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Anatomy of the Lower Fist Chute


ID: 010303201

Science Topic

Anatomy of the Lower Fist Chute

Anatomical Insights for Shallow Fisting

Education Center | Course ID: 010303201

Publication Details

Author: Finn Vortex

Published: 30 September 2024

Updated: 30 September 2024

Duration: 15 Minutes

Executive Summary

Gross anatomical review of the lower fist chute, including the anus, rectum, and adjacent organs. Recommendations for preventing injuries per segment are provided.

Lower Fist Chute

The fist chute can be divided into two halves: lower fist chute and upper fist chute. The lower fist chute is composed of the anus and rectum while the upper fist chute is composed of the accessible portions of the colon.

Structural Makeup

Of the four types of fisting, three are focused on the lower fist chute. These types include elementary play, stretch (or width/girth) play, and punch play. While depth play certainly passes through the rectum, its primary focus is the upper fist chute.

In discussing gross anatomy, it is helpful to reduce the lower fist chute into three areas:

  • lumen | the actual GI tract composed of smooth muscle tissue.
  • bony framework | the portion of the skeletal system that encases the lumen.
  • supportive tissue | the muscles and connective tissue (ligaments and tendons) that keep the lumen in place.
Boney Frame
Supporting Tissues
Figure 1.2 [ A - C ]: Areas of Focus

[ A ] The lumen (channel) of the lower GI tract. [ B ] The bony framework of the skeletal system. [ C ] The supporting muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Fisters often use the term fist chute to reference the lumen of the lower GI tract. In this course, Fist Theory™ uses fist chute as an all-inclusive term for the lumen, the bony framework, and the supportive tissues. Fist channel or lumen are used to reference the tubular GI tract.



  1. Noun the central cavity of a tubular or other hollow structure in an organism.

Gross Anatomy

  1. Noun the branch of anatomy that deals with the structure of organs and tissues that are visible to the naked eye.
Navigable Areas of Fist Chute
Figure 1.1: Segments of the Lower Fist Chute

The lower fist chute, consisting of the anus and rectum, is about one-fifth the size of the upper fist chute.

It is also relevant to discuss organs or organ systems adjacent to the fist chute. For the lower fist chute, this includes the portions of the urinary system (bladder and urethra) and portions of the reproductive system (penis, glands, and ducts).


Anus and anal canal are often used synonymously by the public and educators alike. Fist Theory™ uses anus as the umbrella term and anal canal as a component of the anus.

For additional information on the anus, including landmarks, misconceptions, tips, and techniques to maximize pleasure, please refer to the associated quick reference topics.

Lumen (Fist Channel)

The anus marks the beginning of fist channel. In the context of fisting, it has three primary components and two secondary components. Primary components include:

  • Opening/Hole | Known technically as the anal orifice, this is the opening of the fist chute.
  • Anal Canal | The tunnel component of the anus that is also referred to as the hole.
  • First Ring/Hole/Sphincter | The muscular component of the anus that closes off the anal canal when it is not in use.

Secondary components include, but are not limited to:

  • Anal Columns | Twelve columns of specialized tissue produce lubrication and prevent anal leakage.
  • Anal Glands | Dozens of specialized glands at the base of the anal columns help produce lubrication as well as pheromones that are rich in flavor and scent.
Figure 2.1: The Male Anus at Medium Gape

Most anatomical illustrations display the anus at medium gape, which means the channel is open and you can peer into the rectum.

Anal Lumen (Fist Channel) | Structural Details
Length: 4 - 5 centimeters (2 inches)
Max Stretch Capacity:* Length: 4 - 5 centimeters (2 inches)
Circumference: 44.5 centimeters (17.5 inches)
Diameter: 14 centimeters (5.5 inches)
Primary Components: Orifice, Sphincter, Anal Canal
Secondary Components: Anal Columns, Anal Glands

*Varies based on bone structure, genetics, height, experience level, training, pelvic fusion, and pubic symphysis

Orifice [ Hole ]

The opening to the fist chute is called the anal orifice. Prior to a play session, the orifice is oval shaped and measures about 1 centimeter (1/2 inch). During a fisting session, this oval becomes larger and can stretch to accommodate a hand. When fisters refer to the anal orifice during play, they use the vernacular term 'hole'.

