A R T   A N D   S C I E N C E   O F   F I S T I N G

Education Center | 

Application Tools and Technology


ID: 030103012

Science Topic

Application Tools and Technology

Equipment for Dispensing Lubrication

Education Center | Course ID: 030103012

Publication Details

Author: Finn Vortex

Published: 11 November 2023

Updated: 14 June 2024

Duration: 10 Minutes

Executive Summary

Tools and technology for applying lubrications including discussion of external and internal application methods, fusion delivery, and toys that create a temporary anal gape.

Functional Considerations

There are at least five factors to consider when selecting a lubrication dispenser:

  • Ease of Use | In the heat of the moment, fussing around with the lube bottle to apply lube is undesirable. Bulky bottles and hard-to-squeeze bottles with complicated lids should be avoided.
  • Control of Application | Applying the ideal amount of lube to the desired location is paramount to sustaining the intensity of play. Over lubricating or under lubricating can be problematic with certain dispensers.
  • Viscosity of the Lubricant | Highly viscous or non-viscous lubes such as Trex or Crisco usually require open containers or vats.
  • Lube Preferences of the Bottom | As with viscosity, certain lubes require specific tools for application.
  • Session Location | Open containers and bulky containers are difficult to manage in outdoor settings or semi-public locales.
Man with Grease Gun
Figure 1-1: Injecting Lubrication into a Hole

Lube injection with specific tools requires you consider the players, the hole, the session location, and the type of lube among being used.

External Application Tools

The defining characteristic of external application is the coating of the anal canal with lubricant.

Lube is first applied to the hand and to the hole. It is then massaged deeper into the fist chute.

The advanced technique of funneling lube into a hole is also considered an external application procedure.

Various tools can be used in external application of liquid and solid/semi-solid lubes. These include bidons (sports bottles), condiment bottles, alternative/upcycled bottles, single serving containers, and large volume containers (such as vats and basins).

Applying Lube to Hand
Figure 2-1: Applying Lube Prior to Insertion

The manner in which a top coats his hand with lube prior to insertion will often indicate advanced fisting skills.

Liquid Applicators

Liquid applicators are ideal for applying low to moderate + viscosity lubes, such as J Lube, to the hole. Examples include bidons (sports bottles), condiment containers, and other upcycled or alternative squeeze bottles.

All liquid applicators have a spout, cap, or nipple that is shorter than 3 cm (1 1/2 inches) in length. Longer spouts and nipples are considered injectors because they bypass the anal canal.

Bidons (Sports Bottles)

Bidons are a very popular lube dispensing tool due to their ubiquity. Materials and design are important considerations when selecting a bidon:

  • Elasticity | Hard plastic is difficult to squeeze, especially with slippery hands; whereas, malleable containers provide a level of control over the amount of lube released based on the intensity of your squeeze.
  • Cap | Push-pull caps are the most ideal cap for sports bottles. Twist-top caps are functional but are often hard to manipulate with slippery hands. Flip-caps on bidons tend to make application difficult and are not recommended.
  • Shape | Completely cylindrical bidons are hard to handle. A design that lacks indentations for grasping will slip out of your hand when squeezing.
  • Size | A bidon that is too small or too big impedes the application of lube. Small and large sizes make grasping and squeezing awkward, especially with extremely viscous lubes.
FFäusten Bidon
F-squared Bidon
Standard Wide Bidon
Figure 2-2 (A — C): Bidons and Sports Bottles

Sports bottles, like FFäusten's signature lube bottle ([A]), should squeeze easily. Moderately firm, firm, and extremely firm bottles make lube application difficult.

Push Pull
Twist Cap
Flip Cap
Figure 2-3 (A — C): Caps for Bidons / Sports Bottles

Three common caps for bidons include: [A] push-pull cap, [B] twist cap (example: Gatorade), and [C] flip cap.

Condiment Dispensers

Condiment bottles are excellent alternatives to sports bottles. They offer greater control over application due to the various caps and nozzles that aren't available for sports bottles.

