Erik and I had just wrapped up an intense fisting session where his small arms had slipped in past the elbow—a first for him. He had used both the right and left arms with depth play, but per my request, primarily played with the left arm.
After I said "OK, I'm done!", I asked him to hand me the paper towel roll.
"Oh, I'll clean you up good!" He said.
"I know you will, but it's not me that I'm worried about" I interupted. "Here, give me your arm."
I ripped three full squares of paper towels from the roll and laid them across my chest. Eric placed his arm on the squares, and I wrapped the edges around, covering his arm completely. I then carefully slid the towels down his arm until we passed the fingers.
"What's this for?" he asked.
"I find that if we don't squeegee the lube off now, your sink time will be 5-10 minutes clearing lube off your arm. And while it doesn't matter here with just the two of us and my deep sink, at events, you may not have the luxury of good washing facilities to clean up between bottoms. So when you wrap up with a deep bottom, always clean your arm first before starting on the bottom." I responded.
"Okay, I guess. I still don't understand why" he said, as he began wiping lube from my ass.
"You'll see in a few minutes."
Fast forward eight minutes. Erik is at the sink, scrubbing desparately on his right arm. Since the lube had already dried on this arm, we didn't squeegee it immediately after the session ended.
"I get your point! I've never had to spend this much time cleaning up because I've never had lube this high. The left arm was easy, but this right arm is taking forever."
"Can you imagine if you were playing with a group! High clean-up takes a while, so do what you can to minimize your efforts, but always - always - always respect your bottom and clean up your entire arm so he isn't exposed to contaminants from the last guy."
— FF Chronicles: 21.09.0524