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Topography of the Fist Chute
Graphical Representations of the Fist Chute
Author: Finn Vortex
Published: 19 October 2024
Updated: 19 October 2024
Duration: 5 Minutes
Course ID: 010103102
Quick Summary
Simple diagram of the abdomen and pelvis with overlays that show the location of each segment of the fist chute, its three holes, prominent bones that function as landmarks within, and adjacent organs that are affected when fisting. Includes short index of relevant anatomy and physiology courses.
Introduction to the three anatomical segments of the fist chute, including the anus, rectum, and colon. Basic overview of each segment includes applicable fisting jargon, easily identifiable landmarks, myths and misconceptions, and tips for those individuals new to fisting.
Gross anatomical review of the lower fist chute, including the anus, rectum, and adjacent organs. Recommendations for preventing injuries per segment are provided.
Gross anatomical review of the upper fist chute, including the sigmoid colon, descending colon, and transverse colon. Recommendations for preventing injuries per segment are provided.
Advanced discussion of the anus, specifically body systems and physiological processes affected by fisting. Tips and advice for managing these systems to achieve fisting goals.
Advanced discussion of the rectum, specifically body systems and physiological processes affected by fisting. Tips and advice for managing these systems to achieve fisting goals.
Advanced discussion of the colon, specifically body systems and physiological processes affected by fisting. Tips and advice for managing these systems to achieve fisting goals.
Discussion of psychotropic drugs used in fisting sessions. Includes details on congruence (sharing head-space), selecting partners and events that match your chem preferences, harm reduction strategies, and chem-specific etiquette prinicples. An index of drugs provides specific details regarding physiological responses and precautions to take when in use.
Summarization of this website into three not-so-succinct steps. Includes basic tips that help you reach extreme depths, including goals, preparation, and practice. Each step references the longer, more-detailed articles on this website.
Detailed instructions and information regarding cleaning out a hole prior to any play session, from shallow fisting to pit depths. Apart from specific cleaning routines, also included are details regarding diet and timing as well as tools most appropriate for douching.
Getting Started with Fisting Lubrication (Lubrication 101)
Author: Finn Vortex
Published: 10 July 2023
Updated: 31 January 2024
Duration: 15 Minutes
Quick Summary
A brief introduction to fisting lubrications, including rationale, common types of fisting lube, lube-associated etiquette and practices, acquisition advice, basic application tips, and shelf-life/storage considerations. Also includes an index of the lubrication curriculum from Fist Theory’s Education Center.
Insights, Standards, and Tips for Making Lubrication
Author: Finn Vortex
Published: Coming Soon
Updated: Coming Soon
Duration: 15 Minutes
Quick Summary
Tools and technology utilized in lubrication preparation, including mixing tools, measurement conversion charts, and sanitization options. Brief overview of common mixing techniques. Review of quality control standards for certain common ingredients.
Protocols, Procedures, and Best Practices for Applying Lube
Author: Finn Vortex
Published: Coming Soon
Updated: Coming Soon
Duration: 15 Minutes
Quick Summary
Specific lubrication techniques and the physiological bases behind those techniques. Standard application protocols. Best practices for application, common application myths and misconceptions, and application advice from expert fisters.
Tools and technology for applying lubrications including discussion of external and internal application methods, fusion delivery, and toys that create a temporary anal gape.
High level overview and comparative analysis of lubricant bases, including a short list of classification methodologies. Explanation of Fist Theory's evaluation protocols and lubrication Summary Data Sheets.
Fisting lube recipes cataloged in various formats, including single and multi-ingredient recipes, recipes by principal ingredient (base), and recipes by individual specific ingredient.
Exploration of special ingredients fisters add to lubes to create unique sensations within the hole. Includes classification strategies, related health concerns, and general protocols associated with additives. Also includes a full index of over 30 additives that identifies functional properties, specific usage and prep tips, and any concerns or considerations for each included additive.
Compilation of off-the-shelf lubricants utilized by fisters worldwide, complete with personal assessments regarding these lubes. Lubes, vendors, and manufacturers to avoid or approach with caution.
Evaluations of Various Lubes and Methods of Distribution
Author: Finn Vortex
Published: 23 December 2015
Updated: 31 July 2018
Duration: 30 Minutes
Quick Summary
Extensive review of lubrication options for regular and depth fisting, including pros and cons of the five categories of lube. Also included are tips, advice, and video demonstrations, Red Right DIY projects, and cleanup procedures.
Exercises and insights on stretching activities that can decrease barriers for depth and girth insertions. Also includes an light-hearted story of one of my first fisting experiences, and the advice I received during that session.
A beginner's guide to fisting that highlights the unspoken rules, guidelines, preparations, activities and mindsets prevalent within the fisting community. Instructions on specific techniques are excluded, but are readily found in other Fist Theory articles.
Furniture, Toys, and Layouts for Ideal Fisting Sessions.
