Etiquette refers to how you treat others in a specific fisting scenario. There are three etiquette guidelines related to gloves.
Etiquette Explained
Who: Top
When: Throughout Session
What: Lubrication Application
Group: Lubrication
As a top, it is best to adopt a "No Questions Asked" policy regarding lube application. This means, if the bottom asks for more lube, go ahead and add it.
Keep in mind the following:
- Virgin and novice fisting tops are often adollopers. They rely on previous dick-in-ass experiences in reference to lube usage. That is to say, they apply enough lube for fucking, but not for fisting.
- Hirsute men (those very hairy, god-like men) require additional lube, especially if their hair is coarse. A bottom can feel the hair, and it may be agitating or pleasurable. Excess lube can address this issue.
- While the skin on the inside of the hole lacks neurons that can detect moisture, the outside of the hole can detect it, so it is helpful to apply lube to the ass lips and perianal area, so that the bottom mentally detects application. Applying lube to the hand only may leave the bottom with the impression that you didn't apply enough lube.
Anecdotal Narrative

Figure 2-1: Furry Arms
Additional coatings of lube may reduce agitation with coarse, furry arms.
He stuck out his arm to hold the elevator for me. It was furry as fuck and my cock stirred a little. I thought to myself, if only he were gay, a fister, and had that arm up inside me. The doors closed and I pressed 3.
We both got off at the same floor and made our way down the corridor. "Was he headed the same place I was?" I thought. "If only I be so lucky." At the end of the corridor, we both turned the same direction. As we approached the door, I decided to speak up.
"You must be Brody?" I asked.
"And you Finn. I've heard about your hole from Brad" he responded and followed up with "I can't wait to get my arm into you!"
We knocked on the door, entered, and promptly undressed.
"You think you can handle my hairy arm?"
"Have you ever scrubbed lube off your elbow?" I replied.
"That deep, eh? Truth is, I haven't been that deep. It's gonna be a bitch to wash out this fur—but well worth it."
I hopped in the spare sling, and he applied lube to his hand and wrist.
"I'm deep within seconds, apply a little higher." I requested.
"Got it!" he said, spreading lube to his mid-forearm.
"You're gonna need it a little higher with that first push."
He somewhat reluctantly added more lube to just shy of his elbow and said, "Let's do this!"
His small hand slid in with ease and his eyes bulged as his arm kept disappearing. I felt the moment we crossed the event horizon—the non-lubricated skin just shy of the elbow. He pulled back and indicated he would reapply, but much higher.
"Just keep going as is. I've been fantasizing about that furry pit at my hole's edge since the elevator." I grunted. I could feel each dry hair, tickling my ass lips as he sunk deeper, and the feeling was magnificent.
Sadly, we didn't make it past the upper bicep even after recoating, but it was a glorious experience being ravaged by a furry bastard.
— FF Chronicles: 20.07.0466
Etiquette Explained
Who: Top
When: In Group Sessions
What: Lubrication Cleanup
Group: Lubrication
In group play, tops should practice good hygiene and wash hands (and pricks) thoroughly between bottoms. This prevents the spread of STIs such as Gonorrhea, Hepatitis C, Shigella, and HPV. If using lipid- or PEO-based lubrication, three to five minutes of hand washing is necessary.
If engaging multi-bottom activities such as chariot fisting, double-decker fisting, and fisty-nine plus one, validate with bottoms their contamination protocols. Acquire consent to forego handwashing in these activities.
Anecdotal Narrative

