E X P E R I E N C E    T H E    V O R T E X


Playing within the depth vortex can follow one of two strategies:

  • Exporation and Discovery | Under this method, Finn will sit back, relax, and allow you to explore his hole at your pace. This strategy is dependent upon your experience level, the exhaustion level of the hole, the level of confidence he has in your skills, the trust between the two of you, the desired penetration depth, and your general demeanor. You set the pace and intensity (within reason).
  • Guided Tour and Directed Play | This strategy is often used with novice and virgin fisters. Finn controls the pace and provides you with instructions as needed for you to increase your depth inside him.

Your pre-play communication will often be the determining factor for the selection of the methodology.

Background: Preparing to Experience the Vortex

Once you've set up a play date with Finn, here are some basics that may improve the quality of your session.

This section is still under development. The outline below suggests the content that may appear on this page at a future date.

Development Outline For This Section

Background: Preparing to Experience the Vortex

Establishing a Similar Mindset

Banter: Sexting Basics and Rationale

Meeting & Connection: What to Expect

Establishing Trust: Activities to Set His Mind at Ease

Revelations: Skills Check, Experience Check, STI History & Practices

Hole Preparations: How his Clean-out Routine Affects Play

Pre Insertion Strategies: Understanding Reference Points and Warm Up Procedures

Session Goals & Hole Goals: Expecation Management & Menu Offerings

Training and Conditioning: Fisting 101 for Tops and Bottoms

Hedonisitic Communion: Traditional and Standard Fisting Practices

Trailblazing and Discovery: Opening His Hole Beyond Existing Capabilities

Depth Advice

In this section: Anal Canal / First Hole | Rectum / Second Hole | Sigmoid | Descending / Third Hole | Transverse

The following instructions provide general practices and guidelines for entry into the hole. Due to skill levels, comfort levels, and the unique size and bone structure, actual processes may vary.


My Perspective

Other Perspectives

Anal Canal / First Hole (Ring)

Anal Canal
Finn Vortex (Me)

Lube-up your left hand by applying a generous amount of lube to the inside/outside of your fingers and then by stroking my taint and hole to spread the lube to the rest of your hand.

This procedure has the effect of relaxing my hole for penetration and builds some trust with your touch at a subconscious level. You will also need to apply lube all the way up your forearm before entering.

The correct application of lube at this stage is important to me mentally, so here are some pointers:

  • I prefer pure K-Lube without additives over other types of lube. If my hole is agitated by the lube, then the session ends early.
  • Keep the lube off my cock and balls. I don't like the mess, and I sometimes enjoy your mouth on my cock as you approach greater depths.
  • Make sure lube is applied liberally to the cheeks around the hole so that there is no drag when the widest part of your hand penetrates me.
  • Let me hold the lube bottle and spray bottle so that I can give you additional lube or freshen it up without you having to worry about making the bottle(s) sticky.

Skip the 'starting slow business' (with one finger, then two, etc.). I'll have already power-douched, so my hole is ready for something more. Start out with three to the third knuckle.

Take a few seconds to massage the hole and locate the opening to the rectum, then quickly move to four within 15 to 30 seconds, and then all five.

Hand Size: Small

Enter the hole with your hand slightly twisted to the right so that it appears like a forward slash ( / ). Use a modified duck-bill hand (thumb laid across palm) to move quickly past the first ring. Don't spend a lot of time stretching, poking, and prodding. He'll tell you that hurts, or you'll see him wince slightly.

Hand Size: Medium / Large

You are going to need to go in vertical to the crack and twist slightly to your left if it's your right and to your right if it's your left hand. You'll feel some resistance but once you've knocked on the door three times, he'll open up and swallow your wrist.

Hand Size: Extra-Large

Meaty paws can enter vertically without duckbill positioning.

Hand Size: Any

Be aware that he jumps a little when your skin first touches his—like he's not expecting it. This may happen all throughout the play session each time you re-enter after any pause in touching.


My Perspective

Other Perspectives

Rectum / Second Hole (Ring)

Finn Vortex (Me)

Once your fist is past the first ring, go about two inches up your forearm to reach a position that is comfortable for me to rest and get accommodated to your hand.

There are two paths you can take at this juncture: rectal stretch or sigmoidal crawl. Your hand size, your skill level, my last play session, the type and size of toys recently used, and your sequence in a threesome or group session will determine which pathway you follow.


The rectal stretch is the easier of the two paths for all hand sizes. If you are a novice top, or if you are immediately following another fister or oversized toy, you will need to follow this path.

Twist your hand so that it is palm down. This twist may cause me some discomfort, but it makes passing over the sacrum easier. Tease and gently prod the rectum until the pathway opens up, then continue pressing forward until you are a few inches away from your elbow. Be aware I will grimmace as you pass over the sacrum.

Make a visual note of this resting position, as the remainder of the session will involve returning here after depth plunges.

I will verbally guide you deeper following a popper inhalation sequence that recalibrates my breathing. My verbal cues are accompanied by simple hand signals that are easy to follow. I will likely ask you to shift position of your arm to decrease pressure on the pelvic inlet and sacrum/iliac crest.


If you are the first or only hand inside me during a session, you can locate the second ring and sigmoid just inside the rectum. If I'm on my back, it will be to your right. You will need to spend a decent amount of time pulling the ring over your fingers before you continue with pushing to the right.

Hand Size: Small / Medium

Whether you ball up or stay duckbilled, you'll need identify his resting places both above and below the sacrum. The lower resting spot is about two inches up your wrist; the higher resting spot is two inches from the elbow.

It's usually a quick trip over the sacrum to the second resting spot. Once you are there, he'll tell you to stop. He'll also tell you when to go deeper; which will correlate to a slow, rythmic breathing pattern. Coordinate your inward push with his inhalation; starting with a gradual increase of pressure on his third popper hit.


It's a real trick to find the second ring and scissor it on to your lowest knuckles. It must be done low in the rectum; otherwise, the rectum will convert to stretch mode and make sigmoidal penetration impossible.

Hand Size: Large / Extra-Large

Your are likely limited to the Rectal Stretch pathway. It's best that you stop and have him hit the poppers before you get to the sacrum. Once across the sacrum, you will feel your arm restricted by his anatomy (it may start to go numb). Pistoning here at the final rest stop helps train his hole for deeper play; even if you can't go deeper due to the size of your forearm.

Hand Size: Any

Avoid rapid movements or fast twisting. If you see him raising his hips or twisting to the side, it means your forearm is causing unnecessary pressure on internal bones/organs—drop your arm so that it is parallel or slightly lower than the fist chute.

At elbow depths in the Rectal Stretch method, you will feel the stitches on your first or second knuckle. Your wrist will be bent ninety degrees, you will feel like there is no more room to proceed. Small rotations of the arm on the retraction will open this space up for additional depth.

Make note of your entrance methodology: you will need to do the same positioning of your arm and fist during your retraction.


My Perspective

Other Perspectives


Finn Vortex (Me)

If you used the rectal stretch method, you will be past the sacrum and nearly elbow deep before you start any movement into the sigmoid. It is highly likely that you will not get the sigmoid to straigten enough for entry past your second knuckle.


While still inside the rectum and below the sacrum, gradually work all four fingers and the thumb into the sigmoid by scissoring the fingers and pulling the sigmoid down. This will cause me some discomfort, so pay attention to my face and body language.

Once the thumb is inside the ring and past the knuckle, do gradual pushes to allow the ring to accept your hand and wrist.

After you pass the ring, you approach the most risky and painful area for me (the sacrum/iliac crest).

Hand Size: Small / Medium / Large

Continue the scissoring motion you started in the rectum until the second ring is past the thumb. Make sure your hand is palm down before continuing across the sacrum. Let him popper up to relax the meso-colon structures keeping the colon in place.

Make sure you are lubed up to near elbow depths before you start the push.

Hand Size: Any

Since you are already elbow deep, try and straighten while at the high forearm resting point. It is likely that you will only get second or third knuckle deep before the curve disallows further progression.


My Perspective

Other Perspectives

Descending / Third Hole (Ring)

Finn Vortex (Me)

I feel the least amount of discomfort in this area when your arm is extended (to decrease it's girth) and parallel to or 15% below my torso. Intrusion into this terriritory can sometimes trigger short bouts of discomfort, similar to taking a fist for the first time. Avoid quick movements, except when directed.

Generally, when I ask you to pull out, it needs to be at a faster pace than insertion. I'll let you know what is too slow or too fast as you retract past the sacrum and curves in the sigmoid.

Hand Size: Small / Medium

The mobile portions of the upper sigmoid and lower descending have extended above the upper descending, creating a p-trap configuration of the fist chute. Your wrist and hand will be in an inverse U. Try straightening your hand to eliminate the p-trap. Watch his body language and listen to verbal commands as your torso and head may not be in a position to observe all non-verbal signs of discomfort.

Hand Size: Large

It's likely you will only get four fingers into the hairpin curve because the narrow nature of the channel.

Very shallow pistoning with slow twisting of the hand may help open up fistchute to eventually accept the thumb and palm.

Hand Size: Extra-Large

N/A | Not accessible as of 01 February 2023.

Hand Size: Any

Maintain the 15˚ angle of entry. Rotate the olecranon process clockwise to up to the 10 - 10:30 position. This is most easily accomplished by realigning your torso to face away from his body.

Blood circulation in your arm may be compromised at this point and nerve compression may result in loss of sensation. Try to remain as deep as possible for as long as possible.


My Perspective

Other Perspectives


Finn Vortex (Me)

This territory is undergoing conditioning in order to accept a hand. Trailblazing and endurance toys are used for this activity. Presense of any foreign object in the transverse will cause some discomfort.

Hand Size: Any

N/A | Not accessible as of 01 February 2023.

Width Advice

In this section: Anal Canal / First Hole | Rectum / Second Hole

The following instructions provide general practices and guidelines for double entry into the hole. Due to skill levels, comfort levels, and the unique size and bone structure, actual processes may vary.


My Perspective

Other Perspectives

Anal Canal / First Hole (Ring)

Anal Canal
Finn Vortex (Me)

Insert your right hand first by following the depth fisting procedures outlined for entry into the anal. Once past the first ring, proceed two inches up your forearm to reach a position that is comfortable for me to rest and get accommodated to your hand. Flip the hand to a palm down position.

Massage the exterior of my hole with your second hand with moderate pressure to the taint. This will also help ensure your second hand is sufficiently lubed.

Allow me to inhale some poppers and wait for a slow eight-count before starting progression.

Slide the left hand under the right hand at the base of my hole. If necessary, slide back-and-forth between 4:30 and 8:30 while applying extreme pressure.


Ready yourself behind me, lubing up both hands and keeping them moist.

Allow me to mount the Goliath XXXL toy (from Mr. Hankey's Toys) and observe for a few minutes as I swallow the toy and ride it up and down.

Upon my direction, be prepared to insert the right hand instantaneously after I dismount Goliath. Make sure your hand is in the correct position for your hand size as specified in the depth instructions.

As soon as your right hand fully clears the ring, begin insertion of your left hand. The thumb will slide into the crevice of your palm. Adjust and slide your hand back-and-forth until the wrist slides past the first ring. This will require substancial force.

Hand Size: Any

The key to entry is the position of the second hand. In order to clear the bones of the pelvic outlet, follow the hand positioning Finn provides you with.


Finn Vortex (Me)

Avoid going into the second hole because that triggers a different set of nerves and a different mindsent.

Hand Size: Any

Beware that his second ring will open up to invite you in. If you go there, your girth fisting adventure will end.

Stay out!

Specialty Advice

In this section: Hand Off | Potato Sack | Fisty-nine | Jack-in-the-Box | Chariot | Dog Sled | Double Decker

The following instructions provide general practices and guidelines for specialty fisting. Due to skill levels, comfort levels, and the unique sizes and bone structures, actual processes may vary.

Instructional Videos

In this section: Roadmap: Elbow Greased | Roadmap II: Doubled Up

Roadmap: Elbow Greased (Finn's Depth Demonstration)

Coming soon...

Vortex Productions

Fist Club Studios

Roadmap: Elbow Greased

Cast & Crew

Receptor:Finn Vortex
Inserter(s):In Casting
Director:James Marshall
Editor:Ery King
Screenplay:Jason W Riterly
Lighting/Effects:John Apple
Cinematography:John Apple

Roadmap II: Doubled-Up (Finn's Width Demonstration)

Coming soon...

Vortex Productions

Fist Club Studios

Roadmap II: Doubled-Up

Cast & Crew

Receptor:Finn Vortex
Inserter(s):In Casting
Director:James Marshall
Editor:Ery King
Screenplay:Jason W Riterly
Lighting/Effects:John Apple
Cinematography:John Apple


Previous Road Maps / Instructional Guides:

This section is still under development. Please return later once updates are published.