Anatomical Considerations
In the anatomical study of the lower fist chute, it makes sense to focus on the lumen, the bony framework, and supporting tissues of the fist chute. In the upper fist chute, such a focus makes less sense because of the lack of bony framework and the decreased variation in supporting tissues. Instead, a focus on the following items is more helpful:
- lumen structure (morphology) | the physical characteristics of the upper fist chute, including sphincters and muscle organization.
- spatial relationships | the position and orientation of chute segments relative to the stomach and groin (abdominal and pelvic cavities), the gut sack (peritoneum), the abdominal organs, and other segments of the colon.
- supporting infrastructure | the firm and the flexible anchor points that affect penetration, continued passage, and deeper play.
- Noun the central cavity of a tubular or other hollow structure in an organism.
- Noun the study of the structure, form, and arrangement of organ and tissue systems in organisms, focusing on shape, size, and anatomical and physiological relationships within the body.

Figure 1.1: Segments of the Upper Fist Chute
The upper fist chute, consisting of the sigmoid and descending colon, can vary in length from 50 - 75 centimeters (20 - 30 inches). In some individuals, the first 5 centimeters (2 inches) of the transverse colon is accessible.
Depth play requires gradual conditioning.
Without surgery or genetic abnormalities, the process of dislodgement and depth development takes years to accomplish. In the heat of the moment, it is tempting to push limits for rapid gain. This can result in perforation.