Figure 2-2: Spreading Shigella
Shigella adheres easily to lube and can remain alive outside for several weeks, so transmission between bottoms is likely if correct hygiene practices are not followed.
Eric mistakenly grabbed an old bottle of lube from the fridge as he rushed out the door to a Friday night fist party.
Unfortunately, the lube had been colonized by Shigella, and Eric reported symptoms within 24 hours. Even though he was vigilant about not sharing lube, he was unsure if all the guests washed hands thoroughly between bottoms.
To be safe, the party organizers alerted the attendees, and everyone monitored for symptoms.
— FF Chronicles: 19.03.0426
Standard Practices
Standard Practices refers to common sense behaviors related to fisting activities. There are four standard practices related to gloves.
Practices Explained
Who: Top (Primarily)
When: Throughout Session
What: Lubrication Application
Group: Lubrication
Before starting a session, clarify your partner’s containment policy. He may prefer to keep lube limited to an isolated area surrounding the hole, especially if he is anywhere on the autism spectrum.
Having lube spread all over his body may make him uncomfortable and cause his hole to be less welcoming.
One major reason why a top is not invited to play again is because "he gets lube everywhere!"
Anecdotal Narrative

Figure 2-3: Sticky Bodies
Being smothered in lube can be highly erotic or highly distracting.
Erastus, a fellow Mormon, invited me over to his flat to play one evening. I jumped at the chance. Mormon boys are either really very wild or really very mild—it's usually the former, rather than the 'L'atter.
It was a very erotic and rewarding session. Upon meeting, we had instant connection. We fucked. We fisted. We played deep and wide. We discussed our kink yums and our kink yucks. We matched in many ways including our piss preferences and lube practices.
"While I prefer getting soaked with piss from head to toe, I hate getting lube anywhere outside the circle of life" he said.
"Circle of life?" I responded.
"That's what I call the lube perimeter around my hole." He replied. "Most often, it's radius is no more than 15 cm from my cunt."
"So, more so a circle of lube than the circle of life. I thought you were going all Mufasa on me." I laughed.
To my inquiry, he responded "Potato, po-tah-to — tomato, to-mah-to. Lube and life — it's all the same when it comes to fisting."
"I think my circle is even smaller than yours is. I wear a tight jock when bottoming because I hate getting lube on my balls. It freaks me out." I said.
The conversation and fisting continued. My ball sack remained free of lube and dry until we started dousing each other with piss.
"I am playing with my Dutch friend tomorrow. You are welcome to come back and join us."
"I'd love to!" I responded.
"I can tell you now though, that your circle of life will be violated. He uses lube liberally, and you will finish coated in his signature FFlexiglaze lube. He's good though, it's worth it."
The following eve I returned to play with the Mormon and the Dutchman. True to form, every centimeter of my body was sticky or piss saturated. Never before had I enjoyed such a violation of my circle, and I jump at every chance I get to play with either guy to this day.
— FF Chronicles: 07.012.0316 & 08.012.0317
Techniques and Guides
The following instructional guide(s) will help you:
Apply the Base Coat
Steps / Procedure
For sessions without rimming, apply a lipid or petroleum base coat just after douching and again prior to play. For sessions that will include rimming, apply a lipid base coat prior to inserting the first fist.
- Place a spoon-sized dollop of lube on your first two fingers.
- Firmly press the dollop onto the orafice of the hole.
- Gently quiver the fingers for 3-5 seconds to decrease vagal nerve sensitivity.
- Slowly push the dollop into the anal canal and make 4-6 semi-lunar passes to coat 1/2 the hole.
- Repeat with a second dollop for the unlubricated portion of the hole.
- Repeat the process 4-6 times but going deeper with each repetition until the lower rectum is fully coated.

Figure 4-1: Spreadability
Whipped Crisco or petrolatum make ideal base coats because they spread with ease, making the process quick and efficient.
- Highly Viscous Lipid or Petroleum Distillate Lube
- Nitrile Glove (Optional)
Alternative Methods / Tips
When bottoming, consider applying your own base coat. Self-application decreases vagal nerve overstimulation as well as unnecessary wear on the hole. Apply with a nitrile glove that is discarded after the base coat is applied. This will keep your hand dry for the remainder of the session.
If using solid lubes such as room-temperature or chilled Crisco (as compared to creams) for base coats, use the thumb to insert three or four dollops before inserting two fingers into the hole. Give the lube a few minutes to warm, then massage the solid into the fist chute tissue.
Remember: firmly, gently, and slowly. Abrupt and jarry movements are undesirable and can cause the hole to close up rather than open.
Apply an Initial Coat of Lube (Liquids / Moderate Viscosity)
Steps / Procedure
- Lay your extended measuring tape on a flat surface with the measurement side facing down.
- Position your hand on the tape. Your hand will be:
- Palm down
- Five centimeters (two inches) from the end of the tape
- Intersecting the tape perpendicularly, with one end just below the pinky and the other end in the crook of the thumb and index finger
- Wrap both ends of the tape over the top of your hand.
- Mark the measurement where the tape intersects.
- Use the size chart to determine your glove size.