  • Size and Shape | These bottles hold just enough lube for a single session (250-500 mL [1-2 cups]). Design is typically ergonomic with the express purpose of applying moderately viscous materials with a single hand.
  • Elasticity | Unlike sports bottles, the elasticity is just right, allowing maximum control over fluid distribution.
  • Cap and Nozzles | Short nozzles, flip-tops, or inverted ports with small diameter (5 mL [1/4 inch] holes allow for focused application. The size of the opening decreases lube spills while playing. Flip caps are ideal for stringy lubes that need to be severed from the bottle during application. Push-pull and twist-top caps are available, but not common with these bottles.
First In First Out Condiment Bottle
Flip Top Condiment Bottle
Traditional Condiment Bottle
Figure 2-4 (A — C): Condiment Bottles

Condiment bottles come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. [A] First-in First Out (FIFO) bottles have caps on both ends and can sit on either end when not in use.

Traditional Condiment Nozzle
First In First Out Condiment Nozzle
Flip-top and Flow-cut Nozzle
Figure 2-5 (A — C): Caps for Condiment Bottles

Caps on condiment bottles contribute to ease of application: [A] traditional spouts can twist on or off; [B] FIFO caps require force to release lube; [C] flip tops are useful to cutting stringy lube.

Upcycled and Alternative Bottles

The most common alternative bottle seen with fisters are repurposed, toddler size squeeze bottles. Their small size and push-pull cap makes them ideal for transport in a backpack or small day bag.

Some fisters upcycle and repurpose other bottles for lube application. Upcycled bottles include, water/soda bottles, condiment containers (such as syrup, ketchup, and mustard bottles), and detergent bottles. Care must be taken with condiment bottles to eliminate lingering odors from the actual condiment. Detergent bottles must be soaked and rinsed repeatedly to remove lingering chemicals. Water, soda, and sports drink bottles with push-pull caps may have rough edges or rims that can scratch the anal canal.

Water/soda/sports drink bottles are most commonly upcycled when fisters travel long distances for work or vacation and forget to pack their normal lube bottle.

Creams and Solid Dispensers

For lubes that have extremely high viscosity or no viscosity at room temperature, single serve containment units are ideal to prevent 'double-dipping' and thus contaminating the entire batch of lube.

The most cost effective and environmentally conscious solution is to purchase paper bowls or small paper cups.

Crisco Can with Scoop
Small Paper Bowls
Small Paper Cups
Figure 2-6 (A — C): Open Containers for Creams and Solids

For external application, single-use bowls are cups prevent contamination of the main container. Small cups and bowls prevent excessive consumption and waste.

Basins, Vats, and Catchalls

A third mechanism of lube application uses large, open containers placed directly beneath the hole. Lube is scooped up by the hand and applied to the bottom. Excess lube drains to the container. While more prevalent with low and moderate viscosity lubes (such as J Lube), large vats of lard, Crisco, or Trex can also be used.

Paint Tray
Figure 2-7: Paint Trays

Paint trays can ensure fully coated paws prior to penetration and catch excess lube draining from the hole. Smaller trays are most ideal.

Image Description
Figure 2-8: Cans

Paint cans create an erotic scene and can lubricate the entire hand or serve as a source reservoir for syringes and launchers.

Puppy u_application_external_pup_bowl
Figure 2-9: Bowls

Bowls, like paint trays, catch excess lube drippings for reapplication to the hole. Puppy bowls are well suited for puppies and pup headspace.

Spagetti Cannister
Figure 2-11: Cylinders/Cannisters

Deep cylinders make for quick, guaranteed, full-hand coating of every top in line to rapid-fire, single-piston a designated bottom.

Internal Application Tools

Certain tools allow fisters to bypass the anal canal and first ring to deliver large volumes of lube deep into the fist chute.

The primary reason for injecting lube is to coat the inside of the fist chute without extensive delay due to lube loss from the squeegee effect.

