A R T   A N D   S C I E N C E   O F   F I S T I N G

Education Center | 

Psychotropic Chems


ID: 050503011

Science Topic

Psychotropic Chems

Mood and Perception Altering Substances

Education Center | Course 050503011

Publication Details

Author: Finn Vortex

Published: 21 February 2023

Duration: 20 Minutes

Quick Links / Topics in this Article

Altered Play | Congruence | Harm Reduction | Protocols | Chem Index

Executive Summary

Discussion of psychotropic drugs used in fisting sessions. Includes details on congruence (sharing headspace), selecting partners and events that match your chem preferences, harm reduction strategies, and chem-specific etiquette principles. An index of drugs provides specific details regarding physiological responses and precautions to take when in use.

Fist Theory attempts to maintain a neutral position on psychotropic substance use. If you are uncomfortable with the topic of illicit drug use, or are in a state of recovery that suggests you avoid anything related to chem use, please select another course, such as Medicinal Drugs, which discusses medications associated with fisting (including fiber, lomotil, erectile dysfunction, and analgesics).

Mood and Perception


Psychotropic Substances

  1. noun Any chemical substance that acts primarily upon the central nervous system where it alters brain function, resulting in temporary changes in perception, mood, consciousness and behavior.
  2. noun — colloquial Any party drug except alcohol, poppers, and marijuana.

Most fisting involves the consumption of some type of mood or perception altering chemical. This may seem salacious and problematic until understanding that the primary—and possibly only—psychotropic agent in use is poppers (alkyl nitrites). Popper use is nearly ubiquitous, even with "sober" fisters. Other agents that may be in use include soft drugs, such as alcohol and pot, or harder drugs such as MDMA, methamphetamines, and hallucinogens.

Chem play (or altered play) is typically defined as a session involving harder drugs. Chem play may also be subdivided into two distinct categories: meth-inclusive and meth-exclusive. Proponents of chem play report amplified connection but also concede that risk for injury or harm is elevated when their mood and perception are altered.

Substance Ubiquity

Several factors affect the frequency and type of chemicals used while fisting. These include: geographic region, cultural norms, experience levels, sobriety declarations, work/life/time commitments, individual values, and participant ages brackets.

For example, chem use may be more frequent in younger adults in European countries that have different attitudes toward drugs compared to Gen-X fisters in the USA in conservative states.

Many non-fisters assume that fisters need hard drugs in order to engage in manual-proctol penetration. This belief is incorrect. Many fisters shun the use of drugs that have high potential for abuse. Some even exclude soft drugs, including poppers, despite the widespread belief that poppers provide sustained and measurable relaxation of smooth muscle tissue of the anus.

Figure X-X: Alcohol as a Commonplace Psychotropic Agent

Alcohol is often a precursor to fisting that allows users to lower their own inhibitions.

Psychotropic Jargon

Regardless of the types of chemicals used and the frequency of use, there is a significant amount of stigma that prevents open discussion regarding use. Even considering the libertarian beliefs of many fisters (AKA 'live and let live' types), individuals feel shunned or ostracized and will use euphemisms and special jargon to locate like-minded individuals for chem play.

Emojis for Meth
Figure X-X: Typographical Flagging

The ice cube, party popper, and cloud emojis and random capitalization are typographical indicators of meth-assisted play.

Phrases such as Party and Play (P-N-P) or High and Horny (H-N-H) declare one's openness and desire for chem assisted play with stronger, psychotropic drugs. Code words such as extended play or long sessions exist to quietly flag one's desires in more conservative or judgmental areas. Typographical methods, including emojis and specific capitalizations can also be used as either open or coded messaging.

Partner Selection

While it may seem prejudicial to vet and sort based on chem usage, sessions with a mismatch in cognitive states are not rewarding for either party. Be open and honest in your intentions and expect the same of others during partner selection.

Open Declaration

Fisting protocols include etiquette guidelines and standard practices for revealing the need/desire for chemically assisted play. Dating and hook-up apps typically include the ability for users to declare their parTy preferences, and some applications allow filtering on these declarations. Even with these declarations, it is the responsibility of each party to disclose their practices, including the specific types of drugs in use. Some individuals consider any schedule I or II drugs as partying (PNP). Others only consider meth use as PNP. Do not make assumptions regarding your playmates understanding.