Figure 4-1: Title Case (Short)
Lor ipsum dolor...
- Flexible cloth measuring tape, or...
- Sheet of office paper, pen, and ruler
Recording Tips / Alternative Methods
If you do not have a measuring tape, take a sheet of letter or legal paper and wrap it around your hand as directed above. Use the long side of the paper, as most hands are eight to ten inches around. Mark where the paper meets, then use a ruler to determine the length of the marked paper.
Apply an Initial Coat of Lube (Creams / High Viscosity)
Steps / Procedure
- Lay your extended measuring tape on a flat surface with the measurement side facing down.
- Position your hand on the tape. Your hand will be:
- Palm down
- Five centimeters (two inches) from the end of the tape
- Intersecting the tape perpendicularly, with one end just below the pinky and the other end in the crook of the thumb and index finger
- Wrap both ends of the tape over the top of your hand.
- Mark the measurement where the tape intersects.
- Use the size chart to determine your glove size.

Figure 4-1: Title Case (Short)
Lor ipsum dolor...
- Flexible cloth measuring tape, or...
- Sheet of office paper, pen, and ruler
Recording Tips / Alternative Methods
If you do not have a measuring tape, take a sheet of letter or legal paper and wrap it around your hand as directed above. Use the long side of the paper, as most hands are eight to ten inches around. Mark where the paper meets, then use a ruler to determine the length of the marked paper.
Apply Solid / Extremely Viscous Lubes
Steps / Procedure
- Lay your extended measuring tape on a flat surface with the measurement side facing down.
- Position your hand on the tape. Your hand will be:
- Palm down
- Five centimeters (two inches) from the end of the tape
- Intersecting the tape perpendicularly, with one end just below the pinky and the other end in the crook of the thumb and index finger
- Wrap both ends of the tape over the top of your hand.
- Mark the measurement where the tape intersects.
- Use the size chart to determine your glove size.

Figure 4-1: Title Case (Short)
Lor ipsum dolor...
- Flexible cloth measuring tape, or...
- Sheet of office paper, pen, and ruler
Recording Tips / Alternative Methods
If you do not have a measuring tape, take a sheet of letter or legal paper and wrap it around your hand as directed above. Use the long side of the paper, as most hands are eight to ten inches around. Mark where the paper meets, then use a ruler to determine the length of the marked paper.
Funnel Lube Into a Partial Gape
Steps / Procedure
- Lay your extended measuring tape on a flat surface with the measurement side facing down.
- Position your hand on the tape. Your hand will be:
- Palm down
- Five centimeters (two inches) from the end of the tape
- Intersecting the tape perpendicularly, with one end just below the pinky and the other end in the crook of the thumb and index finger
- Wrap both ends of the tape over the top of your hand.
- Mark the measurement where the tape intersects.
- Use the size chart to determine your glove size.