There are other rationales for injecting lube, but most are ill-advised or erroneous in nature:

  • Depth Shortcuts | Many novice and intermediate fisters believe that their current depth limitations are due to insufficient lube. Depth is obtained by regular conditioning exercises, not lubrication.
  • Skillset Mitigation | Bottoms may inject lube, especially with novice tops, in order to compensate for poor lubrication skills of their top. Poor lubrication skills often indicate poor fisting skills.
  • Waste Reduction | There is no data that indicates lube preservation when injected. To the contrary, an unskilled bottom will likely lose injected lube when the hand penetrates his hole.

Squeegee Effect

  1. Noun Phrase the phenomenon where lube is removed from the hand, wrist, and arm before it enters the rectum or sigmoid colon due to the anatomical design and function of sphincters of the lower GI tract, which act as barriers preventing fluid entry or exit from either side of the first or second holes.

Firm, small diameter objects inserted into the fist chute can cause perforation. Use injection tools with caution.

Liquid Injectors

There are multiple devices that can be used to inject lower viscosity lubricants such as alphabet lubes into the upper or lower fist chute:

Liquid injection can trigger physiological responses (💩) that require touch-ups.

Avoid large volume injections if the session focuses on traditional fisting (no depth play).

Lube Launchers

Lube launchers are more about fantasy than practicality. Due to their small size, they do not deliver enough lube for comfortable fisting.

They are occasionally used to inject small volumes of highly specialized lube, such as harvested semen, silicone (as a base coat), or anti-inflammatory mixes that soothe the rectum and extend playtime after several intense hours or days of fisting.

Using pharmaceuticals to extend play after your body says 'STOP' is dangerous. Listen to and respect your body and hole.

  • Specialized Delivery | Small volumes allow for application of very specialized lubes for pain relief, aftercare, and day/night plugging
  • Hygiene | Dishwasher safe
  • Volume | The delivered volume, typically less than 10 mL (2 tsp), is insufficient for any type of fisting
  • Viscosity Limitations | Ideal only for lower viscosity lubes (such as silicone and alphabet lubes)
Lube Launcher
Figure 3-1: Lube Launchers Inject Small Volumes

Harvested semen or specialized lube can be shot past the anal canal into the rectum with lube launchers.

Basters, Droppers, and Pipettes

Basters, droppers, and pipettes are characterized by a bulb connected to a rigid tube with a conical opening

Even the largest of basters holds very little lube (50 - 80 mL [1/4 cup]), so other application tools are preferable.

  • Scene | Suctioning up lube from a large vat can create an increased level of eroticism
  • Volume | There are few basters that can inject more lube than what can be poured into a partial gape
  • Safety | The firmness of the cylinder inserted into the hole will cause rectal perforation
  • Usability | Suctioning lube with many cooking basters is ineffective. It is difficult to fill the baster, especially with lubed hands.
Turkey Baster
Figure 3-2: Turkey Basters Lead to Perforations

The firm nature of basters and pipettes increase the likelihood of poking a hole inside the lower fist chute.

Douche Bulbs

Most douche bulbs can be used to pump the rectum full of low to moderately viscous lube. Longer nozzles may reach past the second ring into sigmoid colon but are ill-advised due to physiological differences in the sigmoid colon that make perforation more likely.

Nozzle length, firmness, circumference, and borehole size(s) determine the effectiveness of delivery. Straw-like nozzles that are long and have little flexibility pose extremely high perforation risk. Small borehole size can decrease the rate and effectiveness of delivery.

Douche bulbs are multi-purpose and can also be used for cleanout when playing shallow in the lower fist chute

  • Ubiquity | Disposable douche bulbs are available in feminine hygiene sections at pharmacies and supermarkets
  • Scene | Anal douche bulbs often have sleek designs that enhance the scene, rather than detract from it
  • Safety | Rectal length nozzles are unlikely to perforate, even in the hands of novice tops
  • Practicality | Refilling a bulb mid-session is awkward and a mood killer
  • Safety | Perforation risk is high in sigmoidal injections when tissue is taut, or when the fist chute is not relaxed
  • Coverage | Furthest reach is lower fist chute
Douche Bulb
Figure 3-3: Douche Bulbs Double as Lubricators

Douche bulbs can double as lubricators for alphabet lubes if the boreholes are greater than five millimeters.


