Philosophy with Regards to Fisting
According to John Hopkins School of Public Health, "...harm reduction at the most fundamental level recognizes that all people deserve safety and dignity. It does not treat drug use as a moral failing. It acknowledges that drugs are widely available in our society and encompasses the understanding that traditional law enforcement approaches or those that require complete abstinence do not decrease demand, use, or negative health consequences of substance use."[1]
In a traditional sense, harm reduction tools include overdose prevention sites, needle exchanges, fentanyl tests, and naloxone kits with training. Those who use are not judged or meant to feel shame or embarassment.
With regards to fisting, harm reduction tools include both traditional tools and educational efforts regarding safer fisting practices while using chems.
Reduction and Risk Management
In the fisting world, harm reduction focuses more on techniques and practices for injury prevention and immediate intervention when injuries occur. This involves the following approach:
- Risk Awareness | The Chems Index in this course provides specific injury reduction strategies regarding various drugs used while fisting.
- Risk Mitigation | Chem use during play decreases naturally protective behaviors. Fist Theory's risk mitigation courses for elementary and extreme fisting can help fisters address knowledge deficiencies and improve best practices that decrease the likelihood of accidents, even when playing under the influence.
- Injury Education | Knowledge regarding the most common fisting injuries helps in the early diagnosis of fisting emergencies. It also helps prevent exacerbation of symptoms and improves outcomes for minor, non-life threatening injuries.
- Injury Intervention | Injury may still occur and addressing medical care in the appropriate manner can prevent loss of life or debilitating gastrointestinal interventions.
- Recovery | Recovery can indicate recovery from an injury, or recovery from addiction. Recovery from injury includes many physical and psychological steps, some of which may address chem use. Recovery from substance use disorder vary may involve 12-step or other harm reduction meetings.
Rolling Reach Principle (RRP)
- Noun Phrase A Substance Use Disorder (SUD) diagnostic tool.
Briefly stated, if a fister stops the session because his poppers bottle has rolled out of site or out of reach, then, the session may be more about abusing poppers than having the hole abused.
This principle extends to other chems as well. If fisting is an excuse to use and can't occur without use, then SUD may be suspected.
Mitigation: Universal Considerations for Altered Play
Several mitigation techniques can be implemented while using chems to reduce adverse consequences, such as injury, aggression, and fatality.
The way in which chems affect our brains and bodies can vary significantly from one individual to another. It's impossible to predict responses and draft foolproof mitigation plans. The suggestions presented here are intended to minimize harm rather than eliminate it entirely.
Drink plenty of fluids. Psychotropics target many different nuerotransmitters which help regulate core body functions such as respiration, circulation, and metabolism. Drinking plenty of water helps keep the body in balance and assists in flushing chems and their byproducts from the body. Additionally, hangovers are often less intense when fully hydrated.
Familiarity with Substances
Learn about the chems you use. Understanding the category/classification, expected outcomes, and dangerous side effects can help you spot danger early on. This knowledge can also help prevent complications due to compounding effects and interactions between different chemicals.
For example, taking several vasodilators can result in extremely low blood pressure and heart failure. When sildenafil (Viagra) and nitrites (poppers) are used together, there can be a fatal outcome.
Familiarity also helps you manage dosing.
Methods of Administration
Do not share needles. Avoid rectal administration.
Playmate Selections
Do not experiment with new drugs alone or with strangers or new acquaintances. Play only with those you trust to avoid being the victim of theft, violence, rape, or abandonment in time of need.
Acknowledge that chems increase your risk tolerance. Do not push limits while under the influence. Perforation may result.
Emergency Planning
Be prepared to implement your emergency plans in the event that something goes wrong. Do not be afraid to call for emergency services. Reveal your substance use to medical providers up front (they test you regardless).