The orifice can be visualized as the inner-most circle of a bullseye target. Components of this target include:

  • Anal Orifice | The actual entrance into the fist chute.
  • Anal Verge | The shiny, hairless tissue that surrounds the orifice. This tissue can swell during play to create ass lips.
  • Anal Margin | A 10 centimeter (4 inch) diameter circle that encircles the verge and orifice. This area contains normal skin, including hair and sweat glands.
  • Fisting Margin | The 15 - 20 centimeter (6 - 8) inch perimeter of the target that encases the margin, verge, and orifice. This area must be coated with lube to prevent the bottom from feeling under lubricated.
Bullseye on Ass
Figure 2.2: External Zones of the Hole

Orifice, verge, and anal margin are all anatomical terms. Fisting margin indicates lubrication area.

Illustrated Orifice and Verge
2.3: Verge and Orifice (Illustrated)

The orifice measures about 1 centimeter (1/2 inch) and runs vertically up and down. The verge is the shiny, hairless tissue surrounding the orifice.

#0043 - Hairy Hole
Hairy Hole
#0525 - Smooth Hole
#0567 - Blooming
Steady Gape
@SH - Gaping Hole
@FistingJock - Swollen Ass Lips
#0538 - Unused
Figure 2.4 [ A - H ]: Holes/Orifices in Various States

[ A | B ] Naturally Hairy Hole: Furry holes are often an aphrodisiac. [ C ] Smooth Hole: Hairless holes are usually obtained by shaving (stubble can irritate a hand). [ D ] Smooth Blooming Hole: Lack of fur accentuates the rosebud, caused by pushing out. [ E | F ] Pulsating and Gaping Hole : Fluids, air, or pressure may trigger the sphincter to relax and open the anus. [ G | H ] Wrecked and Unwrecked Hole: Engorged tissue from heavy fisting creates ass lips, which may have developed from a hole in its natural resting state.

Anal Canal [ Hole ]

Fisters do not have a vernacular term for the anal canal. Instead, they refer to it as the hole, or they may refer to it by its location. For example, a top may say: "It feels like there is some scar tissue just inside your hole."

It is a channel (or lumen) that typically measures 3 - 4 centimeters in (1.5 inches) in length before opening into the rectum.

Sensation Gradation
2.5: Anal Sensitivity

The types of nerve cells and the number of nerve cells decrease as the anal canal transitions from the orifice to the rectum.

The secondary components of the anus, the anal columns and glands, line the walls of the anal canal. These components create and contribute mucus that helps lubricate the anal canal. The mucus, together with the sweat glands just outside the orifice, create pheromones that causes ass to have a distinct odor and taste. Many men find this scent to be an aphrodisiac.

Sniffing Ass
Figure 2.6: Pheromones Released by Anal Glands

The mucus created by the anal glands creates a distinct odor that many gay men find entrancing.

There is no scientific data that supports the claim that anal glands release pheromones in humans. Most literature states these glands are vestigial.[ 1 ] Most gay men beg to differ. The lack of data is likely due to the absence of medical necessity or commercial interest.

Sphincter [First Ring]

There first hole is a muscular sphincter composed of two parts: the external and internal sphincters. The external sphincter is under conscious control while the internal sphincter responds to pressure and other reflexes that originate in the rectum. This means a bottom can squeeze or relax the external sphincter, but the internal sphincter is relaxed by physical manipulation (by a top or by toys).

Naturally, the stretch diameter of the sphincter in most men is less than 4 centimeters (~1.5 inches). In order to accept an average fist, stretch capacity must be increased to a diameter of 24 centimeters (3 inches). In advanced fisters, stretch capacity can reach up to 17 centimeters (5.5 inches).

Sphincter strength and sphincter stretch capacity are measured in tones:

  • Resting Tone | Tightness while not in use. Fisters have less resting tone than the general population, but greater ability to control this tone and loosen up. Simple hole massage in fisters relaxes the sphincter enough to accept a fist. In fact, many fisters report that thinking about or anticipating fisting will cause their holes to relax, even if nobody is manipulating the sphincter.
  • Squeeze Tone | Tightness while squeezed. Fisters have greater squeeze tone than the general population. Several are known to be able to milk the cum out of a top while he does nothing but soak.
Racoon Joke
Racoons in Tree
Figure 2.7 [ A - B ]: Racoons and Anal Capacity

[ A ] This racoon anecdote confuses sphincter stretch capacity with rectum stretch capacity. The rectum can stretch much wider than the sphincter. The sphincter maxes out at around 17 centimeters (5.5 inches) diameter or 43 centimeters (17 inches) circumference. [ B ] Racoons filling a hole.

