Art & Science

Lord of the Rings

Advice and Tips for Mastering Rings

Publication Details

Author:Finn Vortex

Published: 09/22/2016

Updated: 04/23/2017

Duration: 10 Minutes

Quick Links / Topics in this Article

Developing Your Fisting Capacity | Step 1: Identify Your End Game | Step 2: Lay the Groundwork | Step 3: Train and Practice Repeatedly

Executive Summary

Summarization of this website into three not-so-succint steps. Includes basic tips that help you reach extreme depths, including goals, preparation, and practice. Each step references the longer, more-detailed articles on this website.

Developing Your Fisting Capacity

For Bottoms, developing basic and extreme fisting skills takes a substantial amount of time——as well as——a focused and continual effort.

The journey is both mental and physical, especially when getting into advanced techniques such as depth fisting, double/girth fisting, and speed/punch fisting activities.

Mastering all of the rings for each activity shows the True Measure of a Man.

Following these steps and associated tips can help you on this journey.

Step 1: Identify Your End Game

Start your journey to extreme depths by developing a master plan. Your plan should include developing goals and boundaries. Re-evaluate periodically.

Define Your Goals

Goal Description / Considerations
How deep and how wide do you want your hole? Most depth fisters stop just short of the elbow; finding post-elbow fisting very difficult. A majority stop mid-forearm. To reach pit depths, you must master a moderate level of girth, although double-fisting is rare with anything but small or medium hands.
How quick do you want to get there? It will generally take multiple years to reach extreme depths, especially if fisting is not a weekly affair. Some fisters prefer a gradual insertion, taking twenty or thirty minutes to reach maximum depth. Other fisters prefer full-depth within five minutes.
What size of hand do you want to master? Hands come in four sizes: small, medium, large, and extra-large. Your anatomy may limit you to small or medium hands for depth fisting.
Will your fisting be intimacy-based, masochistic, or a combination thereof? Many people identify fisting as a BDSM behavior, when typically, it is not. The relationship is based on trust, and the bottom is often in control. Shallower, anonymous fisting may be more sadistic/masochistic, but depth insertions usually have a more intimate relationship.
Do you want to wander into the wilder side? Apart from depth fisting, four other categories of fisting push the envelop. Grudge, punch, piss, and shit fisting. Grudge fisting is anonymous and purely carnal without mental or sexual connection. Punch and piss fisting are closely related. Piss fisting (where the bottom urinates while taking a fist) usually occurs only during punch fisting. Shit fisting is highly dangerous, as a dirty hole accepts less lube than normal fisting.
Do you want to develop a prolapse? Punching and pumping a hole results in a prolapse of the rectum, creating a rosebud. A few kinksters like licking/sucking a prolapsed bud.

Define Your Boundaries

Goal Description / Considerations
Who do you want fisting your hole? For depth fisting, you should find consistent regular ffbuds to train your hole. Anonymous sex may be exhilarating, but a level of confidence needs to exist between fisting partners to expand depth potential. On a side note, men who engage in fisting generally challenge most sexual norms and tend to have vibrant and distinct personalities. Drop any pretentiousness or judgement of personality. I've found that the most eccentric guys are often the most knowledgeable and have your interest at heart.
What are your safety practices? These three areas should be considered when fisting:
  • Gloves and Condoms. Both provide a barrier; gloves will help prevent tears by poorly manicured fingernails.
  • Sero-sorting. Playing with people with similar HIV status may increase your comfort levels.
  • Safe words. Setting up ground rules in advance (such as a safe word) can protect the bottom. Safe words seem very odd to me: 'Pull Out Now' seems to work fine.
Will you engage in, or permit others to engage in recreational drug use while fisting? Opinions vary, but recreational drugs (excluding marijuana) increase your risk of serious injury or death when depth fisting. You may be unable to gauge any damage to your system while high.
When will you seek medical care? Perforation of the colon and infection due to fecal contamination are deadly. Any fister should determine in advance what to do in the event of an injury.

Step 2: Lay the Groundwork

Now that you have your goals set, it's time to do all of the preparatory work. This process may take years before you can master a fist at greater depths.

  1. Obtain Knowledge — Familiarize yourself with fisting practices, techniques, and concerns.
    Watch fisting porn and use this website as resources for your research.

  2. Clean Out — Purchase (and use) an advanced douche system (enemas and douche bulbs are insufficient). Learn how to clean out all the way to the transverse colon. Determine eating habits and patterns that facilitate your clean out routines.

  3. Expand Your Fist Chute — Stretch your hole to a degree that it can take a fist at shallow and extreme depths. This process will take months (if not years) and will occur simultaneously with actual fisting routines.

