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Lubrication Science


ID: 030102001

Science Topic

Lubrication Science

Scientific Insight on the Behavior of Lubricants

Education Center | Course ID: 030102001

Publication Details

Author: Finn Vortex

Published: 10 July 2023

Updated: 10 July 2023

Duration: 5 Minutes

Executive Summary

General dynamics and scientific principles regarding lubrication, including tribology, water dynamics, chemistry, and human physiology.


Tribology is the study of interacting surfaces in relative motion, specifically focused on design, friction, wear, and lubrication. Understanding these four individual components of tribology can improve the pleasure derived from fisting.


In the context of fisting, design pertains to the interface of the bottom's fist chute with the top's hand and arm. Major design modifications to decrease discomfort, friction, and wear are impossible (unless you are willing to cut off your hand or surgically modify your colon); however, minor modifications that work with the existing evolutionary design limitations are possible.



  1. Noun The position of the hand relative to the hole where penetration is achieved with the least amount of discomfort.

Since the subject matter of this course is primarily lube, these minor design modifications (which are not related to lubrication) are discussed in various other courses:

Physical Factors - Top
  • Hand collapsibility
  • Hand rigidity or flaccidity upon entry
  • Skin texture and coarseness (hand/arm), including body hair
Physical Factors - Bottom
  • Natural shape of pelvic inlet and outlet
  • Tissue anchoring of rectum and sigmoid
  • Physiological response to invasive objects
Techniques and Practices
  • Method of entry
  • Position of entry (keyhole)
  • Angle of entry
  • Relaxation responses
  • Position of pelvic outlet


The definition of friction is the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another. Fisters often use a synonym for friction: drag.

Friction/drag can be a source of pleasure and a source of discomfort:

  • Too much drag prevents access, decreases movement, and results in bodily harm and pain.
  • Too little drag can eliminate some of fisting's great pleasure sources: the sensations of pressure and movement into and out of the fist chute.

Lubrication usually works to decrease friction/drag (and thus the wear on the bottom) by coating the arm and fist chute with a gliding substance that allows drag-free movement.

Drag Inducing Lubes
  • Shortenings: Crisco©, Trex
  • Coconut Oil (before melting)
  • Creams with lipids
  • Dehydrated water-based lubes
  • Heavy petroleum-based lubes
Drag Eliminating Lubes
  • Emulsifying PEOs: X, K, J, FFäusten
  • Emulsifying Gums: xanthan, guar, etc.
  • Silicone-based Lubes
  • Lighter petroleum-based lubes
Allota McGriddles - Fisting Drag Queen
Figure 1-1: Allota McGriddles - Drag

According to Allota McGriddles, drag may not hamper fisting, but excessive friction (also known as drag) can cut a session short.


Threadbare jeans at crotch
Figure 1-2: Wear Due to Repetitive Action

Without lubrication, the repetitive pistoning that occurs during fisting diminishes the mucosal lining, similar to the crotch in jeans of hung men.

As a noun, wear is defined as the diminution or impairment of an object due to use. The verb has a similar meaning: to impair or diminish by use or attrition. The length of a fisting session is dependent upon wear. Wear decreases as lubricity increases, so the importance of frequent application of good lube is critical.

The physiological reason behind the concept of wear is related to the mucosal membrane of the fist chute channel. Pressure and shear against this membrane triggers the release of lubricating agents (used to make defecation easier). As these mucosal cells release their mucous content the integrity of the mucosal layer decreases (temporarily), resulting in sloughing and swelling. The swelling eventually triggers an end to the session.

Lubes that Reduce Mucosal Weakening
  • Shortenings: Crisco©, Trex
  • Coconut Oil (before melting)
  • Petroleum-based lubes
Lubes that Exacerbate Mucosal Weakening
  • Spit
  • Glycerine-based Lubes
  • Dehydrated water-based lubes (PEOs, Gums, Glycerines)


The last area of focus in tribology is lubrication. Lubrication decreases friction and drag, which decreases wear, which extends a session and prevents damage to the fist chute. Two primary characteristics of lube are relevant:

  • Lubricity – the property of being a smooth or slippery, demonstrating the capacity for reducing friction.
  • Viscosity – the property of being dense, thick, or sticky, demonstrating a capacity of resistance to flow.


Viscosity is frequently misused in the fisting community, being interpreted as a state of slipperiness. Lubricity defines slipperiness and viscosity defines resistance to flow. Lubricity and viscosity are not directly proportional nor inversely proportional. As viscosity increases, slipperiness may not increase nor decrease. Honey, being very thick, is extremely viscous but not lubricious. Water is also neither extremely lubricious nor viscous.

Because of the nature of human skin, the best lubes typically demonstrate moderate viscosity and superb lubricity at the standard temperature of the fist chute (38°C / 100°F). Moderate viscosity allows the lube to attach itself to the skin (stickiness) without being brushed off easily. Low viscosity may also result in quicker absorption of a lube's water components by the rectal tissue.

Honey as an example of Viscosity
Figure 1-3: Honey as a Highly Viscous Material

Items that flow rapidly, like water, are said to have low viscosity. Honey, on the other hand, has high viscosity.

Fisting Lube Viscosity Scale/Index

Bostwick Scale
Figure 1-4: Bostwick Viscosity Measurement Tool

The Bostwick Viscosity Tool measures the distance a lube will flow over a specified period of time.

There are several scientific methods for measuring viscosity. The Bostwick scale is a tool used to measure the viscosity of food items. The scale measures how far a substance can travel across a slanted, stainless steel panel in thirty seconds.

For example, at a 2%; grade, water can travel four meters in thirty seconds 4m/30s. Every substance is measured individually and given a value. There is no scale that groups items together with a specific label, such as highly viscous or moderately viscous.