Muscles of the Spincter
Figure 2.8: Muscle Convergence in Sphincter

The internal sphincter is derived from the smooth muscle tissue of the lumen. It is not controlled consciously. The external sphincter is striated skeletal muscle and originates from the puborectalis muscle.

The decreased resting tone in fisters is not problematic because the sphincter has four times the tone necessary in order to maintain continence. Relaxed resting tone prevents fissures and trauma that causes hemorrhoids.[ 2 ] It also decreases the length of time needed to open a hole.

Long fisting sessions or punch sessions will exhaust the sphincter and temporarily cause the canal to feel loose and accommodating. Within minutes of the end of a session, the resting tone begins to return and is at normal levels within an hour.

Quick Reference

Bony Framework

The elasticity of the sphincter is not the only restrictive barrier protecting the fist chute. The bones of the pelvis can also be a limiting factor to the size of a fist and the intensity of play. The bottom edge of these bones creates an opening called the pelvic outlet.[ 3 ]

The pelvic outlet is an apple shaped opening into the pelvic cavity and is made up of the following components:

  • Pelvic Bones | The left and right pelvic bones are composed of three smaller bones that begin fusing at age 14 and finish around age 23. Men who began fisting at a very young age may have wider openings than those who began after these bones fused together.
  • Pubic Symphysis | A small piece of cartilage connects the two pelvic bones together just above the penis. This cartilage works like a shock absorber to accommodate jarring movement. In some men it has extreme flexibility and may stretch some when a fist enters the hole. In others it has minimal flexibility. Like the pelvic bones, this joint matures to its final form by the late twenties.
  • Coccyx | Also known as the tailbone, this structure is composed of fused coccygeal vertebrae. In women, this bone points outward so that a child can pass through the birth canal. Men exhibit differing positions. The tailbone is some men is similar to that in women. In other men, the tailbone protrudes into the pelvic outlet and limits the entry positions of the hand.
  • Sacrotuberous Ligaments | These ligaments link the tailbone to the pelvic bones, providing stability. They have some limited degree of stretch, which may allow larger paws to enter into a smaller pelvic outlet.

The size of the pelvic outlet varies based on an individual's build, genetics, chromosomes, elasticity of the sacrotuberous ligaments, and the nature of his pubic symphysis. Typical circumference of the pelvic outlet is between 30 and 38 centimeters (12 to 15 inches).

Pelvic Outlet Coccyx
Figure 2.9 [ A - B ]: Components of Pelvic Outlet

[ A ] The pelvic outlet is formed by the bottom ridge of the pelvic bones, the pubic symphysis, the tailbone, and sacrotuberous ligaments. The opening may be wide or narrow. In some men, only the tailbone and pelvic arch (pelvic bones adjacent to the pubic symphysis) are felt. [ B ] The coccyx has a triangular shape. Its position and mobility vary in every hole.

Supportive Tissue

To prevent the rectum from prolapsing and the bladder from falling through the pelvic outlet, a series of muscles, ligaments, and fascia create a diaphragm called the pelvic floor.[ 4 ]


The following muscles are part of the pelvic floor:

  • Levator Ani | This muscle complex, also known as the Kegel muscles, has several responsibilities:
    • Defecation Control | By assisting the sphincter to squeeze the anal canal and lower rectum
    • Chute Alignment | By straightening the bend between the anal canal and rectum with the puborectalis muscle
    • Gate Keeping | Via constricting or relaxing to allow passage in either direction
    • Prolapse Prevention | Through enclosing the pelvic outlet and supporting nearby tissues and organs
  • Coccygeus | This muscle supports and stabilizes the sacrum and coccyx. Relevance to fisting is limited.
Squatting Makes Fisting Easier
Figure 2.10: Squatting Straightens the Hole

The puborectalis muscle moves the anal canal and rectum into straight alignment when squatting. For new fisters, squatting is often the most comfortable position to take a fist.