Figure 4-1: Title Case (Short)
Lor ipsum dolor...
- Flexible cloth measuring tape, or...
- Sheet of office paper, pen, and ruler
Recording Tips / Alternative Methods
If you do not have a measuring tape, take a sheet of letter or legal paper and wrap it around your hand as directed above. Use the long side of the paper, as most hands are eight to ten inches around. Mark where the paper meets, then use a ruler to determine the length of the marked paper.
Apply Lube with a Single Hand
Steps / Procedure
Single hand application typically requires a flexible squeeze bottle with a moderately viscous lubrication. While extremely viscous lubes can be applied with a single hand, obtaining full coverage is tedious and difficult. Likewise, low viscosity lubes are also difficult unless a vat or basin is used.
Basin/Vat Applications
- Position the vat below the hole to allow excess lube to drip back into the vat after application.
- Dip the penetrative hand compeletly into the vat/basin until both sides of the hand are fully coated with lube.
- Scoop a handful of lube into your cupped hand.
- Deposit the lube 5 cm (2 inches) above the whole so that the excess lube runs down over the hole.
- Use the front and back of the hand to spread lube around the hole, gradually inserting fingers.
- Scoop additional lube onto the ass For vat/basin applications, dip the duckbilled paw completely into the vat and scoop lube onto tho hole.
- For bidon applications.Point the duck billed paw upward.
- Using the squeeze bidon, pour use a circular motion Using the non-penatrative hand, :
- Palm down
- Five centimeters (two inches) from the end of the tape
- Intersecting the tape perpendicularly, with one end just below the pinky and the other end in the crook of the thumb and index finger
- Wrap both ends of the tape over the top of your hand.
- Mark the measurement where the tape intersects.
- Use the size chart to determine your glove size.

Figure 4-1: Title Case (Short)
Lor ipsum dolor...
- Flexible cloth measuring tape, or...
- Sheet of office paper, pen, and ruler
Recording Tips / Alternative Methods
If you do not have a measuring tape, take a sheet of letter or legal paper and wrap it around your hand as directed above. Use the long side of the paper, as most hands are eight to ten inches around. Mark where the paper meets, then use a ruler to determine the length of the marked paper.
Inject Lube Deep Into the Fist Chute
Steps / Procedure
- Lay your extended measuring tape on a flat surface with the measurement side facing down.
- Position your hand on the tape. Your hand will be:
- Palm down
- Five centimeters (two inches) from the end of the tape
- Intersecting the tape perpendicularly, with one end just below the pinky and the other end in the crook of the thumb and index finger
- Wrap both ends of the tape over the top of your hand.
- Mark the measurement where the tape intersects.
- Use the size chart to determine your glove size.

Figure 4-1: Title Case (Short)
Lor ipsum dolor...
- Flexible cloth measuring tape, or...
- Sheet of office paper, pen, and ruler
Recording Tips / Alternative Methods
If you do not have a measuring tape, take a sheet of letter or legal paper and wrap it around your hand as directed above. Use the long side of the paper, as most hands are eight to ten inches around. Mark where the paper meets, then use a ruler to determine the length of the marked paper.
Decrease Lube Loss After Injections
Steps / Procedure
- Lay your extended measuring tape on a flat surface with the measurement side facing down.
- Position your hand on the tape. Your hand will be:
- Palm down
- Five centimeters (two inches) from the end of the tape
- Intersecting the tape perpendicularly, with one end just below the pinky and the other end in the crook of the thumb and index finger
- Wrap both ends of the tape over the top of your hand.
- Mark the measurement where the tape intersects.
- Use the size chart to determine your glove size.

Figure 4-1: Title Case (Short)
Lor ipsum dolor...
- Flexible cloth measuring tape, or...
- Sheet of office paper, pen, and ruler
Recording Tips / Alternative Methods
If you do not have a measuring tape, take a sheet of letter or legal paper and wrap it around your hand as directed above. Use the long side of the paper, as most hands are eight to ten inches around. Mark where the paper meets, then use a ruler to determine the length of the marked paper.
Administer Lube Cubes
Steps / Procedure
- Lay your extended measuring tape on a flat surface with the measurement side facing down.
- Position your hand on the tape. Your hand will be:
- Palm down
- Five centimeters (two inches) from the end of the tape
- Intersecting the tape perpendicularly, with one end just below the pinky and the other end in the crook of the thumb and index finger
- Wrap both ends of the tape over the top of your hand.
- Mark the measurement where the tape intersects.
- Use the size chart to determine your glove size.