    These tips may be of help:

    • Acquire a holy trinity of toys for your solo and partner stretch routines. Consider price restraints and current skillsets.


      Your holy trinity of toys should consist of the Father Daddy, Son Boy, and Holy Ghost Holy Fuck.


      PURPOSE: Warm-up

      DETAILS: His girth will stretch the anal canal and rectum for even fatter toys.


      PURPOSE: Ring Prep

      DETAILS: His girth and length will do the same as Daddy, but for the secong ring and sigmoid. Additionally, the larger girth will expand your first ring to near fisting capacity.

      Holy Fuck

      PURPOSE: Depth Prep

      DETAILS: His length, girth and firmness combination will help straighten the chute for brachial penetration all the way up to the third ring. Firmness is key, softer models will not prep you for brachial advancement.

      Supplemental Toys

      It might also be helpful to add a pair of archangels to the equation (double headers @ 18 X 6 and 22 X 8 inches | 40 X 15 and 56 X 20 cm) for clean-out prep.

      Beginners should start with the narrower girth.


      Beginner toys are your first step to mastering the rings.

      Budget Grade


      LENGTH: 6 in | 15 cm

      GIRTH: 7 in | 18 cm

      FIRMNESS: Medium

      PRICE: $35.00 (US)

      Holmes (UR3)

      LENGTH: 10 in | 25 cm

      GIRTH: 8 in | 20 cm

      FIRMNESS: Medium

      PRICE: $60.00 (US)


      LENGTH: 15 in | 40 cm

      GIRTH: 8 in | 20 cm

      FIRMNESS: Hard

      PRICE: ~ $40.00 (US)

      Professional Grade

      Lampwick (S)

      LENGTH: 9 in | 23 cm

      GIRTH: 6.5 in | 16 cm

      FIRMNESS: Med Firm

      PRICE: $119.00 (US)


      LENGTH: 9 in | 23 cm

      GIRTH: 7.5 in | 19 cm

      FIRMNESS: Med Firm

      PRICE: $139.00 (US)

      Lampwick (L)

      LENGTH: 13 in | 32 cm

      GIRTH: 8.5 in | 22 cm

      FIRMNESS: Med Firm

      PRICE: $139.00 (US)


      Intermediate toys will help bring you to the elbow.

      Budget Grade

      Holmes (UR3)

      LENGTH: 10 in | 25 cm

      GIRTH: 8 in | 20 cm

      FIRMNESS: Medium

      PRICE: ~ $60.00 (US)

      BAM (UR3)

      LENGTH: 10 in | 25 cm

      GIRTH: 8.5 in | 22 cm

      FIRMNESS: Medium

      PRICE: ~ $60.00 (US)


      LENGTH: 14 in | 35 cm

      GIRTH: 9 in | 23 cm

      FIRMNESS: Hard

      PRICE: ~ $42.00 (US)

      Professional Grade


      LENGTH: 11 in | 28 cm

      GIRTH: 7.5 in | 19 cm

      FIRMNESS: Med Firm

      PRICE: $140.00 (US)


      LENGTH: 11 in | 28 cm

      GIRTH: 8.5 in | 22 cm

      FIRMNESS: Med Firm

      PRICE: $140.00 (US)


      LENGTH: 13 in | 34 cm

      GIRTH: 9.5 in | 24 cm

      FIRMNESS: Med Firm

      PRICE: $150.00 (US)


      Advance toys take you past the elbow onto the bicep.

      Budget Grade

      BAM (UR3)

      LENGTH: 10 in | 25 cm

      GIRTH: 8.5 in | 22 cm

      FIRMNESS: Medium

      PRICE: ~ $60.00 (US)


      LENGTH: 14 in | 35 cm

      GIRTH: 9 in | 23 cm

      FIRMNESS: Hard

      PRICE: ~ $42.00 (US)


      LENGTH: 28 in | 71 cm

      GIRTH: 9 in | 23 cm

      FIRMNESS: Med Hard

      PRICE: ~ $60.00 (US)

      Professional Grade

      El Rey (XXL)

      LENGTH: 14 in | 36 cm

      GIRTH: 11.5 in | 29 cm

      FIRMNESS: Med Firm

      PRICE: $190.00 (US)

      Boss Hogg

      LENGTH: 13 in | 33 cm

      GIRTH: 12 in | 31 cm

      FIRMNESS: Med Firm

      PRICE: $160.00 (US)

      Stump N' Dump

      LENGTH: 14 in | 35 cm

      GIRTH: 13 in | 32 cm

      FIRMNESS: Med Firm

      PRICE: $170.00 (US)

