Recreational Drugs
Benefits & Risks
Drugs, including poppers, are fun! They produce physiological symptoms that magnify feelings and emotions, especially during sexual intercourse. That's why they are also dangerous.
- Drugs increase unsafe sexual practices
- Drugs decrease your financial security and in turn, your healthcare options
- Drugs affect your cognitive reasoning and rational decision making
- Drugs weaken your immune system and your body's interaction with medications, including anti-retrovirals
- Drugs reduce the strength of your moral compass and interfere with your ability to tell the truth, especially with people you do not know well
- Drugs inhibit your ability to perceive the severity of injuries and act accordingly
- Drugs increase the likelihood of you injuring another
- Drugs make it difficult for me to trust you immediately
Poppers are not harmless as manufacturers would lead you to believe. There is scientific evidence that indicates extended long-term use can induce vision problems. They can also, in extreme cases, contribute to strokes or heart attacks based on existing conditions within the user.
That being said, they are less addictive than other pharmaceuticals, they relax many of the natural barriers one encounters in the fist chute, and the increase the lust factor and carnal sensuality in sexual encounters. Most people I know say they are not essential for their play. I was able to take a fist and toys to extreme depths without poppers.
For additional information regarding poppers and fisting, review my article Art & Science: Playing with Poppers.
Other Drugs
Generally, the 'Alphabet Soup' drugs (T, G, K, and E) used to decrease inhibitions and increase sexual pleasure will fuck you up, especially in fisting:
- ( T ) Crystal Meth allows Bottoms to go past the elbow; but it also prevents a Bottom from realizing when a fisting session should safely end. It kills a hardon and destroys the body. It affects judgement and the effectiveness of PrEP, PEP, and HIV medications. It increases the length of play session and the likelihood of injury.
- ( G ) GHB erases your memory before, during, and after a sexual encounter and a session. Since a large part of fisting is based around consent and trust, this drug impedes that relationship.
- ( K ) Ketamine is GHB on steroids and results in the same problems with regards to fisting.
- ( E ) Ecstasy is typically not the original formula and thus can have many unknown side effects - from gastro problems (not good when inside the colon) to cognitive reasoning problems.
I do not participate in sexual encounters or fisting events where any of the alphabet drugs are being actively used. If you mention PNP, favors, the sisters, or extended play sessions, then I will likely disengage. If I'm at an event where paraphernalia is present, I will leave.