Asking a potential playmate directly about his chem practices is the easiest way to avoid awkward situations later. Note that most guys who cannot play without chemical assistance will ask within the first few interactions of your conversation if you use, but this is not a hard-fast rule upon which assumptions can be made.

Verification of Declarations

For sober fisters, the Russian principle of "trust but verify" applies if there was any suspicion about chem practices leading up to the session.

Unnecessary Villification - Malificent
Figure X-X: Vilification Encourages Secrecy

Occluding or hiding chem preferences is often due to prejudicial vilification by non-users.

For various reasons, some individuals may mislead or intentionally omit their preferences prior to meeting. This omision can put both partners in undue risk, especially if inhibitions are lower and judgement is affected. Onsite evaluation prior to play may include the following assessments:

  • Hyper-sexuality | Watch for extreme sexual behavior, where the partner may act insatiable, have little regard for risk, and violate consensual boundaries.
  • Fidgetiness and Concentration | Monitor facial and body tics as well as excessive and repetitive movement such as foot- and hand-tapping, knee bouncing, or fidgeting with items on the bed or sling. Often, affected partners may be disengaged from the session and will focus on finding additional partners or porn-scrolling on their smart device.
  • Altered Mental Status | Listen for slurred speech, balance issues, stream of consciousness, and atypical response time in conversation (extremely fast, extremely slow, or non-existent responses in communication).
  • Light Aversion and Pupil Dilation | Observe pupil dilation and response to fully lighted rooms. Requesting that the lights be dimmed as low as possible, or refusal to play in well-lit locations are subtle indicators of undeclared chem use.
  • Erectile Dysfunction | Attempt to induce an erection by oral or tactile stimulation before inserting hands or inhaling poppers. Many drugs affect the vascular system and prevent any change in engorgement—for example: crystal-dick is a common side effect of meth use.

Remember, that regardless of other's chem practices, it is never appropriate to ridicule or shame others. Politely end the session and disengage if you are uncomfortable with the intoxication level of your partner.

Event Selection

Event promoters and hosts will make clear declarations regarding sobriety at their event. If a sobriety policy is not stated in advertisements or club rules, there will be attendees using schedule I and II drugs. Typically pot, poppers, and alcohol are permissible, but the latter two may need to be consumed in privacy at the venue.

Event Policy Example
Figure X-X: Event Policies - Allowance or Prohibition Declarations

Prohibition of chems at events is typically indicated on event literature or at the time of ticket sale.

Philosophy with Regards to Fisting

According to John Hopkins School of Public Health, "...harm reduction at the most fundamental level recognizes that all people deserve safety and dignity. It does not treat drug use as a moral failing. It acknowledges that drugs are widely available in our society and encompasses the understanding that traditional law enforcement approaches or those that require complete abstinence do not decrease demand, use, or negative health consequences of substance use."[1]

In a traditional sense, harm reduction tools include overdose prevention sites, needle exchanges, fentanyl tests, and naloxone kits with training. Those who use are not judged or meant to feel shame or embarassment.

With regards to fisting, harm reduction tools include both traditional tools and educational efforts regarding safer fisting practices while using chems.

Reduction and Risk Management

In the fisting world, harm reduction focuses more on techniques and practices for injury prevention and immediate intervention when injuries occur. This involves the following approach:

  • Risk Awareness | The Chems Index in this course provides specific injury reduction strategies regarding various drugs used while fisting.
  • Risk Mitigation | Chem use during play decreases naturally protective behaviors. Fist Theory's risk mitigation courses for elementary and extreme fisting can help fisters address knowledge deficiencies and improve best practices that decrease the likelihood of accidents, even when playing under the influence.
  • Injury Education | Knowledge regarding the most common fisting injuries helps in the early diagnosis of fisting emergencies. It also helps prevent exacerbation of symptoms and improves outcomes for minor, non-life threatening injuries.
  • Injury Intervention | Injury may still occur and addressing medical care in the appropriate manner can prevent loss of life or debilitating gastrointestinal interventions.
  • Recovery | Recovery can indicate recovery from an injury, or recovery from addiction. Recovery from injury includes many physical and psychological steps, some of which may address chem use. Recovery from substance use disorder vary may involve 12-step or other harm reduction meetings.