The following ligaments are part of the pelvic floor:

  • Sacrotuberous Ligament | This ligament forms part of the pelvic outlet. It has limited stretch capacity but can give a few millimeters. Of all the components of the pelvic outlet, this ligament has the greatest give and can help make room for larger fists if conditioned properly over time. Its maximum stretch capacity in any given session is 104% of its resting value. After a session, it tightens back. Over time, the cumulative effects of stretching allow bigger hands and more advanced fisting. Apart from creating tears in the fist channel, pushing a huge paw through an unconditioned hole can damage this ligament.
  • Sacrospinous Ligament | This ligament helps support the fist chute and bladder, as well as stabilizes the sacrum. Fisters that can prolapse have greater flexibility in this ligament than those that do not prolapse.


The endopelvic fascia, also known as Waldeyer's fascia, is underlying connective tissue binds all components in the pelvic girdle together: muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves and organs. The strength of connections in this fascia varies, but it can decrease with trauma such as punch fisting and extreme, repetitive movements.

Injury Prevention

The following practices can help reduce fisting-related injuries involving the anus.


To prevent destruction of the mucosal membrane in the anal canal while douching, apply an oil-based lube such as Crisco or Vaseline to the hole. The water repellant nature of these lubes will protect delicate tissue from the force of douche water.


When using alphabet lubes, a small dollop will be absorbed instantaneously by the top's hands and the bottom's ass cheeks and orifice. Pour lube directly onto the hole so that it coats everything it contacts.

When using solid lubes such as Crisco, make sure the lube coating is thick. The extra drag caused by a solid, non-viscous lube causes mechanical injury to the membrane if coating is insufficient.

Physical Conditioning

Regular Butt Clock or Big Ben stretch routines in your daily shower will reduce resting tone and allow larger items to enter without tearing.

Daily or near daily conditioning is analogous to gym attendance. If you don't go, you won't see any change.

Also analogous to workouts is gradual increase. In the gym, you don't do rapid jumps in weights and sets. In your hole, you shouldn't do rapid jumps either. Work up from a small toy to an extra-large hand.

Psychological Conditioning

Practicing meditation and rhythmic breathing decreases body resistance from the autonomic nervous system.

Practice other forms of psychological conditioning by focusing on positive outcomes and past successes.

Build trust between partners in order to remove psychological triggers for defensive actions (such as closing one's hole).

A bottom that trusts will have a relaxed hole that is less likely to tear during initial penetration.


Discuss the first hole with one another during foreplay or pre-penetration activities. Gather a history of positive experiences, past injuries, typical warmup time required, experience levels, and hand size.

The data exchanged helps tailor the entrance routines. It also sets a precedent that both partners are willing to speak up if something feels off or out of the ordinary.

Foreplay and Warmup

Foreplay subconsciously builds trust which decreases resistance in the hole.

Trigger relaxation of the hole through warmup activities such as rimming, fucking, or fingering.

Gradually increase the diameter of objects penetrating the first hole. Start with one finger massages, then two, then three, and so on.

Entrance Techniques

It is unwise to start with a balled fist or doubles. Follow the standard duckbill or lazy goose technique to penetrate the hole.

Many holes have key holes that allow a hand to slide in with relative ease. Search for the sweet spot or specific location that allows a hand in easiest.

Sometimes, a hole relaxes when pressure is applied (a pressure hole). Sometimes a hole relaxes when twisting is used (a twist hole). Experiment to determine the technique the hole responds best to.

Disciplined Popper Use

Used strategically, poppers can relax the smooth muscle enough for a fist to pass through the first hole. Once smooth muscle is oversaturated with nitrites, the physical effects of poppers no longer exist. Hitting poppers early and hard reduces their efficacy when they are needed most.

A hit of poppers can also give you false courage and encourage you to push beyond your skill level. Avoid strenuous attempts at penetration caused by the increased yearnings of a popper hit.

Acknowledge Limitations

Rome wasn't built in a day. Taking your first fist, your first doubles, or your first punches without injuries and tears will take multiple sessions over several months. Don't push it to impress others. Accept when your body says, "No more!" or "I'm done!".


Among fisters, the rectum and anus are typically paired together as the lower fist chute. As such, they share many generic names including hole, fagpit, etc.

For additional information on the rectum, including landmarks, misconceptions, tips, and techniques to maximize pleasure, please refer to the associated quick reference topics.