    • Determine the best positions for penetration. In the beginning of toy play, you'll want to literally squat on your toys to position the fist chute anatomically for penetration. As you become more advanced, you'll be able to examine which fisting position works best for you:
      • Sling (Supine) — Inside a sling, you will most likely be on your back (supine). Your guts will reposition position themselves based on your anatomy and the angle of the sling. Tops will generally need to be on their knees or on a small stool if elbow depth is the desired goal.
      • Doggie — The furniture used with this position will affect how the top enters your hole. If on a fuck bench, he may sit or kneel on the floor. If on a bed, it is usually easiest if the top is also standing, sitting, or kneeling on the floor.
      • Bed (Supine) — I find this one of the easier positions for depth, especially when your ass is at the edge of the bed and the top is kneeling or sitting on a stool. If your bed accommodates it, the top can fist you while he sits on the bed or lays on his stomach (prone).
      • Squatting — This position works best on hard surfaces such as floors, countertops, or bathtub rims. It is an easier position for training for depth because the squat position realigns your bowels in a straighter path for penetration. The top should rest his elbow on the hard surface and let the bottom control speed and depth of penetration.
      For beginning depth insertions, it's sometimes helpful to lay on your right side for insertion.
    • Warm up your toys before playing by soaking them in very hot water. Avoid inserting toys that are too hot in order to prevent burning your insides.
    • Experiment with lube to determine what works best for you. Consider factors such a numbing agents, carcinogens, price, availability, and clean-up. For example, my fist chute prefers all natural xanthan gum without numbing agents. Other lubes irritate my hole and prevent depth insertion.
  4. Understand Your Biology — Even though we are all humans, our internal anatomies vary. The position and structure of the lower digestive tract may be different based on genetics, weight, body type, or surgical history.

    How a body processes pleasure, pain, stimulants, and digestion also affects fisting receivership. In order to go deep, get familiar with your body and adjust activities accordingly. This will take time and can be assisted by a fisting coach.

Step 3: Train and Practice Repeatedly

With your goals in mind and your groundwork complete, you can now go full fist. Weekly practice can have you at the third ring in less than a year.

  1. Identify Fisting Partners — Solo play only gets you so far. Eventually a hand will need to penetrate the hole.

    • Your first fist and subsequent training activities should involve a seasoned fister, especially as you progress to extreme depths. You should trust this man completely, as dangers increase the deeper he goes.
    • If he is new partner, you'll need to direct him on position, speed, lubrication, and internal sensitivity. If he isn't willing to listen to your basic commands and instructions, he can't be trusted respect your limits. Your life is truly in his hands——or, is it that his hand is truly in your life?
    • Trust and communication will augment both your arousal levels. As you perceive his piqued arousal, your mind will automatically relax your hole for him to penetrate deeper.

  2. Set the Atmosphere — Controlling the environment around you affects your mental and physical capacity for depth insertions. While we all don't have a playroom, there are some basics you can control.

    • Bedding and Linens — If not sling fisting, it's smart to have a set of spare sheets dedicated strictly to fisting. This eliminates the worry of stains from lube on the bedding. Additional towels, light blankets, or blue-pads that are positioned underneath the bottom is helpful when using Crisco or j-lube as lubricant. Setting out fresh wash cloths (dry and wet), hand towels, and body towels prior to starting makes cleanup easier during and after the session ends.
    • Temperature — Part of the pleasure sensations of depth-fisting is the warmth of an arm inside the colon. Setting room temperature to at least 75 to 80 enhances the overall experience by eliminating cold shocks. One of my best sessions was outside in the mid-summer, Southern heat. Although we were sweating like pigs, there was no body contractions due to temperature changes as we fisted. And of course, we were both pigs anyway, regardless of the sweat.
    • Scents and Odors — Apart from room odorisers (poppers), smells can set you at ease and increase your libido. Choose calming smells (such as candles or summer rain), or grunge smells (like pits, leather, or cigar smoke) that trigger your pheromonal response.
    • Background Noise — Some prefer the soundtrack of porn or the vocalization of others getting fucked or fisted. Those sounds can biologically affect mood and increase willingness to go deeper than ever. However, classical music can relax the subconscious; thus allowing focus on the pleasure of each inch and the elimination of barriers to depth.
    • Interruptions — Set a time and location where there are no interruptions from the postman, the gardener, or the husband.

    An occasional unexpected fisting in a grungy dungeon or public location can also be arousing, but generally ends up terminating at shallower depths.

  3. Record Your Process and Journey — You don't need to be über-anal (like myself) and write down everything——but——fisting is, by definition, über-anal. Track and document your progress (at least mentally) so you can walk future ffbuds through your fist chute.