Rolling Reach Principle (RRP)

  1. Noun Phrase A Substance Use Disorder (SUD) diagnostic tool.
  2. Briefly stated, if a fister stops the session because his poppers bottle has rolled out of site or out of reach, then, the session may be more about abusing poppers than having the hole abused.

    This principle extends to other chems as well. If fisting is an excuse to use and can't occur without use, then SUD may be suspected.

Mitigation: Universal Considerations for Altered Play

Several mitigation techniques can be implemented while using chems to reduce adverse consequences, such as injury, aggression, and fatality.

The way in which chems affect our brains and bodies can vary significantly from one individual to another. It's impossible to predict responses and draft foolproof mitigation plans. The suggestions presented here are intended to minimize harm rather than eliminate it entirely.


Drink plenty of fluids. Psychotropics target many different nuerotransmitters which help regulate core body functions such as respiration, circulation, and metabolism. Drinking plenty of water helps keep the body in balance and assists in flushing chems and their byproducts from the body. Additionally, hangovers are often less intense when fully hydrated.

Familiarity with Substances

Learn about the chems you use. Understanding the category/classification, expected outcomes, and dangerous side effects can help you spot danger early on. This knowledge can also help prevent complications due to compounding effects and interactions between different chemicals.

For example, taking several vasodilators can result in extremely low blood pressure and heart failure. When sildenafil (Viagra) and nitrites (poppers) are used together, there can be a fatal outcome.

Familiarity also helps you manage dosing.

Methods of Administration

Do not share needles. Avoid rectal administration.

Playmate Selections

Do not experiment with new drugs alone or with strangers or new acquaintances. Play only with those you trust to avoid being the victim of theft, violence, rape, or abandonment in time of need.


Acknowledge that chems increase your risk tolerance. Do not push limits while under the influence. Perforation may result.

Emergency Planning

Be prepared to implement your emergency plans in the event that something goes wrong. Do not be afraid to call for emergency services. Reveal your substance use to medical providers up front (they test you regardless).


Many abstinence programs discourage participation in previous behaviors that may trigger relapse. The unique nature of the fisting personality doesn't thrive in this philosophy. Fisting while sober is possible and many local fist clubs discourage any use of hard drugs at their events. Fisting recovery groups can decrease the chance of remission and thus the chance for harm.


There are various local and international recovery organizations that help indiviuals fist without relapse.

International | English | FFisters In Recovery

Taking Things in Hand: FFisters in Recovery hosts weekly zoom meetings for members to meet and work through issues affecting their recovery.

For meeting details, visit REEGUR's event index: Zoom Meeting - Details and Access.

Local | Multiple Languages | Various Affiliations

Contact your local LGBTQ+ center, fisting organization, or gay-friendly church for information on sobriety programs in your area.

Drug Image
Figure X-X: Taking Things In Hand

FFisters in Recovery offers weekly 12-step online zoom meetings.

Levels of Sobriety

Sobriety is defined by the individual. Some fisters are teetotalers with regards to all substances. Others consume poppers or softer drugs. If playing with someone in recovery, respect his sobriety standards and do not encourage variance for personal gratification/need.


In this section: Etiquette | Standard Practices

Protocols include standard practices and etiquette followed by the majority of the fisting community. Typically, these are things that new fisters pick up over time.

This section is still in development. Please return later for updated content.


Etiquette refers to how you treat others in a specific fisting scenario. There are three etiquette guidelines related to chems.

Etiquette Explained

Who: Top and Bottom

When: Prior to Session

What: Prerequisites

People typically do not use gloves when playing in a private residence or hotel room with a single partner or small group (less than five people). People may opt for gloves in larger groups, with depth play, or in venues with inadequate washing facilities.

Do not assume your partner follows these practices. Specify—before you meet—your preferences or your present needs that alter your preferences. For example, if you generally play without gloves but have a cut on your hand and need protection, you should inform your partner before scheduling a session.

Anecdotal Narrative

Man Texting
Figure 3-1: Glove Notification

Informing your partner regarding your play requirements prior to meeting can prevent awkward situations in a fisting session.