Author: Finn Vortex
Published: 15 February 2016
Updated: 15 February 2016
Duration: 30 Minutes
Quick Summary
Tour of my playroom and detailed analysis of the different environments, equipment, and peripheral components that can assist in depth fisting. Instructions are provided on creating your environment and stocking your own play stations.
Guidelines and materials for mapping a fist chute. Includes personal instruction manuals, presentations, and video demonstrations for my fist chute. Advice is documented from both my perspective as a bottom and that of small/medium hand and large hand tops.
Discussion of mood enhancing drugs including poppers. High-level review of harder drugs often encountered in the fisting scene and potential side-effects. Screening techniques used before engaging in a fisting session. Personal opinions on drug use and how it can detrimentally affect fisting sessions and life.
Examination of fisting injuries and fist chute ailments that negatively impact the health and wellness of fisters. Includes resources available to help fisters affect by injury or ailments.
Diverticulosis, Diverticulitis, and Diverticular Bleeding
Author: Finn Vortex
Published: 20 April 2023
Updated: 20 April 2023
Duration: 10 Minutes
Quick Summary
Detailed examination of diverticulosis, diverticulitis, and diverticular bleeding, including the disease process, risk factors, and treatment. Interventions in fisting and lifestyle that diminish flare-ups of diverticulitis. Mental health considerations and communication strategies for play partners and interactions with healthcare providers.
Detailed examination of fissures, including the disease process, risk factors, and treatment. Interventions in fisting and lifestyle that decrease disease manifestation. Mental health considerations and communication strategies for play partners and interactions with healthcare providers.
Detailed examination of internal and external hemorrhoids, including the disease process, risk factors, and treatment. Interventions in fisting and lifestyle that decrease the likelihood of new development or reoccurrence. Mental health considerations and communication strategies for play partners and interactions with healthcare providers.
General overview of surgical removal of severe hemorrhoids, including information on selecting this hemorrhoidal treatment and surgeon, procedure details, recovery and rehabilitation, and mental/emotional considerations associated with the surgery and surgical outcomes.
Detailed examination of sepsis, including the disease process, risk factors, and treatment. Interventions in fisting and lifestyle that decrease disease manifestation. Mental health considerations and communication strategies for play partners and interactions with healthcare providers.
Surgical and Procedural Interventions within the Fist Chute
Author: Finn Vortex
Published: 07 December 2024
Updated: 07 December 2024
Duration: 2 Minutes
Quick Summary
Examination of colorectal surgeries and procedures that impact the health and wellness of fisters. Includes resources available to help fisters affected by surgeries.
Intermediate level discussion of poppers that includes physiological experiences, the chemistry behind nitrites, purchase points and product evaluations. Also includes recipes and other popper-related Do It Yourself activities and training videos.
Words, jargon, and codes associated with handball.
Author: Finn Vortex
Published: 01 February 2016
Updated: 09 January 2023
Duration: 10 Minutes
Quick Summary
Dictonary of fisting terms from ass pig to wrecked. Includes pronunciation guide and code word identification (for words that have hidden, secondary, or encoded meaning).
Reference list of hanky codes related to fisting or fisting adjacent activities. History of flagging from inception to present date. Gear considerations. Protocol related to flagging.
Analysis of non-verbal communication during the fisting session with emphasis on identifying standard and personalized cues a bottom relays as his chute envelops the wrist, forearm and elbow.
Overview of relationships critical for developing fisting and depth fisting practices, including a definition of roles, development of trust, power exchanges, and personality. Also includes registry of clubs, bars, events, and more.
Examination of potential injuries related to fisting and other ailments and surgeries that can negatively impact the fist chute. Includes an online journal of recovery from injury and summarized advice from fisting pros and medical professionals.
Examination of accessories and instruments to expand your fisting capabilities. Primarily focused on dildos and plugs, but other toys may be discussed.
Standards and guidelines for fisting at locations outside your own home. Includes host/guest responsibilities, safety protocols, group behavioral standards, a variety of packing lists (from single session day bags to remote event preparations), and suggestions for improving your expereince at group fisting events.
Communicable Infections and Diseases Spread Through Fisting
Author: Finn Vortex
Published: 15 March 2023
Updated: 15 March 2023
Duration: 15 Minutes
Quick Summary
Index of sexually transmitted infections that are common among fisters coupled with suggestions on decreasing the spread. General overview of the pathology of sexually transmitted infections, including prevention details and infection pathology. Etiquette and standard practices related to STIs.
Discussion of the role of gloves in fisting, including rationale for and against use. Review of protocols including standard practices and glove etiquette. Tips for selecting gloves, including how to measure the hand. Lube practices when gloves are in use.
Examination and review of handwashing, including the fisting-specific rationales behind this fundamental practice. Presentation of handwashing techniques, tools, and protocols (etiquette and standard practices).
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