Lumen (Fist Channel)

Located just past the anus lies the rectum, an organ which has incredible stretch capacity. When heavily stimulated, it is responsible for anal orgasm. Primary components include, but are not limited to:

  • Ampulla | The lowest chamber of the three-chamber rectum that adjoins the anal canal.
  • Upper Rectum | The upper two-thirds of the rectum that that adjoins the sigmoid colon.
  • Second Ring/Sphincter | The terminal end point of the rectum and initial gateway the sigmoid colon, often called the second hole or rectosigmoid junction.

Secondary components include, but are not limited to:

  • Houston Folds | Semi-lunar folds in the rectum that separate the rectum into three chambers to help manage fecal elimination.
  • Rectal Bends | Concave and convex bends (flexures) which align with the sacrum in order to help manage fecal storage and elimination.
Rectal Lumen (Fist Channel) | Structural Details
Max Stretch Capacity:* Length: 30 centimeters (12 inches)
Circumference: 45 centimeters (17 inches)
Diameter: 14 centimeters (5.5 inches)
Primary Components: Ampulla, Upper Rectum, Rectosigmoid Junction
Secondary Components: Houston Folds, Sacral and Anorectal Flexures

*Varies based on bone structure, genetics, height, experience level, training, pelvic fusion, and pubic symphysis

Figure 3.1: The Rectum in a Straight Alignment

When properly aligned through various positions such as squatting, the rectum straightens out to allow full penetration of the hand.

Ampulla and Upper Rectum [ Hole ]

The lower third of the rectum is known scientifically as the ampulla. It is situated just behind the first ring and spans the anorectal flexure (a natural bend in the rectum). Its thick walls are heavily saturated with pressure sensors (for defecation management). A small valve, known as a houston fold, separates it from the upper chambers of the rectum.

The thickness of the walls and the density of pressure sensors diminishes in the upper rectum, which is divided into two distinct chambers by houston folds. The upper rectum usually lies in the sacral flexure created by the sacrum (see Bony Framework).

The combined length of the ampulla and upper rectum is between 10 - 20 centimeters (4 - 8 inches) when at rest. During a fisting session, the rectum can stretch up to 30 centimeters (12 inches).

The rectum can easily stretch wide and occupy most of the space in the pelvic girdle without extreme discomfort. Perforation, or tearing of the fist chute, is more likely to occur when the rectum is stretched beyond capacity.

The lining of the rectum is soft and velvety when properly hydrated and lubricated. When under lubricated, it may feel tacky, or it may feel like dry, taut plastic wrap.

Taut Plastic Wrap
Figure 3.2: Saran Hole Presentation

An exhausted hole that is under lubricated will feel like taut, dry plastic wrap.


Saran Hole

  1. Noun A portion of the rectum that is taut, under lubricated, and has a texture similar to stretched plastic wrap. Saran holes are usually near the exhaustion point.

\-Hole (Slash Hole)

  1. Noun A rectum that does not straighten out easily with typical fisting activity. Most commonly found in new bottoms that have limited toy play or fisting experience.

Forward Slash Alignment

  1. Noun A natural anatomical positioning of the rectum. The upper two-thirds of the rectum are hidden above and in front of the lower third. Regular fisting permanently eliminates this alignment.

Over time, the houston folds lose their prominence and are unrecognizable. In most fisting bottoms, the ampulla is indistinguishable from the remaining two rectal chambers: the rectum is straight and fully accessible.

In virgins and novice bottoms, the natural bends and valves (flexures and houston folds) may isolate the ampulla and hide (or obfuscate) the remainder of the rectum. In these bottoms, the hidden portion of the rectum is typically located above and in front the ampulla instead of in the sacral flexure.

Figure 3.3: Rectal Alignments

Back slash alignment requires searching backwards for the path while forward slash alignments require no search to locate the path.

It is helpful to visualize the positioning of the rectum as forward and back slashes. Novice bottoms often have a back slash [ \ ] alignment while experienced fisting bottoms have a forward slash [ / ] alignment.

A back slash alignment requires the top to curl his fingers and maneuver backward to the pubic bone in order to find a path through the rectum. The bottom will need several sessions to straighten rectal alignment. A forward slash alignment is more direct and flows naturally forward to the second hole without any effort to locate or straighten the path within the rectum.

Rectosigmoid Junction [Second Hole]

The rectum and sigmoid join together at the second hole. In the most holes, this is a circular ring that is about 3 millimeters (0.125 inch [1/8th]) thick. It is recognizable to the touch. In shallow or short rectums, an extremely large cock can feel this hole. Gentle massage and reflexes cause this hole to expand, but gradual conditioning is necessary to increase the diameter for safe passage.

