Analysis of non-verbal communication during the fisting session with emphasis on identifying standard and personalized cues a Bottom relays as his chute envelops the wrist, forearm and elbow.
Non-Verbal Signs and Signals
Non-verbal communication during a fisting session can communicate pleasure, pain, and passion. Specific actions or observed reactions relay how a fisting procession should proceed.
Hand Signals
When fisting, a Bottom can use non-verbal cues to communicate with the Top. The following cues are best relayed face-to-face:
Signaling 'come forward' with the hand indicates to increase pressure and forward motion deeper into the fist chute. The speed of the signal can indicate the pace of progression.
Presenting the hand with the palm-out and finger raised denotes stopping at the current position. Signing for forward progression, twisting, or pistoning will proceed further action by the Top.
While in the Stop/Hold position, wagging the fingers means pull back gently until otherwise directed.
Moving the fist back and forth at various speeds and lengths signals to the Top to stop forward progression in favor of expanding the fist chute via pistoning.
Twisting the fist from right to left at various speeds indicates the Top should stop forward progression in favor of stretching out and stimulating the fist chute in his current location.
Tapping the Top's leg, thigh or arm could mean a variety of things. Discuss before starting if it means stop, slow down, go faster, apply my pressure, piston, twist or pull out.
Eye Contact
'Where, when, and how we look at others are all part of the phenomenon of eye gaze, one of our most important and primitive means of communication. Gaze plays a crucial role in conversation. Looking at another person is a way of getting feedback on particular points. It is also used as a synchronizing signal.[1]
In fisting, people can communicate subconsciously via eye contact via pupil dialation, blinking, squinting, and opening/closing eyes.
Pupil Dialation. Pupil dialation indicates sexual arousal on part of both the Top and Bottom. Large pupils in a Bottom usually increases the level of attraction by the Top.
Gazing. Gazing and averting gaze can indicate the following messages: invitation into personal space (including the fist chute), determinination of power roles and power relinquishments, and trust alignment through calmning persuasion.
Blinking. Increased blinking is a sign of attraction and synchronized blinking indicates trust between partners. Decreased blink rates by the Bottom indicates control over body functions (thus signaling capacity for deeper penetration).
How to Spot Sexual Attraction in Eyes | Body Language[2]
Body Movements
A Bottom may do several things with his body to facilitate depth or width. A good top can read these pushbacks, arches and drops and adjust his approach appropriately.
Shifts that realign the hips and pelvis can direct a fist up the fist chute.
Subconscious Physical Reactions
Popper Blush
One of the easiest signs for a Top to read during fisting play is Popper Blush. Once the blush sets in, the involuntary muscles have relaxed enough to proceed to the next push, piston, or twist.
The window of opportunity for this thrust varies based on physiology and popper strength. I typically inhale four times and count back from five to let my partner know when to start up the fist chute.
Ever wonder why the dentist knows when to ask if your numbing agent is wearing off? It's cause he is trained to look at the eyes and body for unexpected movements. Tops should observe the Bottom for jumps or jerks to make sure they are navigating the fist chute appropriately.
Touch always trumps verbal messaging during all aspects of a fisting encounter. The right level of touch and caress can improve the intesity of a session and elasticity of a hole.
Area of Focus
Face, Hands, Ass, Genitals
Thighs, Stomach, Feet, Torso/Nips
Calves, Back, Temples, Neck
Grunts, Growls, and Moans
Copulatory Vocalizations
(of Finn Vortex)
Yeah / Oh Yeah
Breed Me
Wreck That Hole
Copulatory vocalizations often accompany sexual activity including fisting. Sexologists posturize multiple evolutionary reasons for them, such as conveying information and internal synchronizing your central arousal systems (movement, smell, touch, sound). Essentially we make sounds that drive us to orgasm—and hopefully—orgasm together.
These vocalizations are typically non-verbal sounds such as grunts and growls, but some words or linguistic phrases are also part of this sexual banter. For example, Oh Yeah, God, Fuck Me, and Deeper make little cognitive or contextual sense when already fucking or fisting at the armpit, but their utterance stimulates the scene.
With regular ff-Buds, these sounds can replace other non-verbal communication forms, especially when fisting in positions that prevent face-to-face contact. With new partners and anonymous fisting, these vocalizations direct each other on techniques and practices to increase pleasure.