Edgar and I have a standing fist session on the first Thursday morning of every month. We've always played S2S, but this month, I had cut my finger and the wound was still healing. I would need to wear gloves.

We still on for Thursday?
Yep. I'm game! I cut my finger last week and it's still healing. Do you mind if I use gloves?
I'm glad you asked.
My hole doesn't really respond well to gloves. I can just top this time, or we can wait for another week or so.
I've never been one to turn down being the designated bottom. See you at 9:30!

We averted a crisis because I wasn't planning on cleaning out that day to allow him to be the designated bottom.

— FF Chronicles: 22.08.0400

Etiquette Explained

Who: Top and Bottom

When: Throughout Session.

What: Consent

"It's the bottom's choice" is a common phrase you will hear when discussing glove etiquette. This would be true if gloves were always optional for both parties, but they are not. Sometimes, tops must wear gloves.

Neither party should be forced or harassed to fist in a manner with which they are not comfortable. Bottom's Choice should be replaced by Mutual Consent.

Anecdotal Narrative

Gloved Hands Embracing
Figure 3-3: Bidirectional Consent

Both parties need to agree on glove usage prior to meeting.

A few years ago, a dear friend invited me for Pride weekend at his home in Houston. He wanted to fist for the first time and asked if I would bottom for him.

Can you bring all the supplies and gear, including gloves?
I prefer S2S when bottoming, but I do have gloves that I suppose I can bring if necessary. :(
Thanks, I'm still on heavy immunosuppressants from my kidney transplant and am concerned about infection.
Fuck! I forgot about the transplant. Of course, we can wear gloves—your health is more important to me than any of my silly hang-ups. Sorry about being an ass. I hope you forgive me...
No worries, just get your ass down here. I'm excited to try this out!

— FF Chronicles: 15.06.0041

The Such FFun podcast discusses glove shaming and consent between partners in Season 2 | Episode 6 - (FF Tops):

Etiquette Explained

Who: Top and Bottom

When: Throughout Session

What: Consent

"It's the bottom's choice" is a common phrase you will hear when discussing glove etiquette. This would be true if gloves were always optional for both parties, but they are not. Sometimes, tops must wear gloves.

Neither party should be forced or harassed to fist in a manner with which they are not comfortable. Bottom's Choice should be replaced by Mutual Consent.

Anecdotal Narrative

Gloved Hands Embracing
Figure 3-3: Bidirectional Consent

Both parties need to agree on glove usage prior to meeting.

A few years ago, a dear friend invited me for Pride weekend at his home in Houston. He wanted to fist for the first time and asked if I would bottom for him.

Can you bring all the supplies and gear, including gloves?
I prefer S2S when bottoming, but I do have gloves that I suppose I can bring if necessary. :(
Thanks, I'm still on heavy immunosuppressants from my kidney transplant and am concerned about infection.
Fuck! I forgot about the transplant. Of course, we can wear gloves—your health is more important to me than any of my silly hang-ups. Sorry about being an ass. I hope you forgive me...
No worries, just get your ass down here. I'm excited to try this out!

— FF Chronicles: 15.06.0041

The Such FFun podcast discusses glove shaming and consent between partners in Season 2 | Episode 6 - (FF Tops):

Standard Practices

Standard Practices refers to common sense behaviors related to fisting activities. There are three standard practices related to chems.

Practices Explained

Who: Top

When: Prior to Insertion

What: Hygiene

If you use gloves to prevent introducing microorganisms into the fist chute, then timing for donning gloves is critical.

Help the bottom get situated in the sling or fisting arena, then put your gloves on immediately before penetration.

Anecdotal Narrative

Contamination Gloves
Figure 3-4: Early Contamination

Helping a bottom into the stirrups after donning gloves is counterproductive. Gloves become contaminated prior to entering the hole.

Larry Shockey, the originator of FISTFEST, shares this piece of advice in his book, the Sacred Art of Fisting:

"I’ve seen lots of tops glove up, put the bottom’s feet into the stirrups, adjust the chains, arrange the papers on the floor, and then reach for the lube. NO! NO! NO! I’ve even had tops drop a glove on the floor and bend down to retrieve it to put it on. NO! Gloves are cheap. It’s easy to forget. Just throw away the contaminated glove and get a clean one."