The junction is the most prominent of the four Valves of Houston that separate the three-chambers of the rectum. Occasionally, the valves lower in the rectum are mistaken for the second ring.

Bony Framework

Basic (or elementary) fisting occurs primarily in the true pelvis, an area which is defined as the space between the pelvic outlet and the pelvic inlet (or pelvic brim).

The pelvic inlet is a heart shaped opening into the abdominal cavity and is made up of the following components:

  • Pelvic Bones of the Hip | The pubis bones create a portion of the front of the brim and narrow ridges on the ilia form the sides of the brim.
  • Pubic Symphysis | A small piece of cartilage connects the two pelvic bones together just above the penis and completes the front of the brim. This joint is explained in greater details previously in reference to the pelvic outlet.
  • Sacrum | The sacrum is a single bone composed of five fused vertebrae. The sacrum is concave and connects the tailbone to the spine. The sacral promontory is a distinctive outcropping at the top of the sacrum. It forms the back part of the brim.
  • Depth fisting occurs when the hand completely crosses the sacral promontory (usually around mid-forearm) and completely exits the pelvic inlet.

The size of the pelvic inlet is large enough that most hands can pass through without pressing into bone. Many tops will struggle passing the sacral promontory if they are not correctly aligned with the bottom's body.

Pelvic Inlet Sacrum
Figure 3.4 [ A - B ]: Components of the Pelvic Inlet

[ A ] The pelvic inlet is formed by the top ridge of the pubic bones, the pubic symphysis, the arcuate of the illum, and the sacral promontory. The opening is usually apple shaped. [ B ] The rectum lies within the concave surface of the sacrum.

Supportive Tissue

The rectum relies heavily on the supportive tissues surrounding the anus (the pelvic floor) to remain in place. The rectum needs to swell in order to hold feces; muscles and ligaments would be too restrictive and are absent. Instead, other items provide support:

  • Natural Curvature | the concave sacrum combined with the formation of the anorectal junction by the puborectalis muscle create a natural curvature in which the rectum rests.
  • Rectal Fascia | Connective tissue and fatty tissue surround the rectum. Additionally, fascia associated with the bladder and prostate limit the mobility of the rectum.
  • Mesorectum | A digestive organ fully encircles the top third of the rectum and the front (anterior) portion of the middle third. This structure can be very restrictive or very loose, depending on its length.

Compromised fascia, absent or damaged mesentery, and a weak pelvic floor can lead to prolapse. There are various types of prolapse.

Prolapsing Asshole
Figure 3.5: Causes for Prolapsing Colon

Prolapse occurs with weak fascia, ligaments, and muscles in the pelvis. Damage to or the elongation of the mesorectum and mesosigmoid are also cause for prolapse.

Clapping Joke
Clapping Joke
Clapping Joke
Figure 3.6: Interior Acrobatics Limited by Size of Hole

This playful comic depicts the difficultly of performing advanced fisting activities based on the anatomical limitations of the fist chute.

Injury Prevention

The following practices can help reduce fisting-related injuries involving the rectum.


Avoid using firm objects with defined edges for lube injection. Lube funnels, certain douche bulbs, and clear PVC tubing are too firm for application.

If there seems to be excessive drag, apply more lube till there is little or no friction.

Use warm lube to relax the muscles and fascia encasing the rectum.

Physical Conditioning

Start small and make gradual changes to the stretch capacity or your hole.

Fuck yourself with a traditional dildo (20 centimeters [8 inches] or less) in every direction to increase your stretch capacity.

Use butt plugs to increase the endurance capacity of your hole. Jump up in size no more than 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) in circumference after developing mastery.

Toy Play

Do not let others insert firm toys into your hole. Firm toys, such as the Dick Rambone, are likely to catch on the second hole and cause tears.

Do not double up toys and hands. Once the rectum is at full capacity, it will easily tear even with long, blunt toys.

Avoid rapid pistoning with toys longer than 9 inches.

Incorporate longer ( > 23 centimeters [9 inches]), tapered toys in your conditioning to elongate the rectum so that a hand fits comfortably within your hole.


Do not suffer through discomfort in order to please one another. Discuss any pain you are experience or any limitations you may have, including difficult clean-outs.

Bottoms should ask tops to give feedback on the state of their holes. If at top deems that it is tiring out, then take a break or end the session.