Large volume syringes that hold 50 to 500ml (about 1/4 cup to 2 cups) of fluid and can fill the rectum with low to moderately viscous lube.

For upper fist chute infiltration, tubing and attachment components are necessary; however, this tubing poses perforation risk due to its small diameter, limited flexibility, and thinner tissue around the second hole.

Tubing can be easily and permanently colonized if specific hygienic processes are not used. Cleanout should occur shortly after end of session.

There are a few names for large volume syringes. Janet syringes are used for irrigating body parts such as the ear canal, or for surgical irrigation. JerVet syringes are used for veterinary purposes. A drencher is one example of a veterinary syringe.

Small volume syringes have the same benefits and limitations of commercial lube launchers.

  • Easily Refilled | Refilling is very easy if a vat or bucket of lube is nearby
  • Scene | The erotic and exotic nature of the syringe and tubing increases sexual energy in the session
  • Coverage | If tubing is properly placed, the sigmoid is hyper-lubricated
  • Placement | Syringe use is difficult with non-gaping holes, and tubing placement requires coaching or experience
  • Safety | Perforation risk is high in sigmoidal injections
  • Hygiene | Tubing must be boiled or flushed with peroxide to prevent microbial growth after use
Figure 3-4: Syringes and Tubing

When medical grade, flexible tubing is attached to syringe, the upper fist chute can be irrigated. Firmer tubes can cause perforations.

Livestock Nursing Bottles

Nursing bottles allow rapid delivery of large volumes of lube after the hand is situated inside the rectum, so that lube isn't immediately lost during penetration of the first hole.

Bottles must be made of pliable PEO instead of hard PVC to allow squeezing. The nipple must be modified to allow larger volumes to be delivered quickly.

Excessive lube pooling at the base of the second hole will often trigger relaxation of that hole and may even cause the upper fist chute to pull the arm in for deeper penetrations.

  • Volume | Easily delivers large volumes without excessive loss
  • Overkill | For most traditional fisters, the amount of lube delivered is excessive to actual needs
  • Overconfidence | Large volume lube distribution leads to false confidence in depth play, which may result in injury
  • Availability | Firm, PVC bottles are ubiquitous, but pliable bottles are difficult to find
Livestock Feed Bottles
Figure 3-5: Calf or Lamb Feeding Bottles

Livestock feeding bottles must be squeezable polyethylene oxide. Firm bottles will not deliver lube into the fist chute.

Livestock Drenchers

In animal husbandry, ranchers use sheep or goat drenchers to deliver oral medications deep into the throats of livestock without puncturing the esophagus. In fisting, tops use the drencher to fill the rectum without puncturing the fist chute.

The tool has several components. The syringe component has a long, metal stem that terminates with a bulb. The bulb prevents puncture wounds. The trigger on the syringe pumps fluid from a large vat or container through long narrow tubing.

The container full of lube can be warmed, providing a soothing sensation as it is delivered to the hole.

  • Scene | The erotic and exotic nature of the drencher increases sexual energy
  • Specificity | Easily delivers exact volumes to specific portion of fist chute
  • Hygiene | The drencher can be easily sterilized after each session
  • Hygiene | In group play, drenchers can cross contaminate bottoms
  • Clumsiness | While delivery is elegant, dealing with tubing can be awkward
  • Rarity | Purchased online and thus eliminating inappropriate models for fisting is difficult
Livestock Drencher
Figure 3-6: Drenchers Deliver Unlimited Supply

Livestock drenchers can provide targeted shots of lube. Only injectors with rounded bulbs should be used to prevent perforations.