— Sacred Art of Fisting, 2012

Etiquette Explained

Who: Requestor

When: Throughout Session

What: Provisions

While BYOG (Bring Your Own Gloves) sounds reasonable, guys that only play S2S may not keep gloves in stock. The Provisions Matrix indicates that the responsibility falls upon the individual who requests gloves. This means a bottom who requires gloves will need to have several pairs of each size on hand, regardless of hosting or travelling for the session.

Anecdotal Narrative

Glove Dispensary
Figure 3-2: XS to XL

To ensure correct fit, the supply cabinet or bag should contain XS to XL size gloves.

Peter was a horse-hung-silver-fox-pocket-otter-gym-rat with no hang ups regarding masculinity. I had watched him top eager bottoms in his signature pink gloves for three days at Fist Fest. I knew his small hands would work wonders inside my hole. I approached him at breakfast on the final day of the event.

"Hey! You got any room on your dance card for me today?" I asked.

"Absolutely. I've been eyeing your hole for days" he responded and followed up with "I want to sink my elbow into you!"

"Great! Let's do this. But first, you gotta tell me what's the deal with the pink gloves?"

"I'm married to a non-fister. Obviously, we play separate; however, our agreement is that we wear protection when playing with others. Since most guys don't have XXL condoms or XS gloves, I provide my own." He continued, "I accidentally bought pink gloves several years ago, and it garnered so many comments that I've never bought any other color since."

"So, your condoms are pink, too?" I asked since I hadn't seen him topping with his cock.

"One could only hope that pink condoms would come in King size, but alas, you'll have to settle for transparent."

"So, I get both your hands and dick?"

"Both hands and dick? I'm not sure that's possible, but we can do jack-in-the-box. I've seen your hole, and I'm gonna jack-hammer the fuck out of you!"

We chatted a little more and sat up a play date for the afternoon. It was a great way to finish off the festival: pummeled in pink. The next time I ran out of gloves, I ordered pink replacements in honor of that epic event.

— FF Chronicles: 18.04.0275

Practices Explained

Who: Top

When: Throughout Session

What: Hygiene

Most venues are not built with post-fisting clean-up in mind. Sinks may be too shallow to wash. Soap may be unavailable. Faucets may have restricted water output.

Outdoor venues or semi-public areas usually lack proper clean-up facilities.

Bring and wear gloves when playing at these venues—especially if you are fisting more than one person.

Anecdotal Narrative

Eagle Bar Amsterdam has Limited Washrooms
Figure 3-5: Limited Facilities

Glove use decreases clean-up time and cross contamination of bottoms in venues with limited washing facilities.

I coordinated my first trip to Amsterdam to coincide with the Dirty Dicks monthly fisting party at the Amsterdam Eagle. I packed a small gear bag with lube, poppers, and gloves and headed to the venue to play.

The event did not disappoint. I bottomed for four different guys and topped six. Unfortunately, I only brought four pair of gloves. This led to a little predicament with Rene, my last bottom.

"I'd love to feel your guts when we are done with him" I told Rene as we alternated our hands in and out of Jon's gaping hole.

"Great, I'll go get ready" he replied and promptly disappeared to prep himself and lay claim to a sling.

Meanwhile, Jon had enough pummeling and called for a break-break. I cleaned him up and thanked him for the pleasure of playing inside him, S2S. Then I headed to the bathroom to clean up.

Although I hadn't noticed before (since I had worn gloves), the sink was incredibly shallow and the water only stayed on for a few seconds at a time. Jon was into width-play, so my arms were lube free, but it took ten minutes to completely wash just my hands. After finishing, I hustled out to the sling to delve into Rene's fagpit.

"I was beginning to think you had stood me up" Rene said as I approached.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that cleaning up after Jon would take so much work. The sinks here are shallow and leave much to be desired."

"Well, my desire is for your hand and arm. And my hole, it is anything but shallow! Push it in."

The rest is history.

— FF Chronicles: 18.12.0323

Fisting Associated Chems

The following non-comprehensive list includes commonly used psychotropic drugs in the fisting community. Specific harm reduction techniques are provided for each listed chem.