Acknowledge Limitations

If possible, start a session or group session with smaller paws and work up to extra-large paws.

If experiencing saran hole or excessive swelling, abort the session and allow your hole to rest.

Limit numbing your hole with the use of lidocaine and Voltaren cream. It may increase your play time, but a numb hole cannot fully assess danger.

Adjacent Organs/Organ Systems

Within the region of the anus and rectum, there are several fisting-related organs from the urinary, reproductive, and digestive systems.

Urinary System Organs
  • Bladder
  • Urethra
Reproductive Organs
  • Genitals (Cock and Balls)
  • Prostate Gland
  • Cowper's Gland
  • Seminal Gland (Seminal Vesicles)
  • Vas Deferens
Digestive Organs
  • Mesorectum
Organs Associated with Lower Fist Chute
Figure 4.1: Organs Adjacent to the Lower Fist Chute

Organs from the reproductive, urinary, and digestive system surround the fist chute. When manipulated, these organs can enhance the fisting experience. The mesorectum, which is not pictured, surrounds the rectum and when altered, can result in prolapse.[ 5 ]

Urinary Organs

The two urinary organs associated with the lower fist chute include the bladder and the urethra.


The urethra is the tube that transports piss, cum, and pre-cum from the body. Pressure applied to this duct provides a healthy reward to tops but very little stimulation to bottoms. Any penetration of the rectum with a fist results in pressure on the duct.

Traditional fisting techniques milk fluids from the prostate gland, bladder, cowper's gland, seminal vesicles, and sometimes the vas deferens. The resulting fluid, known as piss nectar, accumulates behind a urethral sphincter that is not far from the hole. Fully extracting the hand with pressure applied to the pubic arch will release this treat from a soft or hard cock for immediate consumption.

Otherwise, its lack of specific types of sensory nerves means it contributes little to sexual gratification during fisting.

Nectar on Leg
Figure 4.2: Fist Nectar Expulsion

Fist nectar typically oozes from the penis as a yellowish semi-viscous liquid.


Fist Nectar

  1. Noun The creamy golden fluid composed of semen and piss created by milking the bladder and nearby organs during traditional fisting.


The bladder is the urinary organ responsible for storing urine until it can be transported out of the body via the urethra. It lies in front of (anterior to) the rectum and is fully contained in the pelvic cavity. It has unique tissue that can sense internal pressure, and when stimulated appropriately during fisting, this tissue sends signals to the brain to release a stream of piss, known as a piss geyser. In some cases, it is accompanied by orgasm which is known as a pissgasm.


Piss Geyser

  1. Noun An unstoppable stream of urine ejected from a soft or hard cock due to stimulation of the bladder by a fist inside the rectum.


  1. Noun An orgasm triggered by pressure on the bladder that includes the expulsion of piss spurts or in an unstoppable continuous stream.
Image Description in Title Case
Figure 4.3: Pissgasms and Piss Geysers

A pissgasm results in an irrepressible urge to urinate after the bladder has been compressed or massaged by a fist.

Reproductive Organs

Several components of the male reproductive system are associated with the lower fist chute, including: the root of the penis, various glands (prostate, cowper's, seminal vesicles), and transport/storage ducts (vas deferens and urethra).


The external genitalia are typically not relevant to fisting, except in cases where extreme size or length impedes access to the hole. The internal portion of the penis known as the root is the firm component of the taint.[ 6 ]

Muscles and ligaments attached to the root of the penis control the direction of an erection.[ 7 ] Applying pressure to this area while removing a hand from the fist chute may decrease discomfort.

Boney Frame
Supporting Tissues
Figure 4.4 [ A - C ]: Low Hanging Balls Block Entrance into Fist Chute

When balls impede access, ball rings or a jockstrap is needed to displace the balls for access to the taint and verge.



  1. Noun Vulgar slang for the perineum (the area between the hole and sack).
Male Taint
Figure 4.5: Taint and Root of Penis

The taint contains the root of the penis, various muscles, and several ligaments. They can be easily felt when placing a hand between the hole and balls.


