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Lubrication Bases: Silicone


ID: 030102057

Science Topic

Lubrication Bases: Silicone

Fisting Considerations with Silicone Lubricants

Education Center | Course ID: 030102057

Publication Details

Author: Finn Vortex

Published: 16 July 2023

Updated: 16 July 2023

Duration: 05 Minutes

Executive Summary

Silicone overview, evaluation, and associated safety data sheet(s).

Silicone Overview

Summary Data Sheet

This section, Silicone Overview, and the next section, Summary Data Sheet, contain the same information in differing formats. The Summary Data Sheet is more succinct and has a few additional technical details.

Skip to Summary Data Sheet
Data Sheet for Silicone Lubes
Wet Platinum
Swiss Navy
Gun Oil
Figure 1-1: One of Many Silicone Lubricants
Figure 1-1 (A - F): Various Silicone Lubricants

There are many different brands of silicone lubricant. These include but are not limited to: Wet Platinum®, Gun Oil®, Swiss Navy Silicone®, pjur®, Eros®, and Uberlübe®.

Composition and Properties

Silicone lube uses the element silicon as its base instead of carbon. Like lipid- and petroleum distilate-based lubes, silicone lubes are hydrophobic (repels water), and the lubricity is due to how the silicon molecules glide past one another when applied to the hand/toy and the hole.

Three to four different kinds of silicone are mixed together in a standard bottle of silicone lube: Dimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethiconol, and Phenyl Trimethicone.


Few dermatological and medical studies exist regarding silicone lubricant. Safety data sheets suggest that it is non-toxic and non-irritative when exposure is limited and minimal. Some surgeries use silicone lubricants to place regulating or repair devices inside the body, such as pacemakers and artificial joints. Packaging carefully indicates that silicone sex lubes have not been tested or approved for internal use.

Man Itching Groin
Figure 1-2: Potential Jock Itch Infection

Failing to adequately remove silicone from your skin in a timely manner can increase the likelihood of developing a Candida infection.

No nutrients, energy, or building blocks are available for growth and reproduction of microorganisms in silicone lube, so no preservatives are needed to prevent colonization in lube bottles. However, silicone lubes, petroleum distilate-based lubes, and lipid-based lubes can temporarily seal up the skin, preventing the penetration of oxygen to the microbiome that thrives on the human body. This can allow harmful anaerobic bacteria or fungi to reproduce faster than the helpful bacteria that typically prevent the rapid growth of harmful bacterial or fungal colonies. Opportunistic infection may then occur. This translates to an increased susceptibility to jock itch or other skin-related infections.

Because of high lubricity, shedding STIs such as HPV and syphilis may be less likely to spread with use; however, health departments will treat any exposure to syphilis with antibiotics to eliminate future spread.

Silicone lubes do not destroy latex, rubber, and medical-grade silicone toys. Several people have reported that silicone lubes infiltrate pores on their toys and remain present over long periods of time. This residual silicone can make the toy feel oily or enlarged.

Sanitation and Disposal

Copious amounts of hair conditioner applied before the application and rinse with water may help remove silicone lubrication. Use the same methodology to remove from fabrics prior to washing. Effectiveness may vary.

Taste and odor-free silicone lubes do not have expiration dates, but many manufacturers suggest discarding any lube older than two years.

Discard full or partially full containers in the waste bin. Recycle empty containers.

Do Not Put In Toilet
Figure 1-3: Silicone In Public Waste Systems

While silicone is diluted with water, the material is not removed by filtration systems prior to reaching waterways.

Marketing, Value, and Availability

Silicone lubricants are sold alongside traditional lubricants and are priced roughly 1.5 times the cost of glycerine-based lubes.

Pricing is reasonable for a single container but restrictive when considering the amount of lube required in an average session.

Most vendors that provide glycerine lubes, also have silicone lubes. Labels include Wet Platinum® Gun Oil™ Swiss Navy©, among others.

Fisting Considerations and Notes

Like glycerine lubes, silicone lubes can be used for fisting in a pinch. Typically, they do not facilitate longer sessions or depth play because of the amount of lube required to sufficiently coat the hand/arm and the fist chute is cost prohibitive. Indelible staining of bedding, furniture, and counter tops is not uncommon.

For uncommon fisting locations such as a shower or pool, silicone lube is the safest choice to ensure consistent and lingering lubricity.