All Chems



Relaxation or Dissasociation





Inhalation: Sniff, Smoke, or Snort


Insertion: Suppository and Booty Bumps

Ingestion: Tablets and Liquids

Key / Legend


Information regarding the drug is presented in the following format.




Relaxes & Calms

Data Sheet
  • Classification: CNS Depressant
  • Schedule: None (Over the Counter)
  • Street Names: Liquor, Beer
  • Mechanism of Action: Inhibits function of central nervous system
  • Positive: Decreased inhibition, reduction of personal space, euphoria
  • Negative: Nausea, vomitting, loss of conciousness, mood alterations
Drug Image Drug Image

Poppers (Alkyl Nitrites)

Information regarding the drug is presented in the following format.



Alkyl Nitrites

Courage & Relaxes Hole

Data Sheet
  • Classification: Inhalant| Vasodilator | Relaxant
  • Schedule: III | Over-the-Counter Off-Label Usage
  • Street Names: Poppers, Amyl, Nitrates, Propyl-Nitrite, Butyl-Nitrite, Pentyl-Nitrite
  • Mechanism of Action: Relaxes smooth muscle tissue of blood vessels and fist chute
  • Positive: Head rush, Aerosolizedcourage, temporarily relaxed hole, increased sexual desire
  • Negative: Headache, congestion, permanent vision damage, decreased blood pressure, fainting upon standing, hearing loss (ototoxicity), boner killer, increased risk of heart failure when used concurrently with oral boner makers
Drug Image Drug Image


Information regarding the drug is presented in the following format.



Cocaine | Coke

Energy and Stimulation

Data Sheet
  • Classification:
  • Schedule:
  • Street Names:
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Positive:
  • Negative:
Drug Image Drug Image
Harm Reduction Strategies
  • Acknowledge addiction: Rolling Reach Principle (RRP)
  • Avoid use with < AMPLIFICATION DRUGS >
  • < OTHER >

If there is a high risk for injury, overdose, or death with this drug, a warning message will appear in this space.

Ethyl Chloride

Ethyl Chloride is an entry-level drug that is frequently sold alongside poppers. It is an entry level drug and extremely dangerous because of its anesthetic qualities. Most fisters recognize this inhalant as Max Impact.



Ethyl Chloride

Courage & Relaxes Hole

Data Sheet
  • Classification: Inhalant, Topical Anesthetic
  • Schedule: III | Over-the-Counter Off-Label Use
  • Street Names: Max Impact, Aerosol Poppers (Misnomer)
  • Mechanism of Action: Relaxes smooth muscle tissue of blood vessels and fist chute
  • Positive: Aerosolizedcourage, temporarily relaxed hole, increased sexual desire
  • Negative: Decreased level of consciousness, decreased blood pressure, coma, memory loss, depressed respiratory function, death
Drug Image Drug Image
Harm Reduction Strategies
  • Never use alone
  • Acknowledge addiction: Rolling Reach Principle (RRP)
  • Recognize cumulative effects
  • Decline for advanced limit pushing
  • Take only small doses; large doses do not increase effectiveness
  • Avoid use with vasodilators, specifically ingested boner makers
  • Avoid use with depressants
  • Alternate between ethyl chloride and poppers use in session with 25 : 75 ratio (respectively)

Because Ethyl Chloride (Max Impact) is closely associated with/to alkyl nitrites (poppers), many do not realize that it is easy to have a fatal overdose of Ethyl Chloride. An overdose results in organ system failures and death even if others are present to call for emergency services.


Information regarding the drug is presented in the following format.




Reason for Use

Data Sheet
  • Classification:
  • Schedule:
  • Street Names:
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Positive:
  • Negative:
Drug Image Drug Image
Harm Reduction Strategies
  • Acknowledge addiction: Rolling Reach Principle (RRP)
  • Avoid use with < AMPLIFICATION DRUGS >
  • < OTHER >

If there is a high risk for injury, overdose, or death with this drug, a warning message will appear in this space.


Information regarding the drug is presented in the following format.





