping that pressure to a minimum. This is done by adjusting your alignment.

    Align your forearm horizontally so that it does not crowbar the left and right sides of his hole. This means your body will be offset to his body by 15 - 20 centimeters (6 - 8 inches) to allow straight entry.

    Align your elbow and shoulder vertically so that it does not crowbar the top on bottom of his hole. This means your elbow and shoulder are on the same plane as his hole, especially as you approach the elbow.

    Many tops start with the elbow bent to allow the arm muscles to push. As the elbow approaches the hole, the arm is straightened, and the shoulder and back muscles must be used to push. An arm that is not on the same plane as the bottom's hole crowbars bones at the first hole and second hole.

    Planar and Horizontal Alignment
  2. Use light pistoning and gentle movement to expand the colon.

    There is a time and place for abrupt and jarring movements such as deep punching. Until you have reached the bottom's maximum depth capacity, limit rapid, jarring movement.

    When you reach an impasse, pull back a few centimeters (1/2 - 1 inch) and do some very light pistoning or finger rustling to awaken the colon.

    Deep Pistoning
  3. Seek feedback and instruction.

    Few bottoms want to be known as bossy, so they may be reluctant to provide live feedback or instruction. Eliminate that concern by requesting feedback.

    A bottom who regularly takes it to the elbow or beyond knows his hole. He is aware of tricks or secrets that make getting deep inside him easier. Do not be offended if he coaches you into his depths.

    Listening and responding will put him at ease because you are building trust, and trust triggers relaxation.

    Seek Feedback

Tips for Bottoms

  1. Practice extreme caution with alternative lube delivery methods.

    Injecting lube into the sigmoid often requires small, elongated tubes that can perforate the colon. These tubes are dangerous.

    If using a tube, make sure it is extremely soft and bends with the slightest amount of pressure. Unfortunately, the slack in this tube may hamper its ability to penetrate deep into the sigmoid.

    A false sense of courage is often experienced when you believe that "more lube" is the key for depth play. This false courage may encourage you to push limits instead of conducting gradual depth conditioning activities.

    PVC Tube
  2. Take advantage of reverse peristalsis.

    Physiological processes within the colon can be hijacked to pull his arm in.

    When lube or water pools against the second hole, the colon will draw that fluid up to the transverse colon for absorption.

    Injecting lube past the second hole is tricky and dangerous, so opt for lubrication tools that administer high volumes of lube within the rectum.

    If necessary, fist in prone position (on your knees) to help lube or water pool at the second hole.

    Pulling you In
  3. Coordinate your breathing patterns with his forward advances.

    In your depth play sessions, practice deep breathing techniques. Observe if depth progress is made while exhaling or inhaling.

    Coordinate and communicate with the top your goals and observations so he can participate with you in your experiments. Once you learn which phase of breathing facilitates depth advancement, make sure to breathe deep and with your chest so the top can visually see your inhales and exhales. He can then synchronize pushing with your breathing cycle.


Content Development

The following material is under consideration in the development of this topic:


Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:

  • Label the three navigable segments of the fist chute on a diagram of the lower GI tract.
  • Give one myth or misconception for each of the three segments.
  • Provide one tip for tops and one tip for bottoms for each of the three segments.
  • Identify one anatomical landmark in the anus and one in the rectum.

Note: Objectives should follow instructional design standards and be easily measurable with little ambiguity.

Supplemental Content

Blog Articles

  • Opinionated Fister: Coming Out as a Non-Transverse Fister

F2 Promotional Materials

  • Thursday Erotica/Neurotica: N/A
  • Skills: N/A
  • Protocols: N/A
  • FWOTD:
    • Prolapse
    • Danish
    • Gape
    • Ass Lips

Outline (Proposed)

  • Navigable Fist Chute
  • Accessible Segments
  • Anus
  • Basic Details
  • Landmarks
  • Visible Landmarks
  • Non-visible Landmarks
  • Misconceptions and Myths
  • Tips and Advice
  • Advice for Tops
  • Tips for Bottoms
  • Rectum
  • Basic Details
  • Non-visible Landmarks
  • Landmarks
  • Visible Landmarks
  • Misconceptions and Myths
  • Tips and Advice
  • Advice for Tops
  • Tips for Bottoms
  • Rectum
  • Basic Details
  • Landmarks
  • Misconceptions and Myths
  • Tips and Advice
  • Advice for Tops
  • Tips for Bottoms

F2 Resources

These individuals have indicated they continue fisting with this condition:

  • N/A

Brain Dump - Staging Area


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