Summary Data Sheet

This section, Summary Data Sheet, and the previous section, Silicone Overview, contain the same information in differing formats. The Silicone Overview has practical insight into data discussed below.

An explanation of the Fist Theory© summary data sheets is available in the course: Lubrication Bases.

Summary Data Sheet: Silicone Lubrication



Silicone lubes utilize the element silicon as the base in an oxygenated form (pure silicon is a brittle solid) and is typically odorless and tasteless.

Lubricity & Viscosity:

High / Low

Active Ingredient(s):

Typically Dimenticone, Dimenthiconol, Cyclopentasiloxane, Phenyl Trimethicone

Active Ingredient Identifier(s):

CAS 9006-65-9, 31692-79-2, 541-02-6, 2116-84-9

Additional Additives:

Various for texture, flavor, or scent.



Grades in Use:

  • Food and Pharmaceutical Grade (FG)
  • Medical or Surgical (MG)
  • Dermatological Grade (DG)
  • Industrial Grade (IG)
  • Veterinary Grade (VG)

Known Hazards & Toxicity:

Silicone is considered non-toxic and non-irritative when exposure is limited and minimal.

Note: Manufacturers usually assume consumption of less than 30ml (2 tablespoons) for regular use. Toxicity or hazards related to fisting, including increased consumption and anal usage, are not evaluated. A typical session at least 100 ml (1/4 cup).

Sexually Transmitted Infections:

In the context of fisting, no lubrication is certified to reduce or prevent transmission of STIs. Standard protocols and testing should be implemented.

Microbial Infections:

Silicone-based lubrications are not conducive to growth of almost all micro-organisms.

Toy Compatibilities:

  • PVC
  • Silicone

Condom/Glove Compatibilities:

  • Latex/Nitrile
  • PVC
  • Rubber

Disposal and Clean-up (Sanitation)


Typically have no expiration date.

Disposal Instructions:

Recycle old containers or discard unused lubrication in trash. Silicone can be rinsed down the drain.

Removal Instructions (Skin):

Apply hair conditioner directly to silicone prior to application of water. Rub in thoroughly and rinse. Repeat as needed.

Removal Instructions (Fomites):

For furniture, apply hair conditioner then wash with damp rag. For clothing, permanent staining is unavoidable.



Cost Per Coverage-Centimeter/Inch:


Reapplication/Rehydration Frequency:





Health and Beauty or Personal Care

Physical Locations:

Novelty shops or pharmacies near contraceptive materials.


Wet Platinum®, Gun Oil©, Swiss Navy™, and various others


Fisting Considerations / Notes

Due to cost per session and the increased likelihood of staining of linens and clothing due to quantities needed, silicone-based lubes are okay for their intended purposes (fucking and masturbation) but are poor lubricants for fisting.


Safety Data Sheets

The following MSDS data sheets give general overviews regarding the primary ingredients in this base:

General Evaluation

The base ingredient, silicone, was evaluated in the following four areas (relative to other lubrication base ingredients):


Low Toxicity

👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼

Shelf Life

👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼

Condom/Toy Compatible

👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼

Limited Allergens/Irritants

👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼


Washes Easily

👊🏼 👊🏼

Unlikely to Stain




👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼



Minimal Rehydration

👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼


Cost per Coverage Area



👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼

Legend - Qualities Demonstrated
👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼     Superior
👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 Above Average
👊🏼 👊🏼 👊🏼 Average
👊🏼 👊🏼 Below Average
👊🏼 Inferior

A full comparison chart between silicone and other lubricants, as well as an explanation of each evaluation category is available in the course: Lubrication Bases.

Content Development

The following material is under consideration in the development of this topic:


Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate... ...techniques
  • Give three reasons for...
  • Identify five...
  • List two alternatives...
  • Recite one etiquette protocol and one standard practice related to...

Note: Objectives should follow instructional design standards and be easily measurable with little ambiguity.

Supplemental Content

Blog Articles

  • Blog Article #1
  • Blog Article #2

F2 Promotional Materials

  • Thursday Erotica/Neurotica:
  • Skills:
  • Protocols:
  • FWOTD:
    • Word #1
    • Word #2
    • Word #3
    • Word #4
    • Word #5
    • Word #6
    • Word #7

Outline (Proposed)

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F2 Resources

These individuals have indicated they continue fisting with this condition:

  • Hex Code
  • Hex Code - Condition

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