Multiple reproductive glands contribute to the production of fist nectar and semen:

  • Cowper's | Secretes a clear, alkaline, mucus-like fluid that neutralizes the acidity of the urethra to keep your sperm alive. This gland is sometimes called the bulbourethral gland based on its position near the root of the cock. Fluid from the cowper's gland is a major component of pre-cum.
  • Seminal Vesicles | Secretes thick, yellowish fluid high in proteins and fructose to feed sperm. These glands are also known as the seminal glands or the vesicular glands.[ 8 ]
  • Prostate Gland | Secretes a thick, white, milky fluid high in enzymes that protect sperm while in the vagina.
Man Churning Butter
Figure 4.6: Semen and Fist Nectar Harvest

Churning within the rectum forces the content of the cowper's glands, seminal vesicles, and prostate to accumulate in the closed urethra. Image courtesy of Boy Butter lubricants.

Storage Ducts

The vas deferens stores sperm. Fist nectar is stored in a section of the urethra that is behind a urethral sphincter.

Storage Location
Figure 4.7: Storage of Fist Nectar

Fist nectar accumulates in a small area of the urethra behind the external urethral sphincter. Localized pressure on the prostate and bladder may cause expulsion similar to penile orgasm.

Sperm mixes with fluids from the glands during ejaculation to create semen (cum).

Fist nectar accumulates sans ejaculation because of the churning within the lower fist chute.

Both cum and fist nectar can be expelled during ejaculation by several muscles in the penis, taint, and urethra.

Bulb Contraction
Figure 4.8: Expulsion of Man Fluids

The bulbospongiosus muscle involuntarily contracts to expel fluid during orgasm and the early stages of pissgasm. I ]

Digestive Organs


The mesentery is a film of tissue that extends from the sack that holds the organs of the abdomen.[ 9 ] It folds around organs to keep them in place against the force of gravity.

Mesentery Film
Figure 4.9: Film-like Nature of Mesentery (in a Mouse)

The mesentery is a clear film that encases almost all the organs within the peritoneal cavity. This image shows mesentery in the small intestine of a lab mouse.

The mesorectum is the portion of the mesentery that envelops the rectum. Together, with the fascia, muscles, and ligaments of the pelvic floor, they prevent rectal prolapse.

The mesorectum can be torn accidentally by rough fisting and extreme toy play, or it can be removed or sliced during surgical procedures.

Many fisters intentionally tear the mesorectum in an attempt to develop a prolapse or larger rosebud.

Because the mesentery is rich in blood vessels and lymph ducts, it provides extra immunity to the organs it surrounds. Its loss of connection to digestive organs (accidental or intentional) may result in an increased risk for illness.

Content Development

The following material is under consideration in the development of this topic:


Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:

  • Identify on a diagram the two main sections of the lower fist chute.
  • Match anatomical terms with their appropriate descriptions.
  • List three practices that will prevent injury to the anus and rectum.
  • As a top, demonstrate by touch the most sensitive portion of the lower fist chute.
  • As a bottom, demonstrate one position that makes full penetration easier.
  • List at least one component of the lower fist chute that must be altered in order to develop a prolapse.
  • Verbally describe the position of the bladder and prostate in relation to the rectum and penis.

Note: Objectives should follow instructional design standards and be easily measurable with little ambiguity.

Supplemental Content

Blog Articles

  • Opinionated Fister: New Paradigm of Depth Fisting
  • Opinionated Fister: Telegraphing Confidence and Skill

F2 Promotional Materials

  • Thursday Erotica/Neurotica: Harvesting Fist Nectar
  • Skills: Triggering Pissgasm
  • Protocols: N/A
  • FWOTD:
    • Piss Geyser / Pissgasm
    • Fist Nectar
    • Taint
    • Saran Hole
    • \-Hole
    • Forward Slash Alignment

Outline (Proposed)

  • Lower Fist Chute
  • Structural Makeup
  • Anus
  • Lumen (Fist Channel)
  • Orafice (Hole)
  • Anal Canal (Hole)
  • Sphincter (First Ring)
  • Bony Framework
  • Supportive Tissue
  • Muscles
  • Ligaments
  • Fascia
  • Injury Prevention
  • Rectum
  • Lumen (Fist Channel)
  • Ampulla and Upper Rectum (Hole)
  • Rectosigmoid Junction (Second Hole)
  • Bony Framework
  • Supportive Tissue
  • Injury Prevention
  • Adjacent Organs/Organ Systems
  • Urinary Organs
  • Urethra
  • Bladder
  • Reproductive Organs
  • Genitals
  • Glands
  • Storage Ducts
  • Digestive Organs
  • Meserectum

F2 Resources

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