Cream Injectors

There are multiple factors that reduce the available options for the injection of creams:

  • Viscosity | Highly viscous lubes, such as petrolatum or unmodified shortening do not flow easily through tubing. They have a high likelihood of clogging soft, narrow tubing (firm tubing shouldn't be used due to perforation risks). Whipping viscous lubes may decrease the viscosity without affecting the lubricity, but injection methods for whipped lubes are also challenging.
  • Volume-to-Lubricity Index | Cream lubes often require a lower volume of lube to create and maintain the desired lubricity and slipperiness within the fist chute. It is often impractical to inject small volumes of highly viscous lubes.
  • Cost | Certain lubes, such as Elbow Grease or Slam Dunk, are pricey and injecting excess lube is a waste of money.
  • Preparation and Cleanup | The density of highly viscous lubes must be modified by mechanical processes such as whipping to allow the lubrication to flow through an injector. Once the viscosity is lowered, the injection tools must be loaded. This process is very messy. After a session ends, the tools must be thoroughly cleaned by extensive scrubbing. Cleaning injection tubes is difficult.

Lube cannons, cardboard tubing, and push pops are three tools for cream injection.

Whipped Shortening
Figure 3-7: Whipped Shortening is Easier to Inject

Firm lipids such as lard and shortening are often too thick for injections. Whipping the lipid can decrease the density and reduce the viscosity.

Lube Cannon

Lube cannons are modified cookie or grease guns. The typical nozzle on a cookie gun is not long enough to span the anal canal, so tubing or modified nozzles must be attached for basic injections. Nozzle or tubing selection is critical, as any firm material inserted into the fist chute carries significant perforation danger.

  • Scene | The erotic and exotic nature of the lube cannon increases sexual energy
  • Overkill | For most traditional fisters, the amount of lube delivered is excessive to actual needs
  • Preparation and Cleanup | Highly viscous lubes present various difficulties in preparation and cleanup
  • Safety | Firm tubing is often necessary to contain highly viscous lubes; perforation risk is high with this type of tubing
Lube Cannon (Cookie Gun)
Figure 3-8: Converted Cookie Guns

Cookie guns with the appropriate nozzles and tubing can inject less viscous items into the lower fist chute.

Pliable Cardboard Tubing

Pliable cardboard tubing from toilet tissue or paper towels can be wrapped in plastic wrap and filled with highly viscous lube. The full tube can be inserted into a gaping or very relaxed hole and the contents squeezed out into the rectum.

  • Availability | Tubing is readily available because everybody shits and most fisters use paper towels
  • Disposable | Single use tubing reduces post play cleanup efforts; tubes do not need to be sterilized for reuse
  • Delivery | Inserting a wide tube into a hole, especially one that isn't already open, is difficult; squeezing out the lube also presents challenges
  • Comfort | The edging on these cardboard tubes may feel uncomfortable to the bottom
Low Density Cardboard Tubes
Figure 3-9: Recycling Paper Towel Rolls

Whipped shortening can be loaded into recycled paper towel rolls for injection. The process is often messy.

Push Pops

Push pops are either plastic or extremely rigid cardboard tubes. They often present the same challenges as cardboard tubing from toilet tissue or paper towel rolls, with the exception of backflow. Push pops are not likely to experience backflow whereas cardboard tubing frequently does.

  • Scene | The erotic nature of filling a hole with a tube of lube can increase the intensity of play
  • Availability | Cardboard push pops are difficult to find; plastic push pops can be bought online
  • Delivery | Inserting a wide tube into a hole, especially one that isn't already open, is difficult
  • Comfort | The edging on these tubes may feel uncomfortable to the bottom
Plastic Push Pop
Figure 3-10: Push Pops Require Relaxed First Ring

Push pops can force whipped shortening into the rectum; however, like cardboard tubing, the edges can cause microtears if the hole has not already in a state of relaxation due to penetration by a hand.

Fusion Delivery

Fusion is a phase change, or transition, that occurs when a substance changes from a solid state to a liquid state. The lay term for this process is melting. Fusion delivery is the process of inserting a solid or semi-solid lube into the fist chute and allowing it to melt. With the exception of shortening and coconut oil, most fusion delivery is targeted at the upper fist chute and occurs after the first and second hole have been opened.

Viable fusion delivery options include shortening balls, lube cubes, and gelatin eggs.

Lube Cubes and Shortening Balls

Melting points determine viability for fusion delivery. The temperature of the rectum is 37.5˚C (99.6˚ F). Items that do not melt below that point make very poor lubricants.