Figure 4-1: Title Case (Short)
Lor ipsum dolor...
- Flexible cloth measuring tape, or...
- Sheet of office paper, pen, and ruler
Recording Tips / Alternative Methods
If you do not have a measuring tape, take a sheet of letter or legal paper and wrap it around your hand as directed above. Use the long side of the paper, as most hands are eight to ten inches around. Mark where the paper meets, then use a ruler to determine the length of the marked paper.
Best Practices
While application of lube is very personalized, implementing several best practices can extend play time, decrease wear and tear on the hole, and increase the intensity of play.
General Methodologies
Implementing good technique while applying lube puts the bottom at ease. This allows for deeper connection and greater intensity while playing. Novice tops, non-intiuitive tops, and disengaged tops are easily spotted by their sub-standard lube application techniques.
Base Coating
Decreasing Wear on the Hole by Applying Lube Barriers
Base Coat
- Noun Hydrophobic lube applied to the anal canal and lower fist chute prior to full penetration or application of a hydrophillic lube such as X Lube.
Applying a hydrophobic base coat to the anal canal and lower rectum decreases discomfort as well as damage to the most vulnerable mucosal tissue.
Not all hydrophobic lubes provide the same level of protection. Solid petroleum distillates, such as petrolatum (Vaseline), or shortening (Crisco) have greater protective benefits than liquid oils and silicone.
A small dollup applied just before penetration by either the top or by the bottom ensures there is little interference with rimming.
The base coat doesn't have to be applied by the top. In fact, the bottom can apply this coat with his index finger. Self application is less likely to trigger vagal nerve response that causes the hole to cinch down and close.
If you are adverse to getting lipids or petroleum distillates on your hands for the purpose of basecoating, use a glove for the application of these lubes. Remove the glove when you switch to your less viscous lube (FFäusten, for example).
Synchronized Application
Applying Lube During Popper Inhalation and After Short Breaks
While you can add lube at any time, major reapplications that involve withdrawing the fist from the fist chute are best done with some coordination between partners.
For example, it is infuriating to a bottom to take a hit of poppers only for its effects to dissipate while a top takes his time to reapply lube. A better outcome occurs when the top applies lube just as the bottom reaches for the popper bottle—not after he inhales. It is helpful to prompt the bottom to hold off on inhalation until your hand is recoated and additional lube is added to the orafice (the outside) of the hole.
As a reminder, not all popper hits require lube reapplication; however, most short breaks almost always require reapplication of lube.

Figure X-1: Figure Caption in Title Case
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Consistent Lubricity
Rehydrating PEO-based and PG-based Lubricants
Due to human physiology and physics, PEO and PG lubes dry out. Rehydration is done through reapplication of more lube, by misting via a spray bottle, or by adding water via a secondary bidon. Use of a secondary bidon can be either helpful or problematic due to the nature of the human body.

Figure X-1: Figure Caption in Title Case
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
There are multiple physiologic sphincters in the fist chute. These sphincters are not true sphincters; however, they act to prevent leakage just like the first hole (anal sphincter). When fluid hits these areas of the colon, reverse peristalis carries the fluid up the intestine for absorption. Inserting excess lube or water can therefore result in a few unexpected outcomes:
- Clean-out Problems | If fluid is carried into a segment that didn't have a full clean-out, then newly hydrated fecal material may begin migrating down the fist chute.
- Health Concerns | If fluid reaches typically non-accessible segments of the large intestine (the transverse and ascending colons), lubrication may be absorbed more readily into the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Lube in lower segments of the large intestine such as the upper fist chute (descending and sigmoid colons) and lower fist chute (rectum and anus/anal canal) lack the same capacity to absorb the sugars, toxins, and fat molecules in lubrication.
- Motility Assistance | Reverse peristalsis can actually be beneficial. Some tops report that certain depth bottoms 'suck in' their paws as lube is drawn up into the upper fist chute.
Use caution in introducing excessive amounts of water (or lube) to the fist chute of your partner until you know how his body reacts to that type of rehydration.
Hygenienic Compliance
Practicing Hygienic Principles Continously
Instinctively following good hygiene practices demonstrates advanced fisting skills:
- Pre-play Handwashing | Washing up prior to starting play decreases infections from microbial organisms from the environment.
- Lube Containment | Keeping lube in the play area decreases property damage, irritation of hosts, and cleanup time.
- Cross Contamination | Washing hands and cocks between partners prevents spreading STIs.
Informed Consent
Seeking Permission Prior to Atypical Lube Application
Always seek consent before spreading lube beyond the perenium area. Common reasons for additional consent include:
- Nuerodivergent Considerations | Some bottoms are overwhelmed by the texture and sensation of lube. Application in areas outside the taint and hole may result in loss of focus or even extreme distress.
- Cross Contamination | Contamination occurs in many ways when multiple bottoms are present: direct lube sharing, failing to practice hand or penile hygiene between bottoms, and engaging in certain activities such as double decking and chariot racing.