With fisting lubes, this type of scale and labeling would be beneficial, so Fist Theory has implemented it's own lube viscosity scale called the Fisting Lube Viscosity Index (FLVI).

Fisting Lube Viscosity Scale and Index
FLVI* BU** Description Food Example Lube Example
I 16 - 18 Very Thin Canola Oil / Sugar Water Silicone Lube / Heavy Pre-cum
II 14 - 16 Thin Olive Oil Glycerine Lubes / Mineral Oil
III 12 - 14 Moderately Thin Heavy Whipping Cream Diluted J Lube — 1:10 Ratio
IV 10 - 12 Moderate Ketchup Standard J Lube — 1:8 Ratio
V 8 - 10 Moderate + BBQ Sauce Concentrated J Lube — 1:7 Ratio
VI 6 - 8 Moderately Thick Condensed Milk Concentrated J Lube — 1:5 Ratio
VII 4 - 6 Thick Mayonaise Elbow Grease
VIII 2 - 4 Very Thick Pudding Concentrated Xanthan — 1:50 Ratio
IX 0.5 - 2 Extremely Thick Molasses Super Concentrated J Lube — 1:3 Ratio
X 0.1 Extraordinarily Thick Peanut Butter Shortening / Petrolatum
Table 1-1: Viscosity Ranges and Examples for Various Lubrications

Lubrications and foods have specific flow rates on the Bostwick scale. Lubrications that fall within a certain range are assigned an associated Fisting Lube Viscosity Index (FLVI). The larger the FLVI, the higher the viscosity.


FVLI (*) - Fisting Viscosity Lube Index | An assigned numerical value of viscosity.

BU (**) - Bostwick Unit | The distance a substance will flow (in mm) in a specific amount of time.

Golden Ratio for Alphabet Lubes and Gums

While thickness of lube is often a matter of preference, a shared standard allows fisters to easily discuss and compare thickness.

The Golden Ratio refers to a powder-to-water combination that allows for pouring without excessive squeezing nor excessive runniness that could result in lube run-off and waste. Common golden ratios include:

Alphabet (PEO-based) Lubes
  • J Lube | 1 :: 8 — 60 mL (1/4 Cup) :: 500 mL (~2 Cups)
  • K Lube | 1 :: 50 — 10 mL (2 caps) :: 500 mL
  • X Lube | 1 :: 50 — 10 mL (2 caps) :: 500 mL
  • FFäusten | 1 :: 50 — 10 mL (2 scoops or 1 packet) :: 500 mL
  • Xanthan Gum | 1 :: 100 — 5 mL :: 500 mL
  • Guar Gum | 1 :: 100 — 5 mL :: 500 mL

Water Dynamics

Lubrication typically interacts with water in one of two ways. It either attracts and associates with water or it repels water. Combining lubes with opposing characteristics can create super-lubricants that demonstrate properties of both hydrophobic and hydrophilic lubes.


Hydrophobic lubes such as silicone-, lipid- and petroleum-based lubes repel water.

This characteristic makes them ideal for base coats that prevent water in glycerine and emulsifier-based lubes from being absorbed in the intestine, leaving a sticky, dry hand and agitated fist chute.

While silicone can be used for a base coat, it is impractical because a large volume is needed to coat the entire anal canal and rectum. Application of silicone in the sigmoid colon is nearly impossible due to the squeegee effect of the second hole.


Base Coat

  1. Noun Phrase petroleum- or lipid-based lube (such as Trex© or Vaseline©) that is applied to the hole prior to switching to an emulsifier- or glycerine-based lube. The base coat covers the mucosal lining of the fist chute and prevents absorption of the water-based lube.


Hydrophilic lubes attract water and include commercial glycerine lubricants as well as emulsifier lubes (PEOs and gums).

The lining of the large intestine (colon and rectum) is also hydrophilic. Its purpose is to absorb water prior to defecation. This helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balances within the body.

Because the ability of the colon to absorb water is stronger than glycerine- and emulsifier-based lube's ability to maintain a hold on the water, these type of 'water-based' lubes dry out quickly and require reapplication of lube or rehydration of the active ingredients that make the lube slippery and lubricious.

Hybrid Lubricants

Many commercial lubricants attain their sustained lubricity by combining hydrophilic lubes with hydrophobic lubes. T do so, an emulsifying agent is a necessary ingredient that allows the two types of lubes to bind. Xanthan and guar gums are often used by cosmetic companies as this binder. Lubrication companies and fisters use the same science to bind the opposing lubes together into creams.


This section is still under development. Currently, there are no pending updates. If you have content suggestions, please use the Help Wanted link at the bottom of this page to contact our content development team.


Various physiological processes are associated with the application of lube, including activation of pseudo-sphincters in the sigmoid colon, prevention of mucosal degradation in the rectum and anal canal, and absorption of water present in glycerine- and emulsifier-based lubricants.

Content Development

The following material is under consideration in the development of this topic:


Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:

  • List the four concepts of Tribology
  • Build a chart comparing hydrophobic and hydrophilic lubes
  • Verbally explain the purpose of emulsification agents to other fisters

Note: Objectives should follow instructional design standards and be easily measurable with little ambiguity.

Supplemental Content

Blog Articles

  • None
  • None

F2 Promotional Materials

  • Thursday Erotica/Neurotica: N/A
  • Skills: N/A
  • Protocols: N/A
  • FWOTD:
    • Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic
    • Emulsification
    • Tribology
    • Friction
    • Wear

Outline (Proposed)

  • Tribology
  • Design
  • Friction
  • Wear
  • Lubrication
  • Water Dynamics
  • Hydrophobia
  • Hydropholia
  • Hybrid Lubes
  • Emulsfication
  • Chemistry
  • Physiology

F2 Resources

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  • Hex Code
  • Hex Code - Condition

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