For example, water-based alphabet lube cubes melt at a slightly lower temperature than ice cubes (0˚C [32˚F]) depending on the type and viscosity of lube used. Within seconds of insertion, they begin to melt.

On the other hand, shortening melts at 48˚C (119˚F) and will not undergo fusion unless extra energy (in the form of mechanical agitation through fisting) is applied. Frozen shortening will take even longer to melt and can cause frostbite and ice burns.

If the target is the upper fist chute, time is of the essence when working with water-based lube cubes. Successful delivery typically requires that the lower fist chute be relaxed and open so that the cube can be inserted into the upper chute before it undergoes fusion.

Microtears and freeze burns are common injuries with frozen lubes. Starting the fusion process outside the hole can reduce injuries. A partially melted cube can have rough edges removed prior to insertion. A wet cube, especially one coated with an alphabet lube, reduces direct exposure of tissue to the dry, frozen surface of the cube or ball. This will reduce the extent of freeze burns; but will not eliminate them entirely.

Frozen Lube Cubes
Figure 4-1: Lube Cubes

Alphabet lube cubes can be made in differing shapes based on ice trays. Frozen Crisco balls can be formed by ice cream scoops and hands to eliminate rough edges.

Frozen Lube Cubes
Figure 4-2: Freeze Burns and Tissue Damage

Like the tongue, a dry cube can attach itself to the moist tissue of the fist chute. Apply lube to both the cube/ball and the hole to reduce direct dry-to-moist contact.

Lubricant ˚C ˚F
Water 32˚
J Lube --˚ --˚
PEO - Golden Ratio --˚ --˚
PEO - High Viscosity --˚ --˚
PEO - Low Viscosity --˚ --˚
Lard 41˚ 106˚
Shortening - Solid 48.3˚ 119˚
Shortening - Whipped --˚ --˚
Shortening w/ PEO --˚ --˚
Coconut Oil 25.5˚ 78˚
Coconut Oil - Hydrogenated 33.3˚ 92˚
Table 4.1: Melting Points of Common Lubes

Lubes with a melting point below 37.5˚C (99.5˚F will melt inside the fist chute without any addition of mechanical energy.

The temperature of the rectum is 37.5˚C (99.6˚F). Introducing frozen substances (temperatures below 0˚C [32˚F]) can cause frostbite and damage the lining of the fist chute. A hole should be pre-lubricated with an ample amount of warm lubricant prior to inserting lube cubes, frozen Crisco balls, or even ice cubes.

Never insert frozen lube without coating it in its liquified form or liquid PEO first.

Gelatin Eggs and Ovipositors

Ovipositors are hollow dildos that allow you to deliver gelatin eggs or frozen lube cubes into the fist chute. Most fisters find them awkward to use and are not always successful in delivering the egg past the second ring.

Figure 4-3: Ovipositors Deposit Eggs

Gelatin eggs made from alphabet lubes will dissolve within the hole. Never insert a solid object that will not undergo fusion into the fist chute.

Supplemental Application Utilities

In addition to external and internal distribution tools, there are several utilities that can be used to dispense lubes.

Commercial Dispensers

Some industrial or commercial grade items can be repurposed for lube distribution.

  • Soap Dispensers | Wall units and automated units seem like viable options. While they may work for traditional sex and glycerine-based or glycerine-hybrid lubes, they do not provide enough lubrication on demand to satisfy a bottom's lubrication needs. Additionally, hygiene considerations and shelf lives of many fisting lubes preclude their use.
  • Push Pumps / Refill Stations | Lube refill stations can be created using industrial size condiment dispensers. Several pumps will refill your personal bottle with enough lube to accommodate a short session. There are two problems with lube refill stations. Like wall units, hygiene and shelf life restrict viability. Additionally, most large events request you bring your own lube (BYOL) and do not provide house lube.
Stainless Steel Condiment Dispenser
Figure 5-1: Industrial Grade Dispenser

Large dispensers can refill party guest's individual lube bottles with house lube.