Data Sheet
  • Classification:
  • Schedule:
  • Street Names:
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Positive:
  • Negative:
Drug Image Drug Image
Harm Reduction Strategies
  • Acknowledge addiction: Rolling Reach Principle (RRP)
  • Avoid use with < AMPLIFICATION DRUGS >
  • < OTHER >

If there is a high risk for injury, overdose, or death with this drug, a warning message will appear in this space.

LSD (Acid)

Information regarding the drug is presented in the following format.




Insight and Disassociation

Data Sheet
  • Classification:
  • Schedule:
  • Street Names:
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Positive:
  • Negative:
Drug Image Drug Image
Harm Reduction Strategies
  • Acknowledge addiction: Rolling Reach Principle (RRP)
  • Avoid use with < AMPLIFICATION DRUGS >
  • < OTHER >

If there is a high risk for injury, overdose, or death with this drug, a warning message will appear in this space.

Marijuana (Pot)

Information regarding the drug is presented in the following format.





Data Sheet
  • Classification:
  • Schedule:
  • Street Names:
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Positive:
  • Negative:
Drug Image Drug Image
Harm Reduction Strategies
  • Acknowledge addiction: Rolling Reach Principle (RRP)
  • Avoid use with < AMPLIFICATION DRUGS >
  • < OTHER >

If there is a high risk for injury, overdose, or death with this drug, a warning message will appear in this space.

MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly)

Information regarding the drug is presented in the following format.




Improved Intimacy

Data Sheet
  • Classification: Stimulant, Hallucinogen
  • Schedule: I
  • Street Names: Molly, Ecstasy, etc.
  • Mechanism of Action: Produces psychotropic effect by increasing activity of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine
  • Positive: feelings of increased energy, pleasure, emotional warmth, and distorted sensory and time perception
  • Negative: Nausea, teeth clenching, blurred vision, chills, sweating, cramps, elevated heart rate and blood pressure
Drug Image Drug Image

Meth | Crystal Meth

Information regarding the drug is presented in the following format.



Crystal Meth

Sexual Appetite

Data Sheet
  • Classification:
  • Schedule:
  • Street Names:
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Positive:
  • Negative:
Drug Image Drug Image
Harm Reduction Strategies
  • Acknowledge addiction: Rolling Reach Principle (RRP)
  • Avoid use with < AMPLIFICATION DRUGS >
  • < OTHER >

If there is a high risk for injury, overdose, or death with this drug, a warning message will appear in this space.

Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms)

Information regarding the drug is presented in the following format.




Reason for Use

Data Sheet
  • Classification:
  • Schedule:
  • Street Names:
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Positive:
  • Negative:
Drug Image Drug Image
Harm Reduction Strategies
  • Acknowledge addiction: Rolling Reach Principle (RRP)
  • Avoid use with < AMPLIFICATION DRUGS >
  • < OTHER >

If there is a high risk for injury, overdose, or death with this drug, a warning message will appear in this space.


Information regarding the drug is presented in the following format.



Drug Name

Reason for Use

Data Sheet
  • Classification:
  • Schedule:
  • Street Names:
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Positive:
  • Negative:
Drug Image Drug Image
Harm Reduction Strategies
  • Acknowledge addiction: Rolling Reach Principle (RRP)
  • Avoid use with < AMPLIFICATION DRUGS >
  • < OTHER >

If there is a high risk for injury, overdose, or death with this drug, a warning message will appear in this space.

Supplemental Chem References

Schedule Description

Description: Drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.

Examples: Heroin, LSD, Marijuana


Description: Drugs with a high potential for abuse, with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence.

Examples: Cocaine, OxyContin, Adderall


Description: Drugs with a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence.

Examples: Vicodin, Tylenol with Codeine, Xanax


Description: Drugs with a low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence.

Examples: Ambien, Valium, Tramadol

Image Description (Title Case)
Image Description (Title Case)
Figure X-1: ADF Fact Sheet and Drug Data Wheel

Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) is Australia’s leading organization committed to inspiring positive change and delivering evidence-based approaches to minimize alcohol and drug harm. They publish resources regarding harm reduction and provide detailed data sheets about individual drugs and their associated categories. Access to their top-tier documentation is available via ADF - Drug Data Sheets.