Figure X-1: Cross Contamination Activities
Double decker usually involves a single top switching paws between two stacked bottoms. Cross contamination is usually inevitable.
Myths and Misconceptions
All these myths need reworked. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Deep injection a lot of lube makes gaining depth easier.
NOPE! The problem with this statement is that the individual considers lube a shortcut to depth advancement. Excess lube is not a replacement for regular conditioning. There are no shortcuts. Sustained depth gains, especially those that occur near the elbow, require a lot of play over a long period of time (typically years).
There are occassional 'jumps' on the forearm, but they do not correlate to excessive lube. Injecting a lot of lube gives inexperienced depth players a false sense of security. It encourages risky behavior that may result in tears or perforations. Regular and consistent play, coupled with a moderate amount of drag-eliminating lube, is a better approach to acquiring depth than injecting excess lube and pushing hard. For additional information, see:
Using my lube and its special additives on my partner will definitely open him up better!
NOT VERY LIKELY For moderate and advanced fisters, using a familiar lube with the right viscosity, lubricity, and consistency enables them to focus on relaxation instead of new sensations triggered by lube.
Regardless, sampling different recipes and formulas is less disruptive to a training and conditioning session when it occurs after opening the hole with his own lube. For additional information, see:
He's already got enough lube inside him, so I will hold back when he asks for more!
WRONG! Novice, inexperienced, and over-confident tops are prone to making lube assessments for the bottom. There may be ten gallons of lube in the hole, but if the bottom says there isn't enough, re-apply. A request typically indicates the bottom is experiencing discomfort. Further investigation is needed after applying fresh lube.
Often, a request for additional lube from a bottom indicates a deficiency in technique by the top. For additional information, see:
Advice from the Experts
Several seasoned fisters offer following tips and counsel regarding lubrication application:

Category: Base Coats, Extended-length Sessions
Increasing Session Duration with Base Coating
Layering different types of lube is an effective strategy to increase slippage, reduce friction irritation, and extend the length of play. A base coat of Crisco or Elbow Grease fully saturated into the lining of a hole and the skin of an arm is a good way to start before adding a thick alphabet lubes. The extra slippage between the layers of lube decreases wear and tear on the hole. The thicker the lube is mixed, the longer the separation between layers is maintained.
Eventually the lube will all mix together, but the effect can be re-created by adding more Elbow Grease as the lube thickens and the hole absorbs water, coating the hole again before switching back to an alphabet lube. This type of thing isn’t necessary for shorter sessions of around 20 minutes, but can be very helpful for sessions of 2-3 hours with minimal breaks needed.

Category: Contamination, Waste, Events
Decreasing Waste and Preventing Contamination in Large Groups
At the parties I host, I provide a couple gallon tubs of Crisco, an ice cream scoop, and bowls. A few years ago, I switched from 12 oz bowls to 6 oz (and compostable!) ones because I noticed the amount of wasted Crisco. Guys would mound the lube in the bowl and only go through 1/3 of it. Half-sized bowl equals 2/3 less waste and cuts the party costs as well.

Category: Distribution, Connectivity, Containment
Keeping One Hand Dry for Ulterior Motives
When I first hit puberty and found gay porn, it was long before the digital age. I needed lube to masturbate, but wanted to keep my magizines dry so that they would last longer. I learned how to bate with a lubey left hand, while keeping my right hand dry to flip the pages of my magazines.
I eventually imported this practice into fisting. By developing and learning a technique to saturate my hand and even my arm using his well lubricated ass crack, I'm able to keep my right hand free to administer more lube, fast forward the porn playing on my TV, and most importantly, touch my bottom's body and face without getting him sticky and coated in lube.
You'll need to practice, but start by coating his crack with an abundance of lube. Always apply the lube above his hole, so that gravity will pull it down and over his asslips. Use your lube hand to catch the dripping and oozing lube, and gently flip it from palm to the back of the hand. Make the touch soft and erotic. By the time your hand is fully coated, the bottom will know his hole is sufficiently lubed for immediate (or near-immediate) penetration.

Category: Distribution, Injuries, False Courage
Preventing Injury from Lubrication Technology
Over time, I've learned that guys who set hole goals for depth will experiment with a lot of different things to gain that depth, including various objects to deliver lube deeper into the fist chute.
Injecting lube deeper is not the secret, nor the shortcut, to deeper fisting. Perforation can easily occur when firm, narrow objects are inserted into the hole, especially if the hole is already taut (due to exhaustion or other objects sharing the space concurrently with a fist or toy). I spent six months and $80,000 learning this lesson.
Only use flexible materials for lube delivery—small circumference tubes that are firm can easily perforate the colon. To illustrate my point, I have a guy picture stepping on a wine cork, a Q-tip, and a nail. The firm nail breaks through the skin. The Q-tip, which is less firm, bends before it has a chance to perforate the skin. The wine cork is so fat that it would take an extreme amount of force for it to penetrate anything.
If a bottom feels it is necessary to lubricate the upper fist chute to obtain more depth, I suggest flexible siliconedrinking straws that can attach to a syringe. They have a wider circumference and bend with minimal pressure.
Content Development
The following material is under consideration in the development of this topic:
Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate... ...techniques
- Give three reasons for...
- Identify five...
- List two alternatives...
- Recite one etiquette protocol and one standard practice related to...
Note: Objectives should follow instructional design standards and be easily measurable with little ambiguity.
Supplemental Content
Blog Articles
- Blog Article #1
- Blog Article #2
F2 Promotional Materials
- Thursday Erotica/Neurotica:
- Skills:
- Protocols:
- Word #1
- Word #2
- Word #3
- Word #4
- Word #5
- Word #6
- Word #7
Outline (Proposed)
- Modalities
- Protocols
- Etiquette
- Apply Lube Generously
- Associated Narrative: No Pain, No Gain (JOHN)
- Avoid Cross Contaminating Bottoms
- Associated Narrative: Bringing Tainted Lube (ERIC)
- Associated Narrative: Validating Cross Contamination Policy (JT)
- Standard Practices
- Respect Your Partner's Lube Containment Policy
- Associated Narrative: Lube Everywhere (DON)
- Procedures
- Apply the base coat
- Apply initial coat of lube (liquids)
- Apply initial coat of lube (creams)
- Apply initial coat of lube (solids)
- Funnel lube into partial gapers
- Apply Lube with Single Hand -- Keep a dry hand for bating or personal touch
- Inject lube into upper fist chute
- Prevent lube loss after injection
- Administer lube cubes
- Best Practices
- Commonly Practiced Methodologies
- Base Coating
- Timing application with popper hits!
- Preparing the play space for ideal application!
- Maintaining Lubricity (Rehydrating Lube)!
- Practicing Standard Hygiene!
- Myths and Misconceptions
- Myth: If I inject more lube, I'll be able to get deeper!
- Misconception: There's enough lube already!
- Misconception: My extra special recipe will open you up better!
- Advice and Tips from Advanced Fisters
- Increasing Session Duration with Base Coating!
- Decreasing Waste and Preventing Contamination in Large Groups!
- Keeping the lube bottle dry!
- Preventing Injury from Lubrication Technology (and silicone straw)!
F2 Resources
These individuals have indicated they continue fisting with this condition:
- Hex Code
- Hex Code - Condition