Rehydration Tools

With PEO and polysaccaride lubes, water is lost to the air (evaporation) or to the tissue of the fist chute (fluid absorption). This loss decreases lubricity and increases drag. Lubricity can be restored by rehydrating the lube. Common tools for rehydration include:

  • Spray Bottles / Misters | Misting the from a small spray bottle can restore lubricity to hands, arms, butt cheeks, or rose bud.
  • Secondary Bidons | Adding a squirt of water inside the hole rehydrates PEO that has become tacky with fluid lost to the colon. Splashing the arm or hand with water rehydrates tacky lube caused by evaporation.
Red Spray Bottle
Figure 5-2: Spray Bottle

Spray bottles apply a fine mist that can rehydrate tacky PEO-based lubricants.

Funnels and Artificial Gapers

Certain tools and toys can be used to pour lube into a hole. Some are direct inserts and others pry open the hole to create an artificial gape.

  • Funnels | Standard kitchen or automobile funnels can be used to pour lube into a gaping hole. These tools are often made of hard plastics and present extreme perforation risks. Ideally, they should not be used.
  • Tunnel Plugs | Tunnel plugs are larger, hollow butt plugs. In theory, they should open the rectum to allow a top to pour in a large volume of lube; however, not all rectums open up with these toys. If the bottom's rectum does not open, then lube will remain within the tunnel plug and escape when the plug is removed. These toys may also be marketed as pig holes or dilators.
  • Speculums | Speculums pry open the anal canal to allow passage of lube into the rectum; however, they may have the same limitations as tunnel plugs. If the bottom's rectum does not inflate and open to accept the lube, once the speculum is removed, the lube will come back out instead of remaining within the fist chute.

As with most gape/pour application techniques, special skill is required to decrease spillage as the hand penetrates the first hole.

Tunnel Plug
Figure 5-3 | (A — C) Supplemental Utilities for Lube Application

[A] Funnels, [B] pig holes (tunnel plugs), and [C] speculums can pry open the anal canal; however, if the rectum is closed, most lube will spill out when the tool is removed.

Content Development

The following material is under consideration in the development of this topic:


Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:

  • List five major considerations for selecting a lube bottle.
  • Contrast external lube application with internal lube application.
  • Provided with a list of lube application tools, give on advantage and disadvantage for each.
  • Explain to a novice fister why supplemental utilities like tunnel plugs and speculums may not help with lubrication application.

Note: Objectives should follow instructional design standards and be easily measurable with little ambiguity.

Supplemental Content

Blog Articles

  • Interesting Tools for Your Playroom - Lube Bottle Addition
  • In a Pinch - Lube Bottle Alternatives

F2 Promotional Materials

  • Thursday Erotica/Neurotica: Perforation Confessions
  • Thursday Erotica/Neurotica: Fisting with the German
  • Skills: N/A
  • Protocols: N/A
  • FWOTD:
    • FIFO - First In First Out
    • Squeegee Effect
    • Lube Cube
    • Bidon
    • Drencher
    • Tunnel Plug
    • Flow Cut - Bottle Cap

Outline (Proposed)

  • Functional Considerations
  • External Application Tools
  • Liquids Applicators
  • Sports Bottles / Bidons
  • Condiment Dispensers
  • Upcycled and Alternative Bottles
  • Creams and Solid Dispensers
  • Basins, Vats, and Catch-alls
  • Internal Application Tools
  • Liquid Injectors
  • Lube Launchers
  • Basters, Droppers, and Pipettes
  • Douche Bulbs
  • Syringes
  • Livestock Nursing Bottles
  • Livestock Drenchers
  • Cream Injectors
  • Lube Cannon
  • Pliable Cardboard Tubing
  • Push Pops
  • Fusion (Frozen to Liquid)
  • Lube Cubes and Shortening Balls
  • Gelatine Eggs and Ovipositors
  • Supplemental Application Utilities
  • Commercial Dispensers
  • Rehydration Tools
  • Funnels and Artificial Gapers

F2 Resources

These individuals have indicated they continue fisting with this condition:

  • Not applicable

Brain Dump - Staging Area

          - kuzis
          - socks
          - skater tape
          - lube holders
          - retractable contents
